Heading in the wrong direction when it comes to building size and decor

So plentiful I don’t need to farm them. Just loot for exploring/doing challenges. You do you but I have chests of gold and silver. Although it may be time to farm the dregs for some ichor, get rid of a few of these keys. But I’m not short of it.

:grimacing: speed bump. And pray tell just how is the game intended to be played?

3 floors isn’t massively vertical. I build a hat box. My latest is crab variant to take advantage of raiders.
The size is big enough for a map room. first floor is crafting tables, second is greater wheel and personal quarters, third is the maproom.

As long as I don’t move my fps doesn’t change, but NPCs get weird, as do thralls. And a few; not all , build just pop in bit by bit. Wish we still had access to the debugHUD so I could be sure.

READ THE TOC. Look at the examples given. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right.
Those example of huge builds funcom shows are on private servers.
funcom offers up a lot of cosmetics so you can build in a style you like. not to use it all like some crazed consumer.
YOU are an example of the biggest issue with PVE. The public servers are public, not yours to build on as you see fit. That is why they are always telling you to read the TOC.

:ox: :poop:

“Manager, I want the manager, Manager!” :roll_eyes:

There was another exploit with placing in the same spot and you could do this indefinitely and then you blast it, immediate server crash = i.e. crash box. AFAIK this has not been fixed yet but I could be wrong.

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Using the T3 stations they provide for the game, duh.

That is debatable, especially to what degree is considered “investigation”. While they claim to do so, there’s been demonstrable proof that they do not do a thorough job if at all. I’m not going to get into all the specifics but you’re welcome to view my discussions with others’ on the forums.

It’s actually quite easy to exploit Zendesk. Report meta and mass reporting being 2 of the most devastating things to the PVP community. When you add in sly report methods as well, it makes the whole situation convoluted and unfair.

Maybe hard locking a specific distance from the initial foundation on Officials could work

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Yeah you actually can’t just cram whatever you want into a TOS and have it fly. It has to be reasonable and there are still consumer protection laws that override any terms.

My base is hardly the biggest on my server.

This seems to be what you mean by TOS (and not the EULA): https://funcom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406521643668-Official-Server-Rules-of-Conduct-and-Guidelines

Point out where it says something that supports your assertions (that you should build vertically, only use the bare minimum space and building pieces, not use T3 crafting stations with thralls, not use ornamentals because it causes server lag (pretty much everything you described sounded like your computer is lagging = not fast enough).

In the prior years I would have agreed with you. But the increase in staff has increased by far. The cries were heard. Ive seen and spoke with a moderator well he was conducting an investigation.

The said person was out of line and breaking the build rules.

Ive been on the end of the ban hammer twice. Have had long enduring email conversations, to agun the understanding of what I was doing wrong. Even though I wasnt bothering anyone, if I was allowed to do then everyone would do it and eventually soneone would be here crying about it.

We have console players bashing with pc players when we are on too different clients here. Many of the things we can get banned for on xbox and playstation are not bannable on PC.

Or gate stacking :roll_eyes::grimacing: sit there and blow through a hundred stacks of gate was ughhhhhh ughhhhhhh lol

I would beg to differ on this.

While I’m not going to discount your experiences or that PC and console may be different to a degree, the ToC, it’s enforcement and subsequent lack of clarification or reasoning behind suspensions and bans has been by and large a huge disappointment. I’m putting it lightly.

The community has seen little to absolutely no explanation for suspensions and bans since fall of 2021. Prior to that, absolutely, I have received reasoning and accepted my suspension. After that? No, and the majority of the community that has been actioned on would probably say the same.

About 4 months ago there was a clear example of their lack of review with enforcement of the ToC. A PVPer posted here the video that was used to ban him and a video he took of the same interaction.

Any PC PVPer would have agreed with him that it wasn’t anything they did. It was lag. But Funcom dismissed their appeal anyway.

This is just 1 example of the many people who were actioned on without reason, myself included.

Understandable, Ill agree that the subjects should be clarified more. And Seperated as seperate entities between console and pc.

Im also going to assume its also which member of the staff handles the claim. Ive had bad interactions and ive had good ones myself.

I guess I’d rather see hard coded limits on land claim size and the number of building pieces and placeables on a land claim than subjective enforcement of vague rules that can be gamed by mass reporting and false reporting and that vary depending on who is judging the report.

If it fits within the objective limits, it’s allowed. If it doesn’t, the game itself prevents placement.

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Let me absolutely clear, this game is amazing. The devs have put in amazing work to realize it, new changes notwithstanding.

However, that does not mean they don’t make mistakes and the devs don’t have any control over decisions regarding moderation of Official Servers, the ToC or its enforcement. This is an entirely separate team and one of which is small.

There are about 780 official servers to moderate (used to be over 1000). I think we can use deductive reasoning and our interactions with the staff via tickets that it would impossible to moderate them to a satisfactory degree with such little oversight.

Many things need to change. But unlikely as I’d tend to agree with even @DeaconElie that the game is going into maintenance mode.


what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

:man_facepalming: :coin: :fish:

Didn’t say TOS or EULA.

I never said any of that.
You’re one of those people that has to paraphrase everything to fit your narrative, aren’t you?

And my PC runs at a pretty consistent 70fps, even
the city
next door
renders in.

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I wasn’t even replying to you so you are basically saying you are defending what I was replying to which was:

(meaning it’s ok for a clan to have all the stations and space for purges etc. but not solo/duo/trio players)

Yeah we aren’t going to get along. You can’t stick to what you say and try to imply reasonable paraphrasing is somehow a distortion.

How do you know that ornamentals are causing server lag? Your PC is locked at 70 FPS what is getting slow and how do you know it’s ornamentals causing it?

Good luck bud, I’ll add some ornamentals for you. Clearly you’d rather argue than have a discussion.

You quoted my posts, how were you NOT replying to me?

Reasonable paraphrasing doesn’t change the meaning of what you are paraphrasing.
You do get being wrong in your paraphrasing just proves you don’t understand what is being written, right?

Any animated ornamental; and that includes torches, can cause lag, animated work stations cause lag, animated thralls cause lag. It’s the server that keeps all that going not your PC. Your PC just renders it.

Thing is you don’t seem to know the difference between server lag and GPU lag. NPCs acting badly is server lag, NPC skips and jumps, server lag, bench freezes, server lag. Keeps popping in bit by bit because they are slow loading, server lag. As long as my FPS remains consistent it’s server lag.

Now if I run up to some over lit keep with dozens of waving bushes and and dozens of occupied sacrificial stones and my FPS drops to 10, well that is a GPU issue, but still a TOC violation.

Clearly you read what you think and not what was written.

since we have this extremely high farming rates the servers have become more horrible. On my servers are so many big bases with spam and one base is using a whole square. I think as long as the rates are so high that u get 20k stone in 1minute we will have this problem.

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PVP servers should self weed out. That was the intent anyways. Fast rise and faster falls.

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That’s not how it works. The animation of a torch is 100% completely done on the client, the server does not do any part of it. Not sure what an animated workstation is, but none of that would take place on the server. Presumably the same with the animation of thralls at stations, there would be no reason for any part of that to take place on the server.

Is your blacksmith swinging hammer. How can you not be sure what an animated workstation is :man_facepalming:

The server controls AI. Your thralls are controlled by the server AI.
Your GPU renders the picture the game tells it to, the server tells the game what to do.
When an NPC wanders in to your thrall aggro, and your thralls react, it doesn’t matter if any one is there to render it.

All your GPU does is render the scene your game tells it to, that is following the directions the server is giving it.