If we wanted to do the whole adapt bs well be right back with horse meta and the pvp community Leaving until it gets fixed. Like majority of them already did. We’re trying to bring them back and make the game balanced. Not destroy it and make the “new meta” an un skilled Meta. Like horses mostly are. Spear Meta and hammer meta were probably the most skillful metas we had until the roll changes and certain weapons caught nerfs etc. Hammer needs buffed again with hyper armour etc. We need to buff 2 handers and nerf some of the 1 handers. If anything else… just NERF THE CLAWS AND DAGGERS the other weapons are fine where they are at man…
Of course it would be easier.
However - not everyone enjoys PvP. Many people won’t even buy a game that has a forced PvP - I know I wouldn’t.
Furthermore, balance mostly matters in PvP. NPCs and boss monsters don’t complain about overpowered daggers and claws - PvPers do. So, if you want a level playing field that is easy to balance, the most logical option would be to remove PvP.
But that’s not really an option, is it? We’re stuck with PvP because despite everything, PvP is a popular subculture. So maybe asking to remove a major portion of the game’s player base is not on the table, even if it made things easier to balance for the rest.
@TheReaperOfChess have you only recently tried claws?
Why you ask for Jhebal Sag claws to reworked? How about the other claws that you can find in the game?
Imo you are just another crybaby that cannot handle loosing.
LMFAO dude. claws are legit the worst most unskilled weapon in the game, and i can legit Prove it in my latest video, where i can effectively isolate and 1v2 and win vs when i fight a 1v1 and they have claws its stupid and cant even get a good shot in edge wise. I have played pure conan pvp for YEARS and have been at the top of PvP for along time in the past and now am a top tier player again or close to it, when i say claws are O.P. I am not kidding and i can prove it
Remove the PvP servers and leave the PvE and PvE-C servers and you will see 99.9% of the toxic post on the forums disappear within a week.
You are 100% delusional if that is what you think. There is a reason people play on PvE servers and that is because they do NOT want to pvp. Not because they secretly do want to. No, it’s because they actually do not want to. And the vast majority would rather quit the game and walk away than be forced to.
And PvP should have absolutely no say on game mechanical changes that completely screw over PvE players. Same ■■■■ goes both ways moron. Just because you play one style does not make you some high and mighty god of game development that you get to decide how to make the game fit YOUR preferred style at the coast of the vast majority of players who do NOT play your style. All you have to do is look at the numbers, PvP is in the minority.
Dude do you play PvP? in what ways will nerfing the claws and Daggers effect PvE dude? or are you just trying to troll and make this forum look toxic. you have given 0 other points other than “itS My PlAyStYlE”? People who play PvE can play PvE what i am saying is when it comes to nerfs to weapons in THE PVP COMBAT WORLD like how thralls were nerfed on pvp servers alone… They need to Balance combat in PvP. you are fighting world bosses and building homie. you arent Fighting players, you arent getting looted and you aren’t doing any real pvp…Your base isnt being wiped after a year on a server because of broken weapons and mechanics… so when it comes to balance changes with weapons in regard to character PvP combat. I think the PvP community has WAAAAY more say so over this than a PvE player who maybe just spams light attack at a boss who attacks a thrall LMFAO If you want to have a civil Discussion and stop blowing up the thread then DM me on discord we can call and chat about solutions rather than arguments, discord: TheReaperOfChess#6611
My question for you was other, but you can brag about it a bit more. If you played competitive pvp for years, how come you only see now what claws can do? The claws attack Was like this from the start and as i said, there are other claws in game that are above Jhebal Sag claws.
My only Problem with claws is that you can attack while encumbered in the same way you attack while not encumbered.
I have always been pushing for a nerf to claws, but back in the day you wasnt as tanky and you could be axe spammed out or circle countered and if you messed up the fast roll could save you… Not anymore it is claw heaven man. I want claws Nerfed if anything else in this thread, I can deal with daggers alot more and handle and accept them But the claws HAVE TO GO over all. i cannot stand the jhil gloves with them and feasts or herbal tea… you legit lose 0 stamina and can spam til the cows come home. god forbid the whole 10 man clan is running them with a couple horse pvp players and throwing axe encumbrance thralls, stuff legit the only weapon atm that is the most broken in the game. and i am refeering to all claws but mostly the siptah ones where you can get 900+ armour in light which is just wrong
You got it right this time.
