NO STAR METAL UNLESS server reboot

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online private
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP |
Region: NA east

NO STAR METAL if you reboot it comes then goes away quickly

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
1.go find star metal not there
2.reboot starmetal there and bug some crack some dont
3.starmetal disappears and wont re trigger

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Hello @Kron,

Actually, there are many community members that hold that the Starmetal ore nodes are buggy, as you can see:

  1. “Using Explosives does nothing”

  2. “Starmetal are bugged”

  3. “Starmetal meteorites bugged”

I’m also playing online private (on PS4), In my case it happens some times that the starmetal nodes wont exploit or even sometimes they disappears in front of you. But most of the time they work just fine (they have, of course, their difficulty)

Anyway, I recommend you to check the provided link number three, because as it is a private server, maybe you do have the re-spawn rate too high, and it brokes a little the starmetal thing.

Good luck!


We’ve addressed the starmetal node issue quite a while ago with a patch.
Are you using mods on your private server?

Additionally, the links posted above are pretty old and I don’t think we’ve had reports since we addressed the issue.

Are there still problems with starmetal nodes in general?

I can not melt bars (star metal) playing on an Official server PVE #1024 g portal com no Mods

Hello @Tascha,

By my side I didn’t even realize that the links were old, I keep anyway the advice of checking the re-spawn rate. Because as this resource needs to fall from the sky and It doesn’t just “re-spawn” in same locations, as I told, My wife and I, three days ago [PS4] were gathering starmetal, and we were lucky to find two nodes quite near of each other. We divided, and we used two explosive jars on each one not doing damage to the nodes, after that, we tried to use orbs but suddenly both nodes disappeared in front of our eyes.

But, after sayd that, it happened just two times, before that, even before the last PS4 update, we haven’t had any problem at all - apart from the logical difficulty to extract them -

I’ve also pointed that

Because I couldn’t say this was an actual bug, We have the re-spawn rate at 1.5, and maybe the nodes were in the middle of their re-spawning

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Armel when this happens it means a new shower is about to occure. Don’t go too far and be ready for a new starmetal hunt. And while you’re at it, if you had the Opportunity to get hit by one of these meteors i’d be happy to hear if it killed you or not. No player that i know so far has been able to get hit by those, and i have tried multiple times myself :smiley:

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no problem by my side on official PVE, only a few meteors that have a messed up hitbox will make you use a lot more mats to crack them, but that’s about it.

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It is not making any sense meteors crash, you hear them, you watch them i admin over there and nothing not a single one. I reboot the server and WALLA magically there is Starmetal. like 2 nodes then you mine it and wait for next shower and nothing ever appears. our respawn rate is at 2.0

XDDD, @roro4066, Why are you trying that??

:thinking: I never thought about it, but now I need to try it.

Maybe this afternoon, We will going to make a camp on the north to be Splashed by Meteors :rofl:

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meant to send to you Tascha

and no we have no mods at all

Just want to check if we can get the pop up “YOU WERE KILLED BY METEOR”. :laughing:
i manged to get really close many times but never at the exact spot the meteor lands.
It’s pretty scary, you’ll see…



We could add something like “well, you should have played the lottery today instead”.


Official PVE #1052; I regularly come across star metal that does not crack (as late was yesterday I found 3 nodes like that out of 6 in total) with the intended amount of effort at least (I generally leave them). Typically certain spots more than others (potentially); I’d say 20-30% of the ones I find are normally bugged that way and that’s been for some months for sure (not sure form when, but would guess from around the big update before the last one pet one).

Never had a problem making bars ever (with Black Ice and Brimstone) ref. someone mentioning that not working.

All right, thanks everyone. Worth doing a proper check from our side then :slight_smile:


The star metal working fine on my private server.


The majority of the meteors take no damage at all, no cracking, nothing.

Playing online official server.

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Are you aware that for melting starmetal bars you need to put in the furnace Starmetal ore+ Sulfur + Black ice? For in case, to discard all.

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I used two bombs the last days on two different nodes. One opened up, the other not.
Since starmetal is linked to an event I dont really like farming starmetal anyway…

I know there was used to be old starmetal nodes which couldnt be cracked, though I dont know if that is this the case.

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i cant get the stuff to even show up on my server idk wth is going on