If we are going to have lightning, then we need offline raid protection and better defenses

I like those ideas — seems like it would fit into the setting (vs. typical high fantasy).

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How is this any different than sitting in a base with a repair hammer?

how does player 2 give to player 1 if player 1 is never on with anyone?

plus 1 hour window after log off would be sufficient to blow into player 1, as they wouldnt play enough (in your scenario) to have a decent sized base to last 1 hour.

Seems excuses on theories for offline raidnheros vs trying to see if it helps for casual time pvp gameplay. Besides player 1 exists now, alt account. And guess what, they get 19 hours pf raid protection during non raid wimdow to make player 2 dumping them loot even eaiser.


When I saw the lightning used in our raid — it appeared to actually blow up a large portion of the base at the same time — I don’t think a repair hammer would help much…

I’ve been mixed on this for a while. Waking up in the desert? Not a big deal because it’s PVP. What I have a problem with is that the raid hours are smack dab in the middle of family time for me. I say make it extreme and no window…it’s all on 24/7…however I recognize that isn’t very popular and so I like the offline protection with open raid time.


Youre missing the point…the defender that is stuck in the base is stuck in the base regardless…casting darkness or repairing from bomb damage…it’s still just sitting in a base for hours as raiders siege your base

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Exactky, what should drive melee combat, raidong, is nothing more thana time sink challenge between players.

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Which is why I consider PVE-C the only real PVP in the game because you have people in there that are looking at actually fighting each other vs just leveraging when they can blow you up easiest.

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Got it

Interesting enough my experience with trying a PVE-C server was that most folks just logged off or stayed in their bases during PVP time. Was really boring.


Yeah I never understood that. I’m a Playstation player so the PVE-C servers were having all sorts of issues back in the day and when those got fixed I was excited to get into action…and nada. Some servers have it, some do not. It’s like there is a good chunk of folks in PVE-C would rather be PVE.

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i m not even sure they realized that it was bugged on online play, Lol LS has 2 or 3 hiis per storm over 200k damage that able to to destroy from ground to top a 3*1 square foundation on something like 10 foudnation height., which make it more powerfull than a god (without talking about the fact, that even if the big storm dont hit your building, the little low storming will destroy your chest and make despawn all your assets)

farming time to do a ls : 5m
time needed to launch ls : 5 sec

allow you to wipe any base that took over 40hours to build

At least with Avatars they were a pain to farm and you could see the token on the map so you could try to intercept it before it was used.


Yeah, trying to stick to sorcery, necromancy, and blood-magic.

We’ll probably get more spells in the next update. Three months?

Agree, this is the best idea for PVP anyway

I dont see many people bother with 2 accounts and go through this hardships… sending loot? what the heck…
so the 2nd account going to be wiped first… if he always online (rip!)
and 1st one (never online) just going to decay

BTW decay still active… so no entirely offline bases, you must log in, and raiders gonna catch you anyway
seems fair for me

Maybe change decay mechanics too… 50% or lower make your base raidable from this point, 0% as always meant your base can be looted and dismantled

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I saw in another thread people saying that most PVE-C players only want to fight duels in arenas. And if I went there and started hunting people they’d think I was a griefer. I don’t get it, you can have PVP arenas in regular PVE right? The strength of PVE-C is you can roam around ambushing and skirmishing without worrying about babysitting your house.


Like this idea…

Completely agree with offline protection and I said it before and agree with others on here: 24/7 raid as a balance.

People may choose what to spend their time on and if they like to play games all waking hours all the power to them. But let’s be realistic here, the 5+ hour of base sitting to ensure you retain the means to fight and raid is unhealthy. I’ve done it too many times, hell we took turns or 1-2 of our raiding party was in charge of watching the eventlog + pull bracelet to defend.

If we decided to take a night off at least one of us felt begrudgingly compelled to log in… often me and 1 other would volunteer. In retrospect I still enjoyed my time and yes it was my choice to do this but it creates unhealthy habits.

It would make too much sense to implement offline raid protection, y’know, so people can relax and enjoy other games, time with family or a night out?

Could give t4 Sorc the ability to automaticly cast Darkness in base as long as he has the needed mats.

the consequences for that could be that he can do that x amount of times and then he dies or what ever, some kind of downside to make it not to broken.
But we need definetly something… the solution cannot be that one clanmember has to sit in base 5 hours every day. Horrible gameplay

Entire list of problems about offline raiding (most of it) can be fixed with 1 THING… all simple asf
We should have dynamic raid time (by default on officials), not fixed evening hours.
You can attack only bases which ONLINE (at least 1 owner is currently playing) + you have 1-2-3-4 hour window (subject to change) after owner logging out (so no quit exploting).

If the base hit 50% and lower decay timer - you can attack it anytime.

If you dont like it - you can play servers with current or custom pvp settings anyways, so the situation win-win for every1.