I am seriously upset with this update...who can I contact to make a complaint that might actually make a difference

I have restarted so many times do to bad updates, save lost, item lost, thrall lost… entire sections of bases missing…

I feel your pain… you just move on. Funcom says there improving testing and feedback etc.

Are they? I dont know… I lost my save 2 or 3 updates back when trying load it after update went live… I stop playing for abit.
Still here…

Not like complaints get put in shredder. Theyve taken several and worked on them.

I don’t expect them to be prefect, thats just wishful thinking…

Well that is great that you do not care about pixels and if it has happened well that sucks but some of us do not have hours and hours to wait again for a purge that has said thrall and then re-level them up, some of us and maybe you as well are busy with some RL also and have many other things on our plates and just want those couple of hours we get to play to be fun not frustrated.

Some of us do not have unlimited amount of time to replace them. Some of us do not have hours and hours and hours to redo things over and over after each update.

Most that play this game have lost many thralls before and I have and then many npcs in the other games I play but not to bugs that have no reason to be in a game after a month of test live.

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I play PvE on a public server (I also paid for a server for one year that I play on as well but I will get to that). Outside of my base, I have a mini-courtyard with a fountain and flowers. I have had a few high level pets guarding it from intruders (levels 10-20).

After this last update, I blocked off all entrances so that there is no line-of-sight with the outside world. To enter the courtyard, I now have to climb the walls, as there are currently no doors. I did this to protect my pets, who are all stationed on ceiling tiles attached to the walls inside the courtyard. The ceiling tiles are one foundation high with stairs attached so the pets could go down as needed and fight.

I have avoided taking any thralls or pets out of the base until the instant death/ disappearing bugs are fixed. Basically, I have been logging in to check on my base, check on my thralls and my pets, to gather basic materials that I can do solo and craft just a little bit.

Today, I logged in and checked on my courtyard pets. One of my oldest pets, a Greater Crocodile named “Dundee” was gone. I checked the event log and there was nothing. I checked the follower list and his name is no longer there. Checked the map and he is not marked. I searched for a body and there are none (the entrances are blocked off completely so nothing should have aggro’d). The only other person in my clan is my husband who hasn’t played since the update so I know no one has taken him out.

I am on the PlayStation 4 and have played Conan Exiles off and on for the past few years. I’m a casual gamer and have slowly progressed. I began playing just as pets and thralls were added. I found them to be a nuisance and really just wanted to play as my character. I stopped playing for a year and came back to find that the game had been adjusted so that pets are now necessary (I have read that some of you hard-core players don’t use pets and I say power to you!). Thus, I adjusted my style of play and got into capturing thralls/ pets and developing those.

As someone with limited time on this game, it has taken time for me to level up these characters, give them unique names, armor and weapons. As a roleplayer, these are not meat shields but my court.

Having been as patient and careful as possible after this update, I am disheartened to see that this was completely out of my control. It feels like a game of Russian roulette as I check my thralls and pets each day. I could randomly find any hard-earned and developed thrall or pet immediately and permanently gone, through no fault of my own.

I realize that to many, this is just a level 10 pet that is easily replaceable. I have read where other players simply tell those of us who have lost thralls and pets in this way to just get another one and level it up. But that’s not the point.

I shouldn’t have to do that. I love Conan Exiles. This is the most fascinating and engaging world I have ever seen. It’s beautiful and mysterious and I have taken my time exploring it; savoring every moment. I’m a completionist and had planned to platinum the game in time.

But with this past update, I cannot safely use my thralls and pets. I can’t safely have them sit in my base. Nowhere is safe.

This is not a beta. It is a full game and I did pay $50 for it and have since purchased numerous DLC to enjoy and also to support Funcom. I had recommended it to a good friend, who has just paid $50 for it.

I paid $200 to host my own server. With this update, I find this game unplayable (I do not enjoy losing months of progress on my court due to sloppy updates). I’ve only had my server for a few months and regret having thrown my money away on it. I say that because I am aware of the history of botched updates on this game. I have been patient because I know no one is perfect.

I wish I could have opted out of the update on the server I paid for, for one year. I’m sure there are technical reasons why that wouldn’t be possible. Nonetheless, I wish it were possible.

I will continue checking on my base but after needlessly losing a pet to this, it all seems pointless. Any update could destroy my materials. I could log in tomorrow and find it all gone.

I am feeling disconnected with Conan Exiles right now and that makes me sad because this is an amazing game. Funcom, creatively you guys are all geniuses. But if the bug on disappearing pets and thralls is not corrected, you are going to lose me. I will not purchase any more DLC for this game until I feel valued as a customer and a player again.

I made an account on here just for this post. I have been reading posts for this community for a long time and you seem like good people.

Steps on re-creating issue:

  1. Place pet in game
  2. Log out
  3. Log in
  4. Pet is gone with no mention if it in the log and no body. Pet is gone from follower list.

Again, I hope you fix this bug. I would love to play this game but will not devote any more time and money until the developers can do the same for me.

