What funcom fails to realise is that, this game is “Single player”, even in “Multiplayer.” The game is so easy, lacking content and uniqueness that a solo player can easily wrap up the PvE content in matter of hours.
The purge thralls and Unique T4’s actually created a natural economy or bargain between players. I do see the reason behind making lower tiers relevant, but mediocring the T4’s shouldn’t ve been a solution.
This game, needs ZERO player interaction unless you are trying to bust people in PvP, which funcom couldn’t seriously understand.
Also, I fail to realise who will use any bench rather than %50 cost reduction one. The only thing people don’t like is grinding, and %50 cost reduction is what people will go for. Not speed, EVER.
We already needed a giant workshop to create an endgame industry, which we ran from chest/vaults to benches, hauling material from one side to other. Now, we get zero new content or items, but new benches which will almost triple the size of our old workshop, while adding absolutely N O T H I N G.
-Will I lose more time running around workshops? Yes.
-Will I have to spare even more space in my base? Yes
-Will I have to haul resources between benches, which actually have similar recipes, but apart from each other? Yes
-What do I gain from all of this? Nothing.
Everything in game is extremely easy to access;
-Legendary items? You literally find them in random boxes, with easy “strong mobs” Sorry but there are NO BOSS in conan exiles, just strong mobs.
-All material is abundant, not really region specific (except starmetal and obsidian, none ever uses in abundance because they are unnecessary and most of the better tools and stuff can be farmed via easier other means.)
-Now thralls are not that much unique anymore.
What will my players, trade? Coin is only good for smelting into dust. All resource is abundant across map, leveling is easy, gathering is easy, fighting is easy. I mean check Riddle of Steel in actual conan fantasy, Steel was something RARE, precious. Here its a junk.
I will have to get more thralls, more space, more running, for nothing. It’s a joke.
This game is still relevant thanks to hard working modders, whom literally walk in flames to put up content because of total-overhauling patches every 1-2 months.
Funcom crew is very, but very disconnected from its playerbase and the actual needs of the game.
We want, content, we want more customizable servers, we want more uniqueness in wilderness, we want more randomness, the feeling of being rewarded is severely lacking in game. We want things that we will have to trade, I WANT PLAYERS TO BE OBLIGED TO ENGAGE EACH OTHER IN SERVER. (if you don’t like other players, SP is for you, in MP I expect people to be a community. Trading, bargaining, being forced to cooperate.)
There is no endgame goal, the vanilla goal throws you to level one which NONE EVER MAKES. The game is STALE, STATIC. It’s not living unless people mod the hell out of it.
If you rely on modders to keep your game alive, at least throw a proper bone to them.
I know the team works, and I appreciate their effort, I’ve supported funcom via buying all DLC’s on date, but they need to be more relevant with the needs of their game. All they have is 2-3 toy box and they just swap their location and call it a content, we need more boxes, more uniqueness. If you can’t be unique, well just copy some aspects of ARK and actually ADD some BOSSES.