Ai is both better, and… odd.
(1skull) Elk, I snipe from down hill, will try run down… I keep sniping its ankles.
About half-way down hill it turns around. =/ Its slowly healing, but didnt instantly heal heal…
I rushed up hill and melee last half. Not bad… but kinda like. Ugh…
Then theres the mini rock gaints. (near blackhand) 1 skull… If it can’t land a hit. It will teleport and full heal. Unlike Elk… Its pain in rear to take it out at start of game.
Most of Blue Eye’s so far have been killable. Hyena one had its damage toned down. Not bad.
Blue Eye Croc still hits like a truck (good thing) None of them reset when they couldnt land a hit.
Few of world bosses would reset, It would lose intrest in thralls and pets and then teleport. And be fully healed… sometimes even re-argo.
Most of Story Bosses, ether bug out. (dregs) and ignore me.
Black Keep boss, would reset if you back up to hallway. Or spend to much time running around room (trying take out his undead buddies in safety) I hadnt really hit him… so no big.
No issues with Queen, since room is small.
Most of “big locations”
Black hand Ship- A Pain, Do-able if you lead them acorss bridge, and hopfully the camp doesnt reset…(SP)
Asgard… impossible… you basiclly argo the whole town… and the game is prone to freezing when 5-10+ enemies argo at same time… You have run out of town, gas them and everything cheap to kill them… but your so far out of town, by time you get back into town, its mostly reset and re-argo’d (SP) (lv45)
At lv60, with some end game gear… its doable… but frustrating.
Sepimurararararpurarararaa (or how ever its spelt)
There certain parts… you argo people on other side of buildings and allys… Its kinda a mess.
Its 100% doable do to all hiding spots.
It so weird…
The AI seems really geared towards Player in groups or OP thralls/pets in tow. =/