So if you want claws to be removed or nerfed then please Show the devs it’s real problem with them.
Explain to them what happends when you put all pieces together and then go out on a map rampage. Let them see why they are broken and not because you cannot win 1v1…
I play with claws and daggers on PvE and i must Tell you that i play without a thrall most of the times. Without claws i would not be able to do the Krllyiadian.
Shields are very unreliable against claws. I have killed many players in the past by simply spamming claws against their shield until one eventually goes through eventhough they block. That hit makes them drop their shield and they are basically dead. There are ways to counter claws but a shield definitley isn’t one of them.
Until the healing changes in 2.3 (maybe earlier in pc idk but the ones console got in 2.3) it was easy to counter them if you knew what to do though. I have never (and I’m actually being serious here) died to daggers in my 2800 hours before 2.3. Not because they were crazy bad or anything but because you could counter them quite easily if you knew how to. Now you can still kinda counter them the same way but not being able to heal inbetween your combo makes it nearly impossible to outtrade a dagger player.
It obviously isn’t 15v1. That would be unwinnable no matter what weapons you use (since they changed the roll at least). Let’s assume we’re talking about a 15v15. All enemies running daggers. Or claws. First of all: a 15v15 is gonna be laggy af simply because of the number of players and thralls around the area. If you’re lucky enough to not crash then you will have massive frame drops in which it is physically impossible to consistently dodge and attack in the exact moment you need to to stop the dagger players. Only way to have a chance in that fight is to use daggers and claws yourself. And before you start crying that players should just adept to daggers then and that they shouldn’t be nerfed, let me ask you one thing: do you want to play in a meta where there is only one weapon type that is usable? That doesn’t even require skill too use?
Of course it’s also wrong to nerf it into oblivion like they did with some stuff in the past, but they do need a nerf.
Possible I don’t really used daggers that much so I can’t tell
Sadly, it has kinda got to that state through various updates (roll, healing, etc) or waiting for updates (8 months or pork on console). There used to be over 30 full (actually 40/40) pvp officials just in the eu ps4 community. Now there are 2 at best. Pve wasn’t really negatively affected by any of this. Of course healing is a bit harder now but that’s about it. That is kinda the reason why pve stayed populated and pvp pretty much died. Oh and also that numbers>skill mindset that alex brought to funcom in 2019
No that’s not what it means. But you can have a fairly new players using daggers against an experienced player. He will get kills that he wouldnt get with other weapons but he will also die a few times even if the other person doesn’t use daggers. But if you take an experienced player and give him daggers he will slaughter all the average players because he knows how to stay alive, how to disengage, heal and put on pressure again. And that in a very short time window
Most of the people I played pvp both with and against still play pvp, they moved to private’s where the exploiters and hackers are dealt with swiftly. The lack of an active admin and therefore actions against cheaters/griefers has been in my experience the biggest cause of the migration away from official pvp servers.
That actually was a big reason aswell but it got better recently. Many people are actually getting banned for cheating
Because i cant 1v1?? i did a 1v2 and i beat both players with them not using claws, then they bring out claws and i get shredded in a single 1v1 let alone a 2v1 again. that is not a skilled weapon and in PvP It should be player skill that wins engagements not numbers or spammable unskilled weapons. like Claws
The daggers were o.p before 2.4 and such i remember being naked and kitting 3 people naked with daggers on the beach after my year break, They NEED NERFED and even if they dont get nerfed atleast understand what is going to happen to the PvP community, also understand that people will start doing unfair things again to gain advantages and or using the broken things until the pvp part of the game is dead. idk about you or if you EVEN PvP but that is something i do not want. CLAWS and Daggers are the main problem we have to face. You want buffs over the nerfs… I already talked about a buff to 2H weapons animation swings and such BUT Understand this will not change the dodge framez that give hit priority in the fight, so no matter what change to movement you get Claws and daggers will still be meta because of the Roll in and have Hyper Armour Framez after roll. we need to really look at buffing as well, i dont disagree but there isnt a way to buff the 23+ weapon types and individual weapons in game it would be easier to slightly nerf the 2 weapons types that are causing the issue. that is just basic information
Obviously this is true to a certain extend, BUT if they didn’t want to PvP, why did the battle standards (or however you spell it idk) even get introduced? Certainly not because of the absurd hp they have to serve as pvp landclaim