Official PVP server wipe every 3 months?

At each season for example, then everyone has a chance!

What do you think?

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This used to exist in EA but was abandoned ā€¦
There are some private servers that wipe more frequently and I think this is what keeps the player base engaged. It has a more Battleroyal like feeling when you get a fresh start once in a while.


Everyone you mean new players right? Or raided players/clans, what about those who are playing since launch and for a long time, built a lot, stored a lot ? Then, a server wipe happens and they got all their time erased, thrown into nothing.

What do you think?


I think thatā€™s fine. I do that all the time in my single player games. I canā€™t count how many times Iā€™ve just erased the whole map and started over for the fun of it (30+ at least). I enjoy the struggle, especially the early levels.

But some people like to RP and build big (not just bases, but castles, villages, towns, and even cities). So for them, that wouldnā€™t be a good thing. For people who like the ā€˜do-oversā€™ there should be servers (who previously announced their intention to do that), but not arbitrarily do that to people who expect to keep their progress intact. Not everyone likes starting over these days.


This is why the decay system exists.

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Yeah but the decay system is just for inactive players. A server wipe is not related in any way. It gives people a chance to play as they proposed above.

I personally am a ā€œbuild on foreverā€ kind of guy and completely hate even thinking of this mechanic of server wipe. I can get others liking it though. Each to their own. Perhaps a new server selection could be ok but, tbh, I think its already a little too much no? Maybe in the ā€œrulesā€ section have a few that have this option? Same way there are selections for RP servers etc (even though there are zero for any of those selections. lol)

If there is enough styles to go around for all of us and all tastes and they can handle it and servers dont end up completely empty with a divided to pieces communityā€¦ then Iā€™m all for it. Why not? Why shouldnā€™t others enjoy the game in ways they prefer too?

Never though, for an existing server. The opā€™s suggestion being so generalized is what I am totally against. Donā€™t know how many people are kept engaged or not with a ā€œbattle roayleā€ style thing, but I do not a lot will be definitely annoyed at a server wipe out of the blue :smiley:


ps. yes, i have restarted plenty times too cause I just felt like it or because I wanted a fresh start. Difference is I kept contact with last servers and buildings, unless I truly wanted to destroy it all, and it was on my terms cause I felt like it. Not on a clock forced on me.

An option (if enough players warrant for it) for said server selections I think is the best way to go about it.

You must play on a PVE server then because PVP is the server wipe mechanic.


thnx. didnt know. i assumed there was no wipe there too since people mentioned as such? I think?

yeah, pve here all the way through.

i dont think iā€™ll ever bother with pvp in this game. getting 40ping on a game like Quake for competitive player skilled based action to come to a game with server pings fluctuating for some reason from 60 to 100 ping all the time as if I am on another continent is hardly something I am happy to be a part of.

Someone looting all your stuff because of unstable servers feels cheep.

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Iā€™m not in favour of server wiping on official servers but I feel itā€™s going to be necessary once the branch exploit is properly fixed. This has created far too many problems, the rich will get richer and newcomers will be at a severe disadvantage.

I understand what you are saying. But exploit or not, I hope this isnt the case for any PvE servers. Its not like an exploit like that makes any difference in PvE. Iā€™d hate to lose my entire town I was building.

Choosing PvE was kind of the point in the first place. To not have to deal with it being destroyed every now and then so I could keep building our ā€œhomeā€.

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I doubt they will wipe the official servers due to players exploiting this bug.
They have not wiped the servers since launch despite several game unbalancing bugs that have occurred for days, weeks or months that people exploited. I canā€™t go into specifics of what those have been as I think Iā€™d be flagged for breaching the community guidelines. But you probably already know some of them or can investigate for yourself to see what people have had to endure as others do not play with the spirit of good sportsmanship in this game.

The only time Iā€™ve seen Funcom take action over something like this, was shortly after launch when they ran a one-time script that despawned everybodyā€™s orbs when they patched in a fix to stop exploit that allowed duplication.

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I am absolute possitive for a regular long term wipe schedule, like every 3 or 6 month, this will rset the chances for all but most important it also will clean up possible unknown vaults full of duped items from any unknown exploit.
the server i play on atm has a clan dominating everyone even when 3 clans fight vs them the untouchable because they have vaults full with every item imaginable left over from the last dupe exploit, and they even admit it to be, what can you do? leave server? accept to be dominated by a bunch of f**** exploiters that do like ā€œhahaha we have dragonpowder for 300000 bombs, what do you have?ā€

Wipe regulary every official server 4 times per year or at least 2 times to generally clean up

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no, simply noā€¦ this is one of the worst propositions I have read for a whileā€¦

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Mayhem servers. Or 30-day wipe official servers. Those were fun, and productive. I met most of my international friends that way. Iā€™d like these official mayhem servers to return.

I went through one wipe during Early Access that really took the wind out of the serverā€™s sails. All inventory, poof. Come back in 35 minutes later, nude, dying on a riverbed looking for branches. You retain your levels, and even placement on the map, but everything else is gone. As are the other players.


While I donā€™t think it would be fair to convert existing, populated servers, this sounds like it could be a fun option for new servers. If nothing else, itā€™s certainly been requested often enough.

I know that recently a lot of PS4 servers were shut down, so itā€™s not unprecedented for existing servers to close. This makes me wonder if perhaps there are some empty PC servers that could be culled and repurposed as Seasonal/Mayhem servers. Surely gPortal or BattleMetrics have the necessary/relevant statistics need for Funcom to make such an evaluation.

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I think they need to evaluate why they put more worth into virtual possessions instead of the fun activity of gaming.

Infinite steel doesnā€™t effect PVE servers? Like Spam building. I ask, because i do not play PVE. But from posts, it seems trolls love to build to grief servers. Maybe the trolls arenā€™t as numerous as this forum suggests.

What is the difference between building in certain hollow building structures (not under the actual map per say, but inside of hard to/impossible to raid in game structures inā€“ie the volcano domes)?

If both used actual in game mechanics, then why was it okay to ā€œwipeā€ those bases from hard working players, but not fix this horrible ingame dupe mechanic? The hollow base builds were less in balanced imo, as it was only a base, and you could farm up and trap build around them. This one it is a matter of ones moral standards. And i am not too confident in that.

Plus, I will never get the I built it, so it should never be taken away of virtual ownership. I personally like the grinding, building aspect of the game. Restarting just means i get to try and play differently every time. I just donā€™t see the fun in logging in, mining (now duping), placing T3 structures (not actually building/designing) throwing mats in a chest/vault then logging off. Oh, then offline raid on occasion, or just foundation wipe a new player/clan on the server because i know they havenā€™t had time to build reserves to repair/rebuild. Seems contrary to fun to me.

Funny, you use fair, and at the same time it is not fair that there are people who will use the dismantle bench to dupe.