Mounts are new meta

Is it? Could it be that there are people using mounts in very different ways? I mean, I don’t know, it seems to me that this thread is complaining about dying to mounted players in PVP, whereas the other thread is complaining about how mounts are pretty useless for PVE.

But what do I know? Maybe if I didn’t spend so much time reading and trying to understand what people are actually trying to say, I might be able to mock them properly :stuck_out_tongue:


No, that is PvP :slight_smile:
One is complaining the game dies because of XY is to ABC.
The other is complaining the game dies because XY got nerfed and is not longer ABC.

And both are complaining that the Funcom and the devs don’t listen to the community.

I wonder what would happen when every PvE player would start to do PvP with mounts. :thinking:

In my case: Running against everything. Getting stuck and getting killed all the time :smiley: :smiley:

PS.: I am really bad at horsing around :smiley: :smiley:

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Goodness guys, chill lol i didnt make this thread to say take mounts out. I know some people are really passionate about having mounts in the game, and I dont hate them, i just feel some balancing is in order so that on foot players stand a better chance (such as planting a lance in the ground to counter a charge), because different people have different play styles. Thats it. Thats the whole purpose of the forums. I dont believe, in ANY WAY, its unreasonable to suggest this. Its a new system, and obviously there is going to be some tweaks in the future. Happy raiding.

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Funcom is always tweaking the game. What I’m saying is that horses are not OP at all. They have two hard counters in the form of bows and terrain. Like any new feature you just need to adapt.

No, there is nothing wrong with the mounted system. Animals are stronger than you, so them having a higher damage output is reasonable. You get run over by a horse, you get fugged up, if not killed. Forget about it if you get trampled by a rhino. I think you’re just a troll trying to make the game worse.

I dont mean to be patronizing but just last night on my server playing on a buggy Xbox one X with my crappy internet i fought a friend on foot against him on horseback and i beat him. I was wearing khari soldier armor and weilding a shield with yogs touch. It just a matter of timing and rolling forward to the riders left flank and countering as they try to turn.

They don’t listen to player feedback he’ll they don’t even play their own game to know the real issues of the game. It’s such easy fixes but they roll out economy update and ruin heals lmao

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Ok now do kill him with anything other than a yogs and oh how about multiple people with thralls and sabres

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Buddy you def don’t pvp I can tell cause imagine 10 man clans all on horses with thralls and sabres … the horses to way to much damage if they going to be doing that much they should take out the bleed and shorten the animation for bandages and potions you won’t last against big tribes

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Come to my server where 30 people on horses 24/7 with thralls and sabres and kill farmers anywhere on map and they camp all spawns for good loot …

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Maybe not one shot KILL, but 1-3 shot dismount (depending on horse armor).

The horse falls, you take some damage, keep your stamina and then the horse will get up and run away, so you need to get to it again.

Also make horses less clunky in movement.


Horse vs footman, op? So if i dont have a pike and my opponent does have a pike, does that make pikes op? Imo it just means someone is without equal equipment(horse). If u were lvl 20 and a lvl 60 with full legendaries killed you, does that make lvl 60s op? Once u have legendaries and are lvl 60 u will have an easier time against legendary geared 60s. The same goes for horses, once you can ride, u are on equal terms with other riders…

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This scenario would be the AoE2 equivalent for Conan:
Imagine someone attacks you with Cavalier and you are still Castle Age. And there is no counter except Cavalier. How are you supposed to do something?

Luckily we got this in AoE2:


Do you see the issue in your argument now?

If not, in other words:

Don’t fight rocks with rocks.
Don’t fight paper with paper.
Don’t fight scissors with scissors.


If i rembember correctly, the Cavaliers were a nationality specific unit. Like Camales…not available to every nation’s army. Anyone can get a horse…


Rock vs rock then.
Paper vs paper then.
Scissor vs scissor then.


No they weren’t it was for everyone and I still have those games and omg I found people that play/played it too so I’m not alone :laughing: but most special units required you to spend points in the before battle tech and in scenarios battle they were national specific due to lore but they in normal battle were available with out tech

Powiem tak jako doswiadczony gracz w conana i aktuslnie grajacy

Jak wiadomo konie dziela sie na kilka typow:

Wytrzymale ktore pozwola ci przemiescic sie w bardzo krotkim czasie na daleka podroz

Silne jak samo slowo znaczy ze jestesmy podczas twojej nieuwagi nawet cie z One szotowac !!!

Hybrydy czyli troche tego i troche tego :wink:

Oraz zadko spotykane ale widziane jako dodatkowe 10 slotow ktore pozwola ci przewozic ciezkie materialy nie na swoim garbie ale za to ty jestes ubrany pod pvp i w kazdej chwili potrafisz zrobic komus kuku wiec gra wymaga nie zebys mial tk zwana mete tylko proboj a sam sie nauczysz a na te gildie szarzujace tylko na koniach zrob kolce i plotek jest kilka taktyk i sposobow na to ale to wszystko jest do przegadania

Toxic super clans are a problem regardless of what tools they use. Find a new server.

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