Nord or Stygian. WHY?

Can we please get past these two cultures and find something ELSE? Something NEW? I’m not sure I’m even going to finish battlepass once I get the last Turanian item. I’m sick to death of Stygia Stygia Stygia and Nord Nord Nord. We get all kinds of Stygian crap nobody wants in base game. How about, oh…


Or ANYTHING that isn’t Stygian or Nord? ANYTHING!


I have a really nice, Set temple/treasure room using stygian themed items on Siptah to include snakemen stuff. I use both of the Turanian sets. stormglass with a bit of Arena, very middle eastern with the domes. I think its a step in the right direction but next age needs something akin to Age of Decadence with more stuff for thralls like emotes and interactable housing items.


Well, enjoy your Stygian decor. I, for one, would prefer to have something else for a change.

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Age of Amazon could be a thing. Amazons are canon, as are jungles, jungle critters, and even dinosaurs.


We aren’t all Stygians in game, so why only give us Stygian stuff? Without mods, there would be a lot less decorations that weren’t Stygian.


I’m not paying RL money for anything Stygian. Not anymore. I’ve bought my way to the end of battle pass more than once, but that ain’t happening when the only rewards are things I won’t use or don’t want. I’m done. Maybe I’m the only person who is tired of the same old culture, but I am really really tired of it.

Hi I’m nobody.

I’ve only had to buy the battle pass the first time. But I want a Stygian building set.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Why?


Yes please! :pray:t2:


Something like…
Aquilonia, Argos, Nemedia, Khitai, Picts, Turan or even the non-canon Yamatai?

Stygia is a major power in the Hyborian Age. It is tightly bound to the Exiled Lands lore. But for some reason, we never got a Stygian cultural DLC back in the day, despite people requesting for it many, many times. So the current Age is filling a gap that has been in the game for years.


The problem is that we never got to see the Stygian DLC set. And now we get a drip of Stygian content stretched out in time, for which you also need to spend many times more money, instead of one conveniently packaged DLC.

Same with the Nords.


When they say Amazons they’re not referring to any specific ecosystem.

Wasnt Wonder Woman an Amazon? Its not about jungles guys.

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Ever see a map of the Hyborian Age? Including a region known as The Black Kingdoms.

I can’t think of a single item in the last age that was nordheimer, and the only stygian additions were in relation to mek-kamoses. If anything, there’s been way too much turanian content in the last 3 chapters


Turanian are based off Kazakhs, which came from the Mongols.

Also, Greek Mythology is not reality. The Amazons are based off the Dahomey Tribe. This would put them from the Black Kingdoms.

This topic just show that the cultural DLCs where a better way.
I consider Stygian to be all the base game sets, a small part is Nordheimer/Cimerian. Most people still ask for a dedicated Cimmerian, Nordheimer, Darfari, Black Kingdoms DLC.

I also consider Stygian to be base game sets. There is SO MUCH STUFF in base game for Stygian.

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Aesir Raider set was about it.
Which was a set of Armour, Single Handed Axe, Shield, and a wolf skin if this one recalls.

/Targeted reply.

Personally, this one thinks they have hit just about the right amount of Stygian and Nord outfits.

There’s a Nord building set coming, which looks like it would nicely round out that Culture other than maybe a few more placeables.

As for Stygian, while the Stygian shirt ish necklace thing is over used for other sets (Derketo Dancer loves the same snake bustier as Setites, so sad, and the War Court loves it to), with the current set of items on offer plus the Stygian adjacent stuff from the Age before, we are only missing a build set and they should be good.

Personally, this one would like to see more Hyrkanian, Zamoran, and Vendyhan content next, or perhaps a little more exploration of the Black Kingdoms.


Well, Turan is one of the major powers in the setting, too - perhaps the most powerful empire of its time. Admittedly, not as closely related to whatever is going on in the Exiled Lands, but I’m sure if king Yezdigerd found out that there were powerful magical artifacts lying around in a prison colony, he’d send a force equal to the Relic Hunters to loot them.


A lot of Turanian stuff lately, but as it’s one if the most beautiful sets, I don’t really mind. Both building pieces and gear are gorgeous.

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