Like 95% of foods were worthless tbh. Aloe soup, Hearty Stew, Religious meals were the go to, The rest were useless for healing comparably.

Like 95% of foods were worthless tbh
To a point your not wrong but at least some of the foods healed a bit more then some of the others like feast healed for more then Honey it wasn’t a lot more and it wasn’t as much as aloe soup but it was more.
I’m a PVE player mostly. On our server I mostly also solo. We sometimes group up. I like the changes overall, though I think they need tweaked. And I have confidence that they will be tweaked over the next few weeks.
I will usually always side against easy-mode and I think the game has been too much on the “easy mode” side of things for a while.
Im a PVE player on PS4 and have been playing coming up on a year on a private server and im not happy with these latest changes. Im 49 years old, love the game but so much has been nerfed. The human thralls & animals. The inventory of suggested foods is now missing. Ive changed foods multiple times and you can go up 5 levels and no changes to HP on horses. For thralls theirs weird follower stats like “Angry Drunk” have no clue why at LV 15. Due to the changes thralls die quickly due to slow healing or disappear and dont return home past the 15 mins.
While I agree the horses were a bit OP its so disappointing to have spent so many hours on learning armor, weapons etc to now working hard trying to even managing HP just to survive while training.
I see much convo and threads on PC & PVP.
Many games originators outside this game always look for improvements, I get it but to me…this was not a small fix, this was a complete chop off the block and I dont find it amusing.
Minor changes are one thing and a few were needed for so called “Balance” its not easy and I can adapt to change, but no matter what ive tried, its become not challenging, but frustrating and I do follow many youtube CE players but again, its PVP or PC players.
For soloists. Its fun and a break from life, but this to me at this point is making me scratch my head and seems like more work than its worth. I found it so much fun to rush home from work to play & research how to improve and kept notes, now its a well hmm, Ive tried this and that and feel like im getting no where fast.
Croms. I Agree with all youve said. I share the same sentiment.
The previous two days I only used bandages. Today I finally tried the extract and yeah, they need to do something about the movement speed there. I had to run pretty far to be able to use one potion before my enemies caught up with me.
I completely agree. I don’t even necessarily think that the issue stems from pushing the mechanics to be more bandage/ Aloe potion heavy. But from how weak passive healing has been made. I find myself constantly consuming honey now, and i’m not really sure what the benefit of other foods are at the moment, since they don’t actively heal you.
Passive healing seems to now be directly tied to hunger. But it’s not a very nuanced correlation. It’s literally are you fully fed? then you get 1 point of health every 3 seconds. Taking you upwards of 15+ minutes to fully heal when not in combat, if you don’t happen to have aloe. This turns hunger into a binary system with 99 wasted integers. You keep yourself fully fed, or you don’t heal. Which means i’m literally hitting whatever button I stowed my food like every six seconds to stay at 100% hunger.
I feel that your passive healing should scale with your percentage of hunger, being alot faster at 100%, and slowly degrade over time. instead of just yes you’re healing, very slowly, or no, not at all.
I feel like these decisions diminish the experience for new players, making it a lot less accessible for people starting off. Only being able to really heal after you can make a cauldron, and then taking like X amount of minutes to make one aloe potion is pretty daunting. The way it is now, combat is also a chore, and players may be less incentivized to take chances, Climbing mountains becomes a lot more dangerous, and that risk aversion in general would stop me from exploring as much as I loved to early on. And this game has enough risk and challenge as it is.
I see what balance was attempted here, and I don’t necessarily dislike the direction, but there have to be more elegant ways to implement these changes, I don’t think this is it.
This new healing system will make the PVP and game overall more boring. It was hard to fight outnumbered before, but now it will be impossible. Also, it will be a slow phase PVP people will rather not take a fight than take it.
That hasn’t been my experience at all so far. Its true that trying to be a super hero and taking on 3 or 4 people by yourself is a lot harder, but I don’t see that as a bad thing.
Please, keep feedback about these changes in its thread:

Hey Exiles, Please use this thread to send any feedback regarding our progression balancing and PVP changes announcement. Original announcement: Update (11.09.2020) Updated information on PVP granularity and changes coming to official PVP servers. See this response. Update (14.09.2020) There was a mistake in some of the settings and it’s been corrected in the F.A.Q. Corrected settings are RestrictPvPBuildingDamageTime RestrictPvPTime The old settings mentioned (Time-RestrictPvPBuilding…