I broke a nordheimer dancer named and he had all the northern armour on except for one piece. I was surprised that it wasn’t fiber. I hope this is a new trend, find out on my cimmerians tonight.
Thats only the case for dancers though.
Meaning darfari dancers might come with darfari gear, most dancers coming with zamorian dancer dress (to craft it, get your hands on a t3+ zamorian armorer) and northern ones with northern gear.
There is a mod with some new bosses where you can trigger an epic mode with corresponding loot.
Would be sweet if the FC bosses had a similar trigger
An old trick is to make bosses drop tokens which could be used to buy special items. We got the merchants in Sepermeru, so…
Thrall war dungeon mod
It’s a pretty extensive mod, but they got some cool bosses that feature special attacks, retributive shields, mob summoning etc.
This is an amazing idea. Would actually do some for an in-game economy, too, where players could trade some of the custom “boss blocks” for others, or for other mats.
I can imagine it right now: “Holy crap!! Look at this guys base! There must be 300 Abyssal Foundations in this thing! This guy’s done some farming, for sure! Let’s raid him!”
I like this idea, I’ve also liked the idea of having a dungeon or new area so hard, it would allow them to raise the level cap from 60 to maybe 70. But having spider foundations that are covered in web, would be awesome!
Do you play pvp official? because being more powerful would be nice, having the ability to have more things learned. Plus having super tough enemies to fight in a new area would be great.
You know if you change the cap only new stuff will be end game stuff and EVERYTHNG that is in the game now will be low level crap. And the extra Points go to every one. and cange the balanse on the Points and a Point whit the game is that you can have Everything…
Well you could always add new things to learn (which they are doing anyways) Plus when you beat the game and reset your level, it’s totally useless. If my level cap went up even one level for every time I reset my character by beating the game, I’d totally do it 10 times to get to max level 70
Well Compare WoW and Age of Conan, in WoW every extra level made all old stuff crap no reason to go to a lv 69 instans when max is 70 but (corect me if im wrong, have not bean online 4 some time) in AoC its the same max level when the game sarted as it is to day and you are able to enjoy every thing and nothing is obsolet.
I se no reason to chane the level unless some one like to have more levels to gank some on.
It is true that it could make some of the older things useless, but most of the items in the game are useless to me. I’ve been on the same pvp official server since launch day, and I play every day. I have no challenge, and nothing to really do, we have our wars, but we always win since we’re just that good at pvp since we pvp a lot! But imagine the time and difficulty it would take to reset to level 1 every time to gain one extra level cap. Plus a new area that only has bosses or something so only high level equipped players can travel there, and even then it would still be near impossible. Idk, there isn’t a challenge anymore.
Just remember you’re the dude playing PvE. I’ve been on the same official pvp server since launch day. There is NO CHALLENGE in the game other than other players, and they aren’t even much of a challenge because I know all of the best strats. Plus all of the new level 60 items are just reskins of what already exists and they just throw a different name on it. I want a dungeon with enemies that can kill me in 2 to 3 shots regardless of my stats, and loot so powerful that it’s nearly impossible to acquire. Challenges and reasons to replay dungeons is what keeps the game fun for people in pvp. Not just the same old brimstone run…
You know i told you i have bean on a pvp server, was in a pvp from start untill a month ago sins its impseble to build nice stuffs and every one ells build uggly boxes to prevent it to ben blowed up. What you say hehe is that you need more pve stuff just for you are on a pvp server? hehe so funny.
Yes ad more chalageing stuff is a good thing but no need to ad levels.
Still no reason to ad levels!
And whay turn EVERYTHING they alredy made in the garbage bin?
Bruh, ark has difficult dungeons that only high level and very equipped players can beat. Plus it gives them super over powered engrams and resources to make over powered items. So PvE is important in PvP servers. And you clearly left PvP for obvious reasons of boredom. Our base is so big we’ve built PvE structures with in it so no one can blow them up, and we have plenty of shrines to prevent God attacks. 3 clans have built arenas for friendly pvp fights as well. But Theres just nothing big for us to do. On ark we can cross server raid against a big clan which is intense, we can do big dungeons and bosses which were super hard yet rewarding for the hard work and time. But Conan doesn’t have ANY of these. If you beat the bosses in ark your level cap would be increases a little, but you still had to grind those levels out, I think upping the cap on Conan won’t ruin it bc then they can start adding super difficult to acquire T4 items and building pieces