You could have said the same about fence stacking. Every pvp player would have labeled it as an legal advanced building technique. Yet it got removed because it was considered to be an exploit in Funcoms eyes.
Not quite… PvP players were using it STRICTLY to provide MORE protection, not for any other purpose, even if they said otherwise. PvE players use fence foundations for more than just extra stuff to break through… especially now that purges are more controlled. That being said, because Funcom tweaked the way it all worked, it made using fence foundations a pain. They’ve since fixed some of those issues, but the fact still remains that fence foundations were messed with in order to balance PvP, not to limit PvE building.
They didn´t balance pvp with it, they crippeled it even more. And it was intended. They accepted it for years, didn´t bother and then one day started calling it an exploit. And the reason was that they needed to start limiting building pieces on pvp server, because they needed serverperformance for all the other stuff they where planing to implement in the game.
Servers that are already on the max can not handle a ton of extra pve stuff very well.
You don’t have to. Thats just how you choose to play
That may or may not be true, but the fact still remains that they stated it was an issue with PvP exploitation. So yeah… that’s the story. Take it for what you want.
Awhile back when Exploit Hunters existed, there was a way to build atop a natural despawnable part of the world, and if done in a specific way, you could get your base to float. I’m sure you know of which one I speak.
This one wasn’t technically illegal because at the time, the building and environment were indeed working as intended.
It was at this point that the game makers began using the terminology “playing in a way not intended by the dev team.”
It was really super convenient, it seems. This is probably why it took so long to create this solution, but I think it’s fair. They really didn’t intend for us to be able to evade El Raido Gigante with one little swallow.
But not like it matters that much for larger clans that establish bases, considering there’s circle of power and transportory stone…
Which means this change will effectively only handicap those who prefer hidden bases and solos even though our assumed reason is to combat skybases and undermeshes.
Instead of fixing skybases and undermeshes.
At one point Funcom had considered it perfectly fine. They then changed that later.
They are approaching this as most other bugs in the game. Slapping a 10 second band aid on it instead of performing the surgery that it calls for. Then, pointing to it as an example of trying to fix things so they can sleep on the game issues for another month or two (or years really…) to focus on cosmetics and Dune instead.
They’ve admitted as much that they’re constantly having to play catch-up regarding the ages.
Which tells me that indeed their team is too small to handle it all.
They’re obviously not putting any kind of urgency on skybases due to this change.
As I’ve mentioned before, they actually made jokes about skybases in their stream… What a way to insult and alienate your PVP players
well that’s disheartening. I don’t watch their streams so I wouldn’t know.
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