I understand that everyone in game forums in an expert on game design, but you misunderstand the client-server paradigm.
The server plays absolutely no part in animating a torch at all. It does not do anything except send the information that there is a torch object there. The client does all the animation and lighting. It might as well be a static item as far as the server is concerned. At the most the server could be aware of the lighting (extremely extremely unlikely) but the animation? Absolutely not!
You said “animated station” separately:
animated work stations cause lag, animated thralls cause lag.
So I wasn’t sure what you meant by animated work stations.
There is no reason for the server to have anything at all to do with animations of a thrall at a station, and I would be extremely surprised if the game were designed that way.
In the case of the torches I am 100% sure the server does not do any part of animating the torch. Even if it did, it would simply synchronize the animation between clients, which would take a trivial amount of resources, and which there would be no reason to do because different clients don’t need the torch animations synchronized. The client does the torch animation.
As for thralls at stations I am 80% sure the server plays no part (there’s not even collision detection on them) and if it does play any part it’s trivial and takes almost no resources.
Idle animations on thralls not at stations? It’s possible the server synchronizes these so all people see the same thing. Like telling the client what dance a dancer is doing. This would not take much in the way of server resources. The overwhelming bulk of the work as far as doing the animation is done in the client.
In a game, client-server communication is optimized to be the absolute bare minimum. The client is trusted to an extent even in server-authoritative games. I don’t think Conan Exiles is even server-authoritative for most things. Conan is an older game which has to optimize how little is sent from the server to the client to work at all. It doesn’t send each frame of an animation. In fact, no 3D game has ever worked that way I’m pretty confident to say.