Hot Fix broke my game (cant play)

no mods… ever
Nvidia Geforce GTX 960m
Asus i7 laptop

note: I’ve resolved this, but it needs to be addressed - so that others are aware, and can ensure they do this work around, until Funcom discovers what is causing this.

When the content update and Blood & Sand DLC came out the other day the first thing I did was:
1: Go to saved folder and delete everything in it, besides the game file
2: Click Verify and have the files put back
3: Go through the tedious process of settings, made more so as Steam Controller has an issue resetting the in-game menus - requiring a log-out using keyboard and mouse.

Why do this?
With every patch - that has a DLC - I get a scary error message that goes along the lines of “files may have been tempered with” - etc., (and besides, trying to relaunch, it crashes, and gives the same message.)

So… I was good to go, as normal updates, patches to big releases, are fine.
Not so today… they patched it because of crashing… I get in, and it crashes! lol!

I go back in and get the “files may have been tempered with” (don’t remember the whole bit, just the ‘scary’ wording that is used) and had to redo the process outlined above.

Thanks, I know there is a thread about this - but this is for the latest patch that was for those who were crashing. :stuck_out_tongue:

None-the-less, Im back in Conan - and all is well!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fatal error problems after Update 37 - Feedback thread