As my personal suggestion the area where you are is good enough:
Just north of it there is an area, near howling plateau, with all wood and rocks you need to build.
The Imp cave providing you crystal, the Sinner’s refuge providing you brimstone, and the huge iron fields near tower of bats requiring you just build a couple of elevator to access it from the falls of the little river near your base position could provides you all you need at mid-low level are cole to your shelter position.
The place is also not so far from obelisk at the Dregs, even if you’ll need to build a stairs to bypass darfari’s village or just to comfortly use the platform where it is.
The point is when you’ll acquire the cartographer feat from Archives in Unnamed city, learning how to craft maprooms, the game perspective will totally changes for you.
Being able to teleport to obelisks you already discovered and attuned to your bracelet allows you to build small outposts in each area of interest on the map, usually to enslave thralls building there your wheels of pain or just to be used a base when farming a specific dungeon or area (just to say: the buccaneer’s bay just to farm gold from the many chests underwater in the area, or to farm the new Sunken City for Dagon scales).
Probably the only advantage at your level, but disadvantage at high level is about purges: in the river area you’ll have not so interesting purges (in terms of t4 npc capturables).
We have a dozen of outposts around the map, but we never felt the need to change position to our main base just north of howling plateau.
You can also see some screenshots here: