Again, you’re fighting two against one? That’s supposed to put you at a disadvantage.
Get a friend and fight two vs two, and report back how the situation changes. In order to make decisions regarding game balance, the samples you present about the perceived problem need to be not skewed.
If you’re losing to two people with daggers, the problem may not be the daggers but the fact that you’re outnumbered. But if you’re constantly losing a duel, or a 2 vs 2 fight, to dagger wielders with a similar skill level as yours, and with a similarly good internet connection etc. - then the problem may be the daggers.
In other words, eliminate all other variables that may affect the end result except the weapon selection, and we can get reliable data on whether the weapon is the cause of the imbalance you perceive.
Daggers are better in both occasions. However In Conan you shouldn’t Balance a weapon in a 1v1 type scenario environment it should be looked into as can 3 lower skill players with the weapons or average beat a high skill player. With daggers and claws that is a major yes… and if it is. Yes… then the weapon needs balanced… the devs said they want to bring skill based combat back so skill beats numbers… like how it used to be. But they wanna do it right by their design… again daggers should not hit with a light attack and bleed 2x or poison 2x… they should have kept that as the heavy attack since that was how they were balanced…
The problem is the sigils only remove stacks over time… and not all at once it’s like 2 stacks every 10 seconds or so …a 10 stack will kill you before then with bleed. What about jhebbal prowl and having no sigil at all? The sigil if it was good should just make you impervious to that status effect I’d it was to be useful
Why? Are you of the opinion that a duel between equally skilled participants shouldn’t be balanced? And how do you even begin to take player skill into account when balancing weapons? Situational modifiers such as “when fighting three or more noobs, a greatsword does 1.5x damage” are kinda difficult to code. Or “If you have less than 100 hours played, you do only 0.5x damage against players with more than 1000 hours of playing time”.
I’m really starting to think that you’re less worried about weapon balance, and more worried that you can’t beat three opponents on your own. You neglect to consider the possibility that the players who outnumber you could be skilled players in their own right, in which case they’re meant to beat the crap out of you, regardless of their choice of weapon.
How do you even know whether your opponents are clueless beginners who just mash buttons and accidentally kill you because their choice of weapon is overpowered?
Not changing playstyle. The fact I can just lock on and spam light attack abd get a range equal to spear with hyper armour close to an axe And five 2 stacks on 1 hit is stupidly unbalanced when they changed the hit priority in the game
When I have pvp fought as long as I have over 3 years damn near and played money tournaments and when I was in this “new meta” and I can beat these 2 guys I fight all the time with ease. Just for one or both of them to whip this weapon out and claw and dagger spam… and die… then you have a problem homie. If need be I can just sell my soul and do it too but that takes away What the Devs Are trying to do right now. Which is make the game more skill beats numbers again
Daggers have been always kind of OP, imo.
Hyperarmor, fast attacks, almost free forward movement and backflip (seriously, lol), fast stack of bleed and poison and yet a decent damage…
The simple solution is to make all weapons do exactly 1 point of damage with the exact same animations with no abilities what so ever regardless of what you make them out of or if they are legendary or not. I’m sure people will still ask for sh*t to get nerfed but what else can you do?
8nstead of nerf, they need a miss penalty. The problem lies in spamming light. you can miss, but there is no negative as long as you have high grit. Something like what recoil is on FPS to balance weapons some. So adding a “stumble” to every weapon, and then tweaking the times it can balance out some of the spamming attack.
Technically that statement should be reversed it should take skill and high skill to do official pvp and not alot to play a private haha. I mean I’ll just wait for the rest of the community to experience an entire clan of 10 or 2 clans of 15 to 20 with 1 horse and claws and daggers with the rest… good luck with fighting that lag attack fest and etc… official pvp should be for the hard-core official pvp players and vets not some kids who die and have complained about spears then hammers and then so on to where now the pvp vet players are having to complain over the lack of skill found in officials anymore. Just trying to let the devs know that if they want to make skill beat numbers like Dennis said in his stream about 2.4. They will need to look at claws and the daggers…OOOHHH I forgot… you can still 1 shot with a horse and I found out how a few days ago so that is going to be fun to bring back to the meta. Since they kinda defeated the purpose of pvp
The pvpers are what fuel the community and you saying a PvP noob you must not actually know me or things I have done or will do in the future. I’m talking for the well being of average conan players and trying to make sure our player base doesn’t just Die out like it has been for 3 years man. Think for a second. The people who cried about the spear and hammer etc WAS NOT the pvp community it was the very thing you are talking against and for right now… it was the pve players who played conan and was getting schooled by the spear and or hammer. Not the pvp players who used it. Almost all pvp players want the spear Meta to return to a certain degree it was at… and people who tend to not agree with me on this are the players who haven’t experienced it yet OR they just aren’t good in general and have no experience whatsoever in high level pvp
Its not about it not suiting my playstyle it isnt suiting the direction the combat functionality the devs are trying to make … it doesn’t belong in the slower combat realm, these weapons were fine and un touched since the fast roll and haven’t changed like the other weapons at all through out the entire metas. they need revisited and tested
And do you ever ask why the PvP Community has become that way? or do you just accept it? Just curious haha. the PvP is like it is now because of past wrongs and not getting them fixed and people in the pvp community Quitting the game entirely because of the unbalance of the types of things in game. i am speaking on behalf of the official average players and not the hard core pvp fighters
That is what i am saying. Lets make the balances Happen so it is skill based and let the people who wanna play even an average player have a ball park chance at pvp instead of the broken animation weapons which skill players WILL USE against the others and just obliterate them… Do you not got my point
I agree with a lot of things you have said except that pvp fuels the community. No way. The pve servers I play on have always been far more populated than the pvp servers I play on. Like at least double.
First you were saying the daggers are broken because average players can beat skilled players by spamming bleed too quickly. That’s what you were complaining about right? you don’t like it. “There’s no skill.”
Now you’re saying the problem is that skilled players will drive average players away from the game by using daggers on them. As if being a skilled player just means looking up what the current PvP meta is on the net and using it
I’m sorry but it just sounds to me like you don’t like the meta changing and you think complaining is going to make it stop.
Has it occurred to you that Funcom actually knows what they’re doing and did this on purpose? That every now and then they boost a weapon type or nerf something just to shake up the meta? That’s what I’d do if I was them