Known issues sky bases!

i read everything about KNOWN ISSUES, but nothing about sky-bases.
How is possible you aren’t able to fix this incredible ridicolous stuff?
The game is unplayable on offical servers, everyone is in this stupid sky base.
When you add this in known issues and fix this?
There is no war. People just hide in sky base.
You can’t tell me : " JUsT TaKe BaT aNd FiNd ThEm". This is not the damn solution!

FUNCOM, wake up. You already ruined totally this game with these senseless change of game.
CONAN EXILES was legendary at herbal and hunch time, where milion servers where full, but you let it die cause you needed 1 year to fix the pork meta.
And now you are losing more and more players because the toxic stuff is not fixed and because every combat chenge remove every skill requirements.
I’m a player from 2019 of this game and when i see the video of old CONAN i feel so sad and bad!


Bro i feel you so much, Age of beyblade is real and the worst pvp System since the First days ….

Mesh Bases Like Wolf Cave still exist too and Are unraidable.

Gods destroy youre hole base especially This Jhebbal b**** Which has no hitbox…

It doesnt matter if you can Build Like a King if some Solo dude come with them and hide Till spawn of this on Sky base or unraidable structure claim

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We are lucky that PVP is still enabled in officials at this point, lmao


sadly a very true and sincere feedback… would be interesting to have some answer of funcom on this problem, also what is the problem to fix the undermesh point that still exist and that are reported to you for years…


Considering the tone deaf comment by buddy on the stream prior making jokes about skybases… ya I don’t think they’re taking skybases as seriously as we’d hope.

While I can understand that there may be many issues that could prevent an easier fix in the coding, a good fix that will take time, there needs to be proper communication and will to meet the expectations of players regarding this egregious exploit.

Zendesk is no help in this matter.

We no longer have access to the console to see the data to locate skybases a bit more easily.

We’re at the mercy of hours and days spent flying around in hopes that a skybase might render or some dumbass actually leaves a piece behind to give us a clue…

We raid it. We report it. But nothing is done?

And if we can’t find it? Well SOFL.


How hard can it be to just hire five people to look for skybases in Admin mode?

We’re not talking about a small indie company that survives based on paypal donations, but Funcom (Aka. TENCENT slaves)

Better add a flying option into the bazaar zzz


Ding… ding… ding… we have a winner!!

Fixing the Kurak dungeon and not allowing players to make sag potions in their bases will fix a lot of sky base problems (it was in the patch notes) … they can’t kill themselves to return now and as far as I’m aware thralls were not able to be placed in sky bases after a previous update…alot of the spots will not allow summoning circles to be used . it won’t fix everything as they can still throw themselves off and recover loot from the floor but definitely makes it more painful for them

Makes me wonder whether floating bases are against the TOS as well. Not sky, but floating above the ground. There’s some dude from China I believe that’s on my official PvE siptah server. He was already wiped and suspended last year for a massive bridge base built right next to me, causing my clan to lag. Now he’s got that, plus a massive base with tons of yog shrines that (I think?) are just used for decoration. If he causes a big enough issue (no pun intended), I may wanna have enough evidence to report him… again… since he didn’t learn the first time. :roll_eyes:

That’s just it, really. Small indie companies need to take stuff like this seriously or they go kaputt. Big companies can get away with all sorts of crap because they can rely on their marketing team to be able to sell the next crap they produce, too.

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You can use maproom on skybase and you can place thrall pets, by rescue them.
Not as easy as with kurak though. Maybe shouldn’t tell :smile:


They do nothing good to stop skybase. All they doing is ruining for solos and legit players.
Thralls cant be placed higher ground. They don’t move or attack.
Midnight potion is great for solos who trying to stay hidden and not having big maproom.
Kurak should have never return to bed or bedroll upon death. But spawn outside near transportory stone.
That must have been intended for skybases. I don’t see other purpose


total error midnight potion was used for legit tiny base and rat hole. cheaters build maproom and tp, and using lag they use a bug that have same function than recall corpse without having to do any sorcery.

this is shame to remove the functionality of midnight potion craftable from a bench from where you live, it’s simply make the game with less possibility and functionnality and will make really harder, if not impossible the ability to survive on pvp server for solo legit players,

i mean when you have your servers full of skybase you may be think to patch the bugs that allow to build it that have all been reported to fc for years same for the undermesh spot that are still here, that are documented and reported (there is even youtube public video), and your concern should not be to remove a element of gameplay that is essential for some legit players, so there is a problem…

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It was also used for tiny mesh bases and big mesh bases on the map…come down from your hidy hole and run to a map room…
It will not make it impossible at all if you can get there without having to spawn on a bed roll you can get out to use a near by map room

I dont really care about sky bases other than them been an inconvenience to look for. They are raidable

The undermesh bases I have dealt with on servers were all accessed by using the Kurak as a reswapn to there beds … none of the other dungeons have that function

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Sorcery summon corpse works to get your loot back.

It’s just funny: on one hand they try to make it as unconvenient as possible for fly base users but on the other hand they implement new stuff that is in favor



They are, since it involves exploiting and exploits are not allowed.

I’m no expert but iv raided a fair few sky bases and only a few had a summon stone… maybe they don’t work in invalid build locations… they can still get back by flying back up and those that have a map room can still port out,but glad it’s abit of an inconvenience for some people…
Sky bases can at least be raided and I like to think it’s stops the people under the mesh getting back now Kurak is fixed…

I found a little bit of positive in the patch notes and it’s better than me saying what I really want too as I know that gets you no where on the forums other than a deleted comment and a time out

I have no concerns about anything, most definitely not the ability to craft a potion that allows players to cheat… it has not been taken out of the game… I play solo…
All it means is I will now have to run to a open map room or run to the sag child … the only reason I see you could complain or this would affect your gameplay is if your base is in a mesh spot and it’s the only way you can exit…


Hard to say though, since a lot of advanced building techniques are based upon exploits. Granted, many of them don’t change up the builds too much. Most of said techniques are primarily used in PvE anyway, so idk… I imagine the floating base gives advantages to PvP, so it’s a big no-no. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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