Lots of players seemingly banned for incorrect crom coin balance

It solves neither, did that hours ago

Same here (see print screen)

Its getting more and more ridiculous.

Well here’s where my thing comes in. When my partner and I bought our textile company, the previous owners had created a system of internal bucks that customers could spend. Sooo many of them were not redeemed it felt like a scam, so we took the effort to create actual gift cards in the dollar amounts, that are regulated by US and International law. We actually took ourselves away from a Crom Coins system, voluntarily.


And now I am seeing in the topic “over there” that once (or if) I can play the game, some combat really -SMART- changes have been done.

It is really not looking good. :rofl:

Sooo I’m guessing the fixes to the FCLive connection issues of the past didn’t really work as planned, eh?

The present might be new issues, too.

THIS one goes your ear, that one goes in your butt.

Well… there are 500+ angry comments, so I assume a few hundred of us submitted tickets. Unless they have an army dedicated just to solve tickets… it will take some time to fix this, if they also ask for proof that you bought coins like I saw some comments it will take even more time. Sad but true.

I also think that is waay more fun to read the comments and participate rather than getting annoyed by the new and improved combat changes :smiley:

It’s all a conspiracy to blind you for what you will find after you manage to play the game (joking ofc)

Oh, and it gets better–by all accounts, they’re asking to see our receipts to prove that even though there’s a widescale system problem, they’re going to presume that we’re lying and trying to rip THEM off.

…Or you can just pay the ransom and get into the game right away.

LMAOOO Oh my god hahaha

Waking up today was NOT the best idea I’ve ever had. :rofl:

Well I thought I was the only one and I had done something wrong. Seems like thousands are affected and knowing Funcom, it will take months to resolve, even though I have proof of purchase and have sent it to them.
So disappointed for so many to be treated this way. They should roll back the servers and run the patch when it is ready

There needs to be more of this.

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This is the part that feels insulting to me. Having to prove I am innocent of wrongdoing when it is an issue that they somehow caused.


Turn off your internet go in to single player and get it off server list in single player

:brazil: feedback servers bug @Funcom_Community

Pessoal recomendo que enviem manualmente a mensagem para o suporte ZENDESK

Lembre de enviar o print de seus comprovantes via steam que todos recebemos via email assim o suporte irá resolver nosso problema

Acabei de receber o feedback do ZENDESK sobre o problema…
“Saudações exilados!
Agradecemos por entrar em contato conosco e pedimos desculpas pelo problema ocorrido em sua conta.
Investigamos sua conta de acordo com seu relatório e conseguimos restaurar seu saldo de Crom Coin para valores positivos.
Certifique-se de reiniciar o jogo com antecedência e tudo estará em ordem com sua conta!
Nossas mais sinceras desculpas pelo transtorno.
Continue conquistando as terras!”

Em resumo não demorou portanto é confiável relatar o problema sobre o assunto pois a resposta não demora muito e geralmente é resolvido muito rápido

Além disso recomendo que faça verificação dos arquivos após a atualização

Já está resolvido pessoal recomendo que aceite as regras ao entrar para liberar o menu do jogo

Muito obrigado FUNCOM @Community :star_struck: :partying_face: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Well, they use Zendesk, and I know for a fact that the Zendesk systems does have a lot of cool AI features that would make really easy to handle massive customer service requests. My company used to use it before we moved to in house developed systems.

Not an excuse … not for at least answering the requests in a timely manner. It is not that the help desk people themselves are going there and directly solving the issue in the system. There must be a system endpoint in there to be handled by a component of the CRM

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Do we have an expected turn around time for these tickets to be answered?

While I understand there’s going to be an influx of tickets, presently pushing 4.5 hours since my submissions.

Its one thing not being able to access official servers but we’ve got private servers to manage and are unable to do so.

Hoping to see this rectified sooner than later.

When did you make your complaint?

BRB extended nap initiated