That is literally what I said, and it is a problem.
I personally play on PC and only problems with the lights are that they load more slowly. It is not lagging anywhere, they just appear one by one and they are not visible immediatelly I teleport there, for example.
Gonna get rid of it then, when it’s not the raid time anymore. And put there back the old good rounded platform with the maproom and some few torches.
Which is another issue. How is someone on a PS5 gonna know how long it takes someone in a PS4 to load in vs their console? They can’t.
This is what I am thinking about as well.
Someone’s old and not that efficient device won’t display those things as good, as someone’s better or different device. So is the problem really at what and how others build anything?
Thanks to these reports and replies for all people here, I am going to take it into an account in future. It would by utmostly ignorant to take a position “Your slow device is not my problem, get better one”.
I honestly didn’t know that some people have problems like this at all.
I do because I remember how long it took before my upgrade and i play with folks that are stuck loading for over 2 minutes after Im already in action. Some times I’m battling the warmakers end guy before they even get into the dungeon.
This is why they tell folks that public works can be a issue.
So there are too many buildings around the Sepermeru obelisk, or…?
Wonderful for you. If someone has never played it on PS4 and was introduced to the game on PS5, they’ll have no way of knowing.
Pretty sure every picture you sent is bannable. You’ve just got lucky no one has reported you yet
Hence the ToS and the clarifying post from the enforcement team that is pinned at the very top of the forums.
Look FC isn’t the first game company to put rules of playing their game on their servers not within the game and instead have links to webpages…that’s pretty standard in most games so I’m not sure where you are going with this outside of saying the entire industry is being unfair to those that don’t know to follow the links and read the rules.
I mean defining what is memory hogging is a bit problematic and you can have a case there but I have had clues lots of times if I gotten carried away (rubberbanding always in the same locations, doors not opening, sound and actions no longer in sync etc) . When these things happen. I redesign and rebuild.
Wow, people are talking about bases consisting of 25 - 35k building pieces. And here I live in fear of the ban hammer because of of my 5 locations on an official PVE-C server.
I have one (large by my standards) main base and 4 outposts. My outposts are located specifically in my favorite thrall and/or mat gathering locations. My outposts typically consist of a 4 person thrall wheel and a transporatory stone. Some will have crafting stations depending on location. For example; my two river outposts have improved alchemist benches for aloe processing. My mounds outpost has two improved smelters for star metal processing. None of my outposts are big enough to accommodate the new crafting stations.
As of this writing I have 5640 building pieces and 670 placeables. I generally try to keep this ratio closer to 10-1. All these new fancy placeables have me struggling in this regard.
In past I’ve used my PS4 performance as my guard rail. If it took 10 minutes for my base to render from login I could assume passerby would be experiencing similar difficulties and it was time to downsize. I have since upgraded to PS5 and have lost most of that guardrail.
Don’t get me started with render times. I sailed through the chapter 2 update. It was some patch subsequent to the update that has me experiencing render times worse than I had on PS4 now.
I am sure that who wants to see a problem here, he will and may go report. There are also the others who don’t mind, but they are out of the question here.
Well, better to be aware. There are perpetually dissatisfied problem seekers all around, who will scold anything that is not the way they themselves want it. And certainly not only in gaming sphere.
At least I posted it here for you to see, without any knowledge that what I built is some unforgivable sin.
I have absolutely no idea what you’re going on about. Bottom line, a PS5 user shouldn’t be expected to know the performance limitations of a PS4. Using client side performance, which can be affected by many different factors, is a very poor standard, and utterly unmeasureble.
@Archivist Yea I wouldn’t report you for what you got but I report more blatant abuses. If it was this PLUS a bunch of “lights” around the volcano that happened to block good building sites…I would report you and let FC decide if it needs to go. But just that…nah even if its in one of my favorite ceiling base zones.
I want to add, there from time to time there will come some people who go and build massive square buildings in the middle of some frequent patway, etc. Those were the main aims, when I claimed those two places.
I guess that better than prevent them in this, would be the option to leave them to do it and then to hope that they will get reported by someone else. At least the hate is going to fall on the right person’s head.
Kinda dissapointed from this, but if majority really sees this as some big problem, it’s not worth it to me. Better to build “for purpose”, as was stated before and stay on one base with few obelisks around the map, and rather don’t build any fancy or precaution claims.
The torches were only on the way to the obelisk, on that bridge. There are none other anywhere around.
Then don’t use officials. I don’t mean to be short but this argument has been going on in the forums for over 2 years now and the same exact arguments come up over and over and over again. If it pains you that much, move to a private server. You do not have a right to play officials. The company provides these free of charge and just like most things that are free…you will have to compromise…at times a lot.
Yeah but you can still do wonders with things. Just don’t live in fear of the ban but use what has been provided as guidance to what you can do and what you shouldn’t do. I always try to keep others in mind and so my land claim footprints are smaller and my bases are almost always in weird obscure places that you may see foot traffic every other day on (tested via thrall slight displacement. Only when they get in render distance of a player will they move back into their guard position so I know when people have been near my base by reviewing the logs-PVP trick)
Well whan can one builder/player do tho? To play in fear, afraid to build a little more, just because people with older devices find this outrageous and could report the person, who did not do anything strictly against the rules?
As I said, I will burn that outposts to the ground, let it be as it is, I don’t care anymore. Starting to think that I will get a pause time from CE, though.
Bottom line, a PS5 user shouldn’t be expected to know the performance limitations of a PS4
100% agree @Tuffman
My reasons for downsizing weren’t purely altruistic. Nobody needs 10 minute render times. I simply wished to convey that I received considerable latitude in this regard when I upgraded to ps5 yet I choose to be continually vigilant with respect to my neighbours who might not be so fortunate.
The client side/server side debate is related but not where I hoped to go with this post. As a new ps5 player I’m very aware of persistent server side issues.
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what I’m “going on about”
No, and I will continue to make my discontent with their vague guidelines known. Perhaps somewhere down the road they will come up with something more material. If you get tired of hearing the argument, ignore it. Nothing you’ve said here has done anything to alter my opinion and considering we have multiple people weekly asking whether or not a base is bannable indicates there’s a problem.
Just give as a clear, reasonable and unquestionable elaborate rules about landclaimng and building. That way can be prevented the situations in which someone like me, with nothing than a good intentions does anything, what others find as horrible mistake, which means a good candidate for report and ban.