Land claim abuse

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all constructions fit the violation pattern, just see this topic: Land Claim Abuse on Official Servers

1 compare a 3x3 construction with something massive like this it’s ridiculous, everyone who plays Conan on console knows very well how this type of construction works

2 Why claim a huge piece of land when you are going to use about 10% of the construction?

3 most players who do this type of construction have absolutely nothing inside the buildings, they are hollow around them, completely without aesthetics with the intention only of other people’s abilities, if you notice carefully, nothing has aesthetics.

4 is not to build a building next to another person, usually massive buildings are in the most frequented points of interest on the map, causing players to suffer performance losses, or to die, generally many of these buildings cause you to crash in the game when he wakes up he was killed by thorns (-ah, but we have the invocation of a corpse, you can rescue him, -yes and no, if an ill-intentioned player puts a knife to your body a large bag of loot will fall out and you will lose everything .

5 the issue is that 90% of players who make these types of claims are wanting to learn the other (it seems like you don’t play Conan to know how people behave)
PVE-C servers are the ones that suffer most from massive constructions, as players are afraid of others building them close to theirs, PVE already harms the server’s performance, as I, as a player, don’t care about having a base close to another, I just don’t think it’s right for people to use 10% of the land for a functional base and 90% to do things that don’t make sense, and claim land beyond what they’re actually going to use.

6 if a person wants to build something massive, go to places where players don’t frequent often, as we no longer need to choose places to have purge, nowadays it is summoned by siege and the place you live no longer influences this.

7 again, imagine, everyone in this same build pattern doing this on the map, no one would be able to play, a few months ago friends and I were playing PVE-C in North America, we are from Brazil, as there are no PVE-C exile servers For us, the ping is very high, gigantic constructions that are absurd without meaning or aesthetics.