Hello, I am new, would someone give me tips about how to progress and where should i build my base?


I apologize if this is the wrong place but i am a bit lost in the game.

Could anyone give me tips on where to start, which attributes to prioritize early game and where to set a base?


Welcome exile :hugs:.

Although you’ll find plenty guides of what is best, i would suggest you to start the game single player and not online. The reasons are many but i will stick to the most important which is battle performance.
Only with correct performance you will learn the perfect timing of dodge which is your strongest advantage in this game.
Only with correct performance you will learn how to evade and hiw to counter attacks.
Only with correct performance, you will learn what weapon is best for each situation and dominate these lands easily.
So single player is my first suggestion.

You can start north of the starting river, find a peaceful spot, stay close to the water and start building your shelter. You better dominate thus area first before you proceed to others. Many could hint you to go near to Sepermeru, but i won’t.
My friend these starting days are the best days of your gaming time in this game. Don’t rush it, enjoy it.
This game has 2 teleport systems, late game you can have a base literally everywhere. Late game you gather materials like a bulldoze with trucks.
So take your time, live the agony and enjoy the hell of it. Your “crafter” spot is Sinner’s refuge and you can have fighters from Darfari tribe. Cannibal brute and Tugra are decent thralls, especially for this area.

For a veteran player, agility is priority, because he knows the map and he runs all over the map from day one.
For a new player strength is better, it gives both harder hits and more carrying ability.
There for, start
First 5 strength,
next five, vitality
Next five grit
Next five expertise
Next 10 strength
You can go lvl 30 in a few hours in the starting river just by going around crafting and testing each stone weapon available and killing mostly mobs. Humanoids (npcs) do not give a lot xp so avoid these unnecessary fights if you can.
Fix some sandstorm toilets and place marks on the map for them just in case a sandstorm comes. If however you find your self away from these 1x1 shelters, bandages will keep you alive in a sandstorm. So carry always 50 fiber with you to repair your torch and fix bandages for these occasions .
Play all the weapons, lights are combo breakers and spam attacks. Heavy attacks, are heavy but expose you to your opponents, so learn combos, don’t simply spam attacks, take your time.

Bedrolls are your best friends.
Carry aloe leaves with you and fix only the weak aloe potions you need, 6 is good. Healing potions are heavy and you need your encumbrance for better things.
Try to fight while your encumbrance is green or yellow, you are more flexible. Avoid fights with red encumbrance.
Use shield in times .
Have fun :metal:.


Thank you so much. I appreciate your help and your feedback.

Right now i am just level 11, i am near the river and i am struggling with Hyenas. Crocodriles are tough but they are slow. I found the Sinner’s camp and i found Brimstone inside the cave and gave me a lot of xp.

What lever should I be before I go deeper into the map? :slight_smile:
Again, thank you so much for your help.

As for weapons, so far i am enjoying the ahility weapons more. But again, hyenas are tough.

By the way, i am playing Single player pve by the moment. Ill keep it that way as i enjoy the game way more .


Aren’t we all? I remember seeing a greater hyena, it use to be called corrupted and run away like a girl screaming on the way :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Hyenas have a jump attack (heavy) and then plain straight bites (light) .
You can learn the timing and dodge this attack. Spears keep away hyenas :wink:, just spam lights and you’ll crush them as they stand still!
For crocodiles use mace, 3 lights last heavy, dodge take distance, retrieve stamina, repeat. Use mace on shelbacks too, the same combo and kill them before they know it.
Later on you will be able to fix a short sword and focus on agility, you will enjoy killing everything by switching opponents in each hit and keeping them all staggered.

At least 30.

If you insist on agility then do it with style :upside_down_face:.
 Light, heavy heavy dodge back
Javelins, 3 lights dodge back
Claws. Heavy, light, light, heavy.
Agility helps you retrieve your stamina really fast. It helps you move, climb, swim faster.
Fix a small cabin. Place only your bed inside and a couple chests.
Put all your work benches outside, they don’t need shelter, only you do.

You will. The whole map is literally yours.
Every spawn. Every item, all yours.
If the game f
k you, you can retrieve the unfair from admin panel if you wish. For example yesterday with the new update, in the last stage of sunken city, the gates closed before i exit. The game f
k me.
So i went admin panel and teleport outside. Bugs exist but ways to fight them exist too.
Feel free to ask whatever you wish it’s only joy, thank you!


Thank you so much.I will follow your advices :). I appreciate your replies.


Building a real base along the noob river is a trap. There is very little iron there and you will need lots of iron as you progress. In addition, once you have progressed some, you will have to travel a long ways for the resources you need and to find worthy foes.

Build a small shack with a bed, box and fire, then go exploring. Put a bedroll down when you get to a new area. When you find a good spot with plenty of iron nearby, then you can start a real base with crafting stations. Somewhere along the river in the 6 row of the map will be good.


You are already an experienced exile, you are proficient with iron tools and will soon be able to make iron weapons. It’s quite possible to go north of the river and kill the rocknoses - this way you’ll level up faster.

