NO new hairstyles being planned per the livestream!

I can’t tell you how disappointed I am about that. Character generation in this game is SO lackluster. And I asked (repeatedly! lol) if they were going to at least add some new hairstyles and Jens said they weren’t working on that at present. So… PLEASE let them know that better character customization STARTING WITH MORE HAIRSTYLES is really desired!


Character customization is a huge deal to not just roleplayers, but any player that wants to make an identity for their character. Yes, there are a lot of nice options for armor, and clothing, but the hair, face, and all of that are a huge deal that shouldn’t be overlooked.

I’d like to see more options here as well.


Having more customization options is always good.

More hairstyles would be nice. Maybe more sliders too. Shoulder width, hip size, idk.


More hairstyles and in gamre customization, like the mod that adds the mirror to change ypur character appearance please.


Indeed. The Character Customization is one of the major features for any RPG. Pushing content DLC’s is ok, but I would expect more bolder steps also this way. More body sliders, hairs, faces, bodies, makeups and so on. As well as new animations or interactions between players (so far we have only sexiles mod, which is pity for 18+ game, wasted potential!!!) :slight_smile:


More hairstyles, plz! That’s all


Oh defo. I like games that try to take itself seriously. I don’t really like the meme weapons they added, like the Spatula or the Dead Leg.

But having more variance in humans is always good. So yeah, a shoulder/hip/waist slider would be neat, but of course, within realistic limits.


scars … and yes, some animations for eating, drinking etc. and of course civilian clothing and hairstyles :slightly_smiling_face:


Considering it feel like old threads got ignored despite us asking since start… thou few of those got derailed by the “fix this thing” instead of new stuff.

I want a few new ones, but mostly cause there only 1 that even good. (to me)


I support this request.

RA (Roleplay Aesthetics) should not be a mandatory mod for servers putting any value on aesthetics.


Actually yeah, scars would be pretty fun to have. Like a permanent tattoo/warpaint. I’m surprised I haven’t seen it suggested before actually.


New hair would be an absolute game changer for me.
To be able to change hairstyles throughout the game without having to create a new character would be incredible when it comes to immersing myself in a roleplay environment.
A lantern on the belt too…oh gosh…be still my beating heart!


I would definitely love to see more hairstyles or character customization options in general.


I’d love more hair options but before they do that, they really need to fix hair lighting as it messes up the coloring and additionally makes it look like we have dark highlights.

My characters has silver hair but in-world after character creation, she’s a dirty blonde with dark highlights.

And though I’d prefer it as a content patch, to be honest I’m willing to pay for more hair but I think it’d be very wrong of them to sell it without fixing the issues with hair lighting first.

And I don’t much care to pay for shoddy half-assed work.


I second the wish for more customization , but……
At moment the game physics not even handle various char heights correct (clothing etc, see the different threads) . Fix at first the handling of different heights related to clothing and peek throughs is required….


More hairstyles would be nice, as well as being able to change your style in game.

How about being able to put thralls in places like seating areas and beds?


we give support you give us the hair


As a person who plays RP let’s push this give us character customisation at least change our hair maybe like ark with scissors


I absolutely would love to see more attention made to the character creation. I’ve been playing this game for a few years now and it is important for me to be able to make a character that in some way is unique compared to the other characters. The hairstyles have a few good ones and some hairstyles just are visually horrible and fake looking. I would like to see the quality of the hair graphics improved and more variety. I have a character that would work best with dreadlocks for example. Or other styles for the pony tail than just a top knot pony tail style. Maybe some buns, other shapes of long hair than just the flat straight hair. Maybe something for the full shoulder length hair, like pulled behind the ear on one side, or a different texture, maybe some long hair with braids like from the viking’s show. Also the odd mowhawk braid is strangest texture, flat and plastic looking, it could be improved.


Some of the hair is really good but yeah most of it is just silly. I especially feel bad for male characters in this game. All hairstyles should be available to both sexes. I’d love to see some long styles that are pulled back away from the face please!