Known issues sky bases!

are you joking ? no my base is not in a mesh but in a rat hole somewhere in volcano and there is dozens and dozens of spot like that on map and yes they are making life harder for legit players and stills not adressing the real exploit for skybase and undermesh, and no skybase are not easy to find, you can spend weeks to find them, and undermesh is simply impossible to raid and yes nearly all skybase have a maproom or tp, and they have circle of power too.


I’m not joking… if you wish to play the rat hole way that every one is aware of then that’s a you problem …
You will be found eventually
Your point was the game would become unplayable and it’s essential for a solo player … no it is not
The sag potion was I’m sure intended for you to get to the sag dungeon, not a cheap way for you to get too your base or west of the map

I have posted lots of threads about the state of the game and played thru years of exploits… why moan when your experience means nothing , just get on with it or go play pve or something

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i have no idea of what you are defending as you seem to think normal to remove function that were in the game since release, and the jhebbals potions was one of the first magic introduced into conan exiles, and if you say you know state of the game in private, you think normal they don’t address the real problem ? bug that allow to build skybase, or bug that allow to go under, or bug on map that allow to place foundations under ??? and yes sadly for me i play on the worst server where i have to deal with the worst cheaters using heavy hack, and the jebbal potion yes was a thing that allow to survive, and i have 15k hour on pvp official server

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Please explain how the sag potion allowed you to survive ?

It is quite a bummer since that was a nice and convenient feature to prep and just go to the dungeon quickly. Also, the fact that they’re making the inability to respawn outside of the kurak dungeon with your stuff… a dungeon with a 15 minute cooldown, so you can only respawn corpse if you have sorcery unlocked. Kinda sucks for those who haven’t done it yet. It’s because of these exploits on PvP that we can’t have nice things. :face_exhaling:

in keeping a legit base hidden, maproom is not something you can keep hidden if you play legit

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You do not have to build your own map room!! Use someone else’s … @jmk1999 they have probably removed that too I would presume but if it takes you longer than 15 minutes then your doing something wrong… it’s easier than the war makers and If you die past the sanctum in there most people will not have an extra key … at most you lose a set of gear and recall it …

jeeeez you never build on a moutain at limit of the world ?

Yes … ?

and you see lot of public maproom there ?

No! Who builds a map room near a hidden base ! I run out of my door to the nearest one or run to where ever I need to go… I don’t rely on a sag potion to get me anywhere


There are a range of legitimate uses for midnight potions…

There are also ways they can be used to cheat.

I trust that you, just like @azaroth or myself don’t know everything :slight_smile:

Although this is blurring the line of what is an intended and unintended game mechanic; or more rightfully, what is rebranded as an unintended game mechanic.

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I fail to see any legit reason the sag potion NEEDS to be crafted in base but I’m all ears …:upside_down_face:

I know nothing or see any reasoning behind most of the things they change, I can only speculate, but this I like and I know from speaking to people it won’t stop every exploit but definitely annoyed a few of the people that use them …

Exploits happen for so many things… the building system being one of the biggest culprits in allowing skybases, as an example.

Now, midnight potion being available to craft in base is not necessarily a “need”. But it has allowed certain tactics and conveniences. Like having a base with no doors in a well hidden spot with no maproom available.

It allows you to move loot easily, whether you’re moving it to prevent an incoming opponent from benefiting from the loot or to change spots.

You’re absolutely right that the potion does easily allow people to use it in mesh and not so mesh places. There’s a couple of spots still accessible by only bedroll and midnight potion, which is not what azaroth is pointing out but what I explained earlier.

If removing the midnight potion is in response to skybases it’s a stupid band-aid and not a solution. If anything, it impairs the rest of the players in all modes from a convenience that we’ve all enjoyed for years.

Which is another example of Funcom attempting to address a problem and going from 100 to 0.

If we’re only speculating… well, we’ll have to wait for their official explanation. But you’d think they would have learned since the fiasco with the clarification that blocking world bosses was not a ToC violation that caused such an uproar only to announce later that it was because they were moving the chests to the dungeons type deal.

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That’s what I’m saying… not everyone has the recall ability unlocked prior to doing the dungeon. There’s no requirement to do sorcery first. That’s the problem. There should be a warning before entering that you can’t come back after entering it. If you die and can’t recall corpse, your gear is likely going to disappear. It’s not like a normal dungeon. And yeah, you’re right about the warmaker dungeon as well. If you die beyond the inner sanctum gate, you’re screwed. I usually adventure with another person in that dungeon if I plan to fight the champion… just in case. All that being said, you can stockpile keys to the Warmaker dungeon just in case and grab a new one, worst case scenario. You can’t do that to speed up the timer on the Kurak dungeon. It’s 15 minutes whether you die at the beginning or the end, or complete it. No going back in and no getting out in time if you could. The timer is 10 minutes from the start.

I’m not getting started on the building issues and other things. :smiling_face:I think my old threads show where I stand on things like that,but you even said it … it’s been used for any other reason than to get to the actual dungeon…


Tbh, if it would’ve been like this from the beginning, no one would’ve ever cared and just accepted it.

It’s the same with warmaker. If you die to the arena champion or the endboss, your loot is basically gone as well.

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LoL. We had a clan chat about how they address exploits in streams.

Igansis:“We are aware of issies on officials with exploits.”

Dennis:“Yes, ignasis, and that is why aloe soup now has a 15 minute decay timer”.


Funcom seems to hate solo pvp players!
As a solo you’re at so many disadvantages. Obviously!
You have stay, small and hidden. The t3 crafting stations are massive so you can’t have them permanently if at all in your base. So clans as well as having a farming advantage for having more people farming, they also get massive discounts on crafting.
The map room is obviously out of the question in a solo pvp base. You can’t build one close to without giving away your location. I usually build an open map room at war makers obelisk take a midnight potion at base and run down from sep city. By removing the potion of midnight I’m going to have run everywhere. Mounts aren’t viable either and they’re terrible anyway.
Im not saying remove t3 stations, but wouldn’t be against it. But a build limit definitely needs to be set! Massive ugly bases causing lag ruin servers and alpha clans just put massive land claims at multiple locations so no one else can use them.
It can’t be so hard to fix sky bases surely. Lower the build hight limit. I built 300 plus foundations high from helograph hights so i could fly further looking for a sky base. Why can you build so high?
These 2 guys are grieving everyone on the server and no way to retaliate. Me and 2 clans are looking for them. But will the skybase even render if you fly past it?
Funcom fix your game before adding new stuff!

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Removal of crafting Potions of Midnight in small bases is going to totally screw solo game play.

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