I remember myself when I started playing. I didn’t know anything, moved at random, was afraid of crocodiles and angry shalebackes. Then I came across Nunu, learned the Yog religion and joyfully galloped to the Darfari cannibals: ‘Guys, accept me, I’m yours!’ Well, they accepted me
 I barely left alive, I ran for a long time


Thank you. I noticed that i need a lot of Iron, so like you said, i had to travel long ways to get iron around the map.

A little update: My current base is currentely H 5,- G 5. Near the Sinners refugee more or less.

I’ve been able to find Brimstone near that place and some gossamer too. Lack of enemies to get xp and lack of Iron. I am currentely level 22

Should I build another base far away once I reach level 30?

I would say that it’s really up to you - it’s perfectly possible to play all of the content with a single base down south (and maybe late on a couple of outposts in strategic locations for faster travel options) - but equally, it can be good to have a main base in any of a wide range of locations. I’d recommend exploring - finding the things you want (like resources) and then deciding whther you want to build somewhere close or not.

One standard recommendation would be to consider having a base close to one of the obelisks, but even that has been superceded by more recent systems, so really the whole map is open in that sense.

A horse is usually one of my priorities, since that makes travel and exploring a good big quicker, plus it can carry some weight for you. Other than that, pretty much anywhere can be good - depending on what you find in the surroundings and what you want from it :slight_smile:


He just needs to go near the tower of the bat. There’s more iron than he will ever need there and it’s a stone thrown away from the noob river .
I’m not saying it’s the best move to build a full fledged base there, but it’s a good spot to start learning the game. :blush:


That’s near the unnamed city i think. What level should i be to be there?

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I am currentely looking for a horse. I already got a barn. Now I need a horse location and I am working on it.

After that, ill look for a thrall because I’ve read it would help me a lot in my progress.

As for the buildings, thank you.


With regard to thralls - your current location is a pretty good one, at least for getting good crafters.

(I can direct you to a horse location if you would like - but I would recommend finding them for yourself if you don’t mind being patient - always more fun to explore :slight_smile: )


Yes, i’ll explore. I want to get familiar with the places and find a potential new base myself :slight_smile:
Thank you.


You don’t need to go to the unamed city. The tower of the bat is not there (it’s not the aviary). Do a google search and you’ll find it. It’s a low level area. :wink:
There are many iron nodes on the base of the tower.

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Regarding the location of the base in pvp or offline, I prefer to make it near some of the obelisks. To start, I would recommend around G -6 because in that area you will have abundant iron and carbon. Obelisks are the fixed points that you can travel to from a map room, yours or another player’s if you have ever linked to them (you approach it and touch it) To make the map room yourself, you have to learn it in the library which is in the nameless city (red zone). It is a great advantage for traveling. Another tip would be to do the slaver mission from the diary that teaches you how to make the purple orbs with which you can put enemies to sleep (ideal to use in sepermeru). You throw one at him
 you wait for the effect to wear off
 you throw another and wait until he falls unconscious. Another tip would be to learn sorcery and upgrade your book until you get the ability to “recover body.” Recover body is to recover the items that your body had without having to travel half the map to look for things before they disappear. Sorry if something does not correspond to the names in English, it is translated with Google translate. Greetings

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And about the horses: now that I discovered camels I prefer them for their carrying capacity (if you put it in the horse farm you can put a saddle on it and use it for loading, but if you put it in the common pet farm it will only be useful for burden :frowning: )

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Thank you. I appreciate your help :). And i understood everything.


Maprooms are just one way (you can travel to the obelisk, but not from the obelisk to the maproom). You can still use them, but they are huge. Transportory stones are two ways and are preferred in most situations now. They will unlock once you fully develop sorcery.

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@MarcosC is speaking about this point

I remember when i find this place i thought i ended the game :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Back then the stacks was on 100 not 1000 and you couldn’t have two or more followers with you. So my goal was a greater hyena, rocknoses could easily kill a simple hyena without lvls. So going with an hyena and bring back 1000 iron nodes was a big thing. Today things are a bit different, not only because we know the map, but because in a way these things are easier now than it use to be. On tower if bats you could go extremely hot, the survival aspect of the game was bigger. But let’s be honest, the game back then had 1/10 of what it has now.
So, how do you gather materials?
Always put an upgrade to your tools and always use at least the efficient harvest as perk. On higher lvls, put hardworking perk and on 60 beast of burden.
With a star metal pickaxe you’ll become a freaking bulldozer. So don’t waste time so much to build a freaking large base, it’s pointless to grind so much in low lvls fir materials, it requires unbelievable time that you can spend on more valuable things.
These things will always be

Knowledge of your terrain and enemy spawns.
Knowledge of their attack move set.
Knowledge of each weapon you can use.
Learn how to fight and what fights you must avoid. Place bedrolls. Stay alive and kicking. Have fun :metal:.