I guess you’ve checked this, but… could it be a difference in how damage reduction is calculated? Most NPCs have negligible armor, so a change wouldn’t be noticeable, but a change in the formula at the highest end would be easily noticeable.
Whatever happened, three T1-T3 Accursed mobs seem more powerful than a world boss. And not just because of the armor, but the damage they deal too.
Also, they wear these brutal Star Metal hammers and you really can feel the pain they bring.
Yea, I checked, it’s still the same as it was, but those accursed / cimmerians always had some decent armor (around 60-70% damage reduction, but this is not new) Gonna check if the fittings are somehow different, thou I don’t think so.
I mean… it would be easy if I could reproduce it but like I said I can’t… Maybe some of them drink some secret armor potions
(temporary buffs would be one explanation if they made some weird system that buffs them under certain circumstances)
I used to do around 120 damage to an average Accursed with my axe. Now I do an average of 17 points of damage per hit. The weapon stats have not changed.
What’s so special about The Wyrd? I haven’t figured that weapon out yet.
It has pretty decent armor penetration, 41% with master weapon fitting + 64 dmg. Although I prefer this one
The Wyrd?
There is nothing special about it.
It’s just the one I am using. I gave Momentum to my Berserker.
Hmm… sadly on SIPTAH, some recipes are not given. Can’t even tell, if the master Weapon Fitting is possible there.
It is though it’s a random end chest loot in vaults and possibly from combining schematics. Can be very rare.
Maybe try fighting the accursed naked with the Jhebbal Sag hunter warpaint. Would be rather amusing if they somehow inherited the code from the event mobs.
I have absolutely noticed an increase in their defense. Their armor is insane now. Use high armor pen weapons.
Accursed berserkers damage has also been insanely buffed apparently. One of them killed me and both of my high level berserker thrall in one hit earlier.
Cool story…
for the price of
Seems like the mystery has been solved You guys were right, it only affects lower tier members of the Cimmerian faction and that’s something that my spreadsheet would also miss since it doesn’t expect duplicate entries of the same thing.
Wow. No wonder that Accursed Fighter 1 was such a fight!
That was some excellent detective-work. I appreciate you taking the time to figure it out even though we could provide just vague descriptions and the numbers seemed to state that we were wrong.
On Isle of Siptah I (5k gaming hours, max gear and thrall)) recently wanted to show a mate where to get Accursed Berserkers. We went to the Leyshrine of the Goblinoid, my usual zerker thrall hunting place. All NPCs around the Shrine showed normal resistance. But, when we attacked the Accursed Berserker inside with fitted steel truncheons, he dealt more damage than usual - felt like twice as much damage. My mate and his thrall got killed, my thrall (also Berserker) was left with a rest of 22/4122 HP. If Xevyr’s spreadsheet is correct, then Funcom changed some other values or bugged it… But nothing wonders me anymore with Funcom, like the 26k Werhyena from that event
That’s a tanky boi.
They’re not only tankier, but they deal so much damage I just avoid the Accursed camps altogether.
I can attack a Stygian Invader camp head on, kill a world boss or clear an Elder Vault with no problem, but three low tier Accursed with hammers/axes are just too much.
so i switched my fighter thralls to high armor pen hammers and it seems to help a little.
There is something going on for sure.
Cimmerians are now also way too much. Almost got framed and lost thrall to one T1 dancer and T2 Cimmerian figter, because I was not expecting them doing that much dmg. Something has changed, 100% sure.