I start to think daggers might be op

So ran into guy and my base been raided and most mats and armor is gone so I grabbed epic heavy chest, pants and boots heavy accuracy bonus armor.

Then epic gas mask, and stygine medium none epic gloves. I can’t say for sure how armor value is I think 800

I have 3 bars vitality

So guys pull dagger, I grabbed my bow shot 3 shot I was more worried about his thrall. Those 3 shots took 1/8 of his health away. my bow was legendary 23 damage and harden steel arrows not best but something. With 5 bars in accuracy,

I got hit by his combo , first hit took close to quarter away and I was staggered and by the time I saw my hp I was dead.

I know I am not that great at pvp but close to 70% damage reduction a single combo of weapon in light attack shouldn’t kill me.

Whole concept of daggers is adding dots, I didn’t get hit by dot. So my assumption is that I had 70% reduction I need go back and see fore sure. Even if it’s 50% I shouldn’t of died to one light combo attack.

The whole attack should be less then quarter of my life since goal to those weapons should be dots.

I didn’t have time to retreat,

My main argument is that couple sets combos should kill especially to weapon that was more design to kill you over time. So hit and run weapon not hit and kill.

It is very hard to kill someone late game with a bow and hardened steel arrows…
Are you aware you need high armour pen in your bow and arrows for PvP?

The stagger dagger is pretty bad I give you that… but I think every stagger swagger is annoying in combat if you ask me. The combat isn’t fluid :confused:

I know my weapons were poor choice I had daggers and had two handed sledge

complaint is not even full combo killed that was

  1. Light attack
  2. Staggered lock
  3. On weapon design to apply dots

That 400 hp with 70 armor reduction. Even with armor pen shouldn’t eat my hp up. Like that it’s completely op.

Because the game would be based who attack first wins.

If this took multiple combos would be fine but single combo of only light should never happen

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Let me point out some fatal mistakes:

It was on Siptah right? We all know that Siptah is an unbalanced mess.

You can achieve 70% damage reduction in light armor. Then you have faster rolls, more rolls and better stamina regen. So I don’t know what heavy armor you were wearing but heavy armor is trash in PvP anyways…

2nd: dodge roll his attacks. Daggers have awful hitboxes.

3rd: use a pike to keep him at distance. Light attacks from daggers have no hyper armor, so you can return the “stagger swagger” favor. Most dagger users will then try to initiate with a dodge roll towards you, when they realise they cant get close. Easily punishable, because then they start with less stamina.

It definitely requires a bit more skill than left click with daggers, but that’s learned in like 15 mins of constant fighting.


No it was exile land so it was in heavy armor.

It’s fight you couldn’t really learn because single combo killed me. Light attack before he got end of combo I was dead.

Outside of don’t get hit.

And you didn’t even attempt to dodge roll out of it?


This is the main reason I hate using daggers. TBF, they are great at killing those not too versed in CE combat or not currently spec’d for combat (gather build). But I’m not going to waste a slot in the case I have to fight someone who has a chance at fighting back properly. And if I have to fight more than one at a time, definitely not.

I was stuttered even rolled out most likely be out stamina.

So you think singled combo should of light attack should kill a heavy epic armor.

So in other word only stats matter strength and grit armor is pointless so goal is who lands wins because when being stuttered can’t roll out.

Armor value does not matter. It does eventually but: I don’t know if you have noticed it, but the light armor build I posted, has 70% damage reduction. The same as your heavy armor build.

As long as light armor has more than 40% damage reduction, it will dominate in PvP.

Funcom has completely lost track of their idea of light-medium-heavy. Why ?

Because light armor has so high damage reduction and is close to heavy armor, they had to adjust weapon damage and armor penetration based on light armor.

This was wrong. You can’t adjust a game based on light armor when you have 2 other HIGHER ARMOR armor-types.

They need to nerf damage reduction on light armor HEAVILY. To 30-40%. Then adjust medium armor down a bit as well, and then change weapon stats, so it matches medium armor. Basically make medium armor the baseline.

