Make building peace limit

Stop parroting other people’s assumptions. Unless Funcom told you they banned you for building “too big”, you’re just assuming size has anything to do with it, as opposed to what the rules actually say:

Those are some of the actual reasons for getting banned. Size alone is not a factor.

And if you can’t be bothered to think things through, at least try to get informed from one of the many threads already requesting this, instead of creating yet another one. There are many reasons why a building limit won’t solve anything, but they’ve all been talked about ad nauseam. The most recent thread about this is near the top of the post list…

And STOP complaining about not being allowed to spam foundations or stack fence foundations anymore. The PVP meta changed, adapt to it instead of asking for PVE players to pay for your inability to change your playstyle.

And STOP ignoring server messages that announce changes in the rules. Funcom put up a message on the official servers two weeks before the new rules even went into effect. That was months ago, now. You’ve had plenty of time to take action.

Oh, and while we’re at it, STOP asking to be refunded for something you didn’t pay for. You bought the game, and you can still play it. You’re not paying for the access to the official servers – Funcom provides that as a free service and they have rules about how you’re allowed to use that service.

someone who never got banned with over 4000 hours of playtime, and who’s sick of entitled players asking for limits that would wreck other people’s enjoyment of the game because they can’t be bothered to ask for what they really should…

There’s nothing in the EULA about that, at all.

So ask Funcom to clarify what’s legit, instead of requesting a building limit.