Love the dungeons, but I have no reason to go

Sounds as a gankers paradise, only the alredy strong and hard are able to get Thos extra levels so they can dominate the server even more.

Yes to be able to raid/visit other servers can be fun if its done in a good way or maybe do a npc way of it that a coppy (incl clanmembers avatars as lv 5/boss mobs) of a bace are teleported so people can raid it, even on a pve server. And if you have a good defendend bace they can get a nice revard for it to.

The normal problem even in AoC is that the heroic mode on a instans Always become the only way to play the game, only thing that is needed in the game drops from the heroic bosses and no mather how fun the rest of the game is its totaly pointless to do anything ells then just farm the heroic boss.

Hope they have the purge system working sone so they can expand that part to make it more a chalange.

But still no reason to ad more levels in the game, its a waist of resourses if they have to rebalanse Everything in the game from start again.

So maybe adding new levels isn’t exactly needed at least for right now. But something challenging is 100% needed. Plus it’s a gankers paradise yes, but we don’t attack anyone first, we let people start the war with us on their terms. If someone comes with 8 gods to attack us, my heart will race and I’ll be enjoying the game (not including the pain of the lag) on a level I haven’t in a while. But most of the time they just bomb us a little or try to kill us in the wild which starts the war. Also, we have public map rooms for every obelisk :blush:

but I agree that rebalancing everything would be time consuming and annoying, and we both agree that something way more challenging needs to be implemented in the game. I don’t think purges are going anywhere, even if we don’t defend against the purge, it doesn’t last long enough to any damage to us. And we have vaults of resources to repair. So purges are blah. I like them, but I can’t really see them being something challenging, maybe funcom can do some magical stuff and prove me wrong.

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How would adding levels make anything obsolete? Adding levels does not mean all new weapons, armor, etc. I’d love to have more attribute points to play with. With encumbrance being such an issue in this game, it’d be nice to have more points to put into combat attributes.

apparently adding levels equals adding OP weapons. I just want more of a challenge, more freedom, and new things to strive for.

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