After they changed the weapons (most likely nerf in AP/damage) they need to adjust bosses and NPCs or in other words: balance PvE.


nerf dagger woo

edit: lets take the game back to when armour type effected roll instead of carry weight :)))))))))

heavy armour for noobs

light armour for pros

Bows are garbage at melee range. I don’t care what you-tube guru says otherwise.

If they get close enough to you to melee, switch to melee.
And I’m a long time PVPer who’s mains a bow


You mean you don’t have the skill to abuse the heavy knockdown charged shot to dominate the enemy ?

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No, I mean I use a hybrid build that relies on skill not target lock.

Sorry, I need to post a YT video to demonstrate what I am talking about.

I’m sorry as well, I missed the sarcasm in your other post.
An my post reads as a brag.

Let me rephrase, I’m not some uber-pvp legend in his own mind.
I just find it more fun to try skill against my opponents.

Sure I lose, probably more than I win. but if we’re having fun? who really cares. :slight_smile:


Armor types need to just be removed period. The amount of damage reduction should be a factor of weight and total weight should be the factor of stamina regen…just keep it simple…not this light armor does this and medium armor does that and heavy armor is this. If you must have armor types use leather, chain, and plate designations instead and set limits to these…leather maximum armor (no dumb aspect of the demon crap where the least likely to be hit armor provides 60% of your total armor) is different than chain is different than plate but the inverse is manueverability in these (IE stamina drain/recovery)

As for daggers…yeah there is lots of conversations about daggers and everyone hates the idea of nerfing because of how…precise FC nerfs weapons which causes terrible swings of imbalance instead of just redoing the entire combat system where each weapon type has advantages against some type of weapons and armor levels and disadvantages on others…but these all come out as equal in the wash so that actual combat and armor levels are used. Keep it simple but fairly even tradeoffs between # attacks, raw damage/attack, durability, and armor pen. But daggers are OP. Evidence is stone daggers are used nearly exclusively to taunt clans on naked runs. No other weapon comes close to the idea that the very weakest level weapon of it’s type can go toe-2-toe with other weapon types of the highest level…and no it’s not just your mad skills…that only covers some of it…and a small portion of it as well. It’s the quickness of attack and the effects it hits you with and you all know it so stop defending imbalanced crap like that.


Ceronesthes from youtube hates mounted combat and daggers. Refers to both of them as cheese. And I’m inclined to say that he’s right. Daggers in the hands of a skilled player are an instant “I win” button. They hardly use any stamina, and their damage is too high. HOWEVER a heavy nerf isn’t necessary. Considering the amount of debate that dagger-nerf threads spark leads me to believe that they’re ALMOST balanced.
My thoughts: Reduce armor pen by about 5% and damage by about 10%. Increase stamina usage by about 10% as well. Reduce attack speed by about 10%. Small changes to bring it closer to perfectly balanced as all things should be. Little nerfs. Like getting poked by the nerf q-tip instead of bashed by to the stone age by the nerf bat.

I think speed is the keyword for daggers. Quick attacks, but low damage.

Let’s go with a damage adjustment first, before going into mechanical adjustments.

Daggers also need a change for the hitbox. It really is awful. First light attack, your enemy needs to stand slightly to the left side of you for your hit to land reliably and then sudddenly, with the 2nd light hit, the enemy needs to stand slightly right of your character.

Also the lunge animation of the 2nd hit is kinda bad, because it often makes you strike past your opponent.

IMO every weapon in Conan should have a quick lunge attack without hyper armor as the first hit of the light combochain to have some kind of midrange gap closer. The next combo hits should stay in place with different rootmotions depending on the weapon type.

Agreed. Even when fighting PVE fights, I miss targets the size of small buildings because the hitboxes are so weird.

However, while we’re tweaking hitboxes, can we do something about the fact that pikes are insane?

I believe pikes are in a good spot.

Though nobody uses the combo system of the pikes. Only first heavy or light attacks.

I would rather buff other weapons towards the level of pikes.