Thank you for hanging in and reading my post everyone. Best of luck, fellow Exiles!


I am so sorry to hear you lost part of your court and I hope that nothing else happens to your place until they get these issues ironed out, I understand just how you feel its frustrating to have to always wonder what you will find when you log in. Its one thing to lost your thrall or pet or part of your court depending on how you play to a boss but to a bug makes no sense to me, I only hope they get this issue fixed asap.

You are right there are a lot of really good people on the forum and lots of help to be found for most issues and thoughts on way things can be worked around if that is ever needed.

Be well!!

I feel with you.
You are 100% right (in my opinion) about losing a thrall.

Hypothetically saying, the motor is Unreal Engine in this case:

While the motor is the same, it’s how the motor runs in the car that you designed it.
Fortnite have made the car, so that the motor always fits and can always drive but doesn’t look great.
Conan have made the car, so the interior looks great but you are not sure if the motor starts.

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Well everyone wants to nerf thralls so bad, so you might want to get used to them dying.

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Hahahaha :slight_smile: true…

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The motor is not the same though just the brand of it is the same. Wasn’t Fortnite built on a newer version?

No, Fortnite was the one that was build on the older one. :slight_smile:

Both of the games were built in 2017 on the unreal engine 4. Are there any differences?

I just lost another one (a level 11 Cannibal Brute) for no reason. I was on level ground, at my base, the thrall was carrying food, and they did not have any damage or fall or drown. We need a “reset thrall death” button / option in the meantime. This sucks.

Development of Fortnite slowed due to several issues, including switching from the Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4, a deeper role-playing game approach to extend the life of the game, and a switch of art style from a dark theme to a more cartoonish style. Further, Epic was looking to get into the games as a service model, and brought in Chinese publisher Tencent to help; Tencent took a large stake in Epic as part of this, leading to the departure of several executives, including Cliff Bleszinski, who had been a key part of Fortnite 's development. Fortnite 's approach was changed to be Epic’s testbed for games as a service, and further slowed the development.[6][5][7]

Ultimately, Epic was able to prepare to release Fortnite as a paid early access title in July 2017, with plans to release it as free-to-play sometime in 2019 while gaining feedback from players to improve the game.[8][9][10][11] With the release of Fortnite Battle Royale , the player-versus-environment mode was distinguished as “Save the World”.

r4nd0mGamer: Are there any differences?

Depends, but minor.

*** Please Tencent Games, make Conan great again! ***


Sorry to hear, it does indeed suck!

I lost two dalinsias and a khistis due to bugs on conan, its really annoying and discourages people from leveling thralls. Its tiring.

Ark is basically the same game with the same mechanics, code and engine and I can say i have never had a dino just randomly disappear or just look at me blankly picking its nose while the troodon killed me…just saying

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It would appear that some of you have lost more than one thrall to the bug o death. Why take a second or third thrall with you? I have read alot of these posts and my advice would be to leave them home. My thralls are all grounded untill a hotfix is released. I know about the issue and have adjusted my play accordingly, so i dont incur loss…it will be fixed, have patiance.

So, the five times thrall damage on falling was reported in TestLive is excusable? What about the video proof on the Purge issue? The numerous times people mentioned animals following too closely?

I’m not saying get out the pitchforks here, but FC has to change how they are addressing TestLive. Every single one of the major issues were reported, but left unhandled. Why even have TestLive if any bug report you make (and many were neutral and well-written) goes ignored?


maybe you missed but many have lost thralls from just standing the base and puff gone forever.

This happens all time on ps4… 2 of allosaurs sit there and …do nothing when other 2 attack. XD

or worst flying units that get stuck in infinite battle of circling…unable to hit each other as they raise into air forever and ever till i pop admin rights, fly up and climb on. -_-’

I can’t say I had much Land Critters go poof in Ark, Air tend to stay landed inless engaged…
water monster… tend to get lost and roam off to some unknown depths of lake or ocean.

My point was simply that putting ai pathing aside…its all the same code doing the exactly same thing…if my t-rex doesn’t just randomly poof for no reason than my thrall shouldn’t either. It all works the same way…

Ark- Knock out a dino…feed dino…New pet
Conan- Knock out thrall…feed thrall…New Thrall

Ark- Use radial wheel to set dino behaviors…
Conan-Use radial wheel to set thrall behavior

I could go on but the point should be obvious…basically it boils down to the same code from the same engine being put together better in one and not so much in the other…

As i have stated before this project was created as a solution to a bankruptcy problem and not a long term project so my suspicion is that alot of problems with the game are because of roadblocks created by not thinking in the long term code wise but more in the short term for sales. Its not really a poke in the eye of funcom but more i suspect a bean counters plan financially and when it became more popular than the money people thought it would it was placed in funcoms lap and they were told to make it work. With that being said i wouldn’t yell at funcom for it but I also wouldn’t expect it to get much better without the money being released to overhaul the whole project.