Oh my god, the new AI rocks!


I love seeing them fight each other. As a solo player starting new after getting wiped, I’m hiding in a dangerous zone. So if I see an enemy I don’t feel like fighting, I just lure them to some other juicy wildlife. I’m looking at you, reptilian monstrosity jacka**es.

And now more than ever, fck the corrupted wolves right off. Scariest sht in the game is running through an already dangerous zone, looking over my shoulder and seeing Satan nipping my buttcheeks.


1 word Gold

Wolves period for me but especially corrupted. :laughing: Walking into a nordheimer camp up north is kinda ehhhhh I’ll take my chances but wolves? My first instinct is where’s the nearest ledge to haul ass to?

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I had to kill one of my thralls because she accidentally killed a baby turtle.
So from now the imps are… DOOMED.


Agreed. I actually died, twice! Was not expecting half of the mobs in unnamed city to come after me. Pretty cool though, excellent update!

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Now I don’t know which one is tougher: the tank elite smilodon, or the swift corrupted wolfie :laughing:

That’s what gold-vein rocknoses are for - stacked in cages as high as the eye can see. If there was an ash-vein rocknose, I would agree.

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Yes, same here. I can’t stand seeing the imps swipe at baby turtles for no good reason. I detest those things. Everytime I see or hear them now, I mow them down. Death to imps! They are Darfari cursed anyway, may as well put them out of their misery.


The problem is the default setting. Once the thrall kills someone, he will kill the whole camp. Even passive ones like at the volcano.

Only after I said “protect me”, he stopped killing everything in sight.

And the next thing: Why isnt there a command, which says “protect yourself only”. So if a thrall gets attacked by a wolf, he should kill the wolf. But if the wolf does nothing, do nothing (“guard an area”).

Or is the “attack nothing” at least “protect yourself”?

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yea, i was not prepared

The new A.I. does not rock it is broken as hell. Its like a crap shoot to know who will be doing what, its not fun, its not enjoyable and its broken, it does not rock in anyway.


Its broken. But not broken as hell… Compared to what it was before (in CE).

Compared to other AAA games - yes, its broken as hell.

Which leads me to the next thing: WTF are people on testlive even testing? Or was the patch again sth completely different from testlive?

. How can no one, had the idea to SHOW the current behavior on a thrall (passive, protect me, etc)? (Also why no one at Funcom thought this would be a great idea - because they dont play the game)
. Why is there no command for a thrall, to simple SELF-DEFNSE?
. Why does a horse let it self get killed, but doesnt run away from danger?
. The coloring bug?
. Why are many NPCs still killing each other? Why are the purge creatures killing the humans?
. Why are GUARDING thralls teleporting through doors/down from pillars/foundations? (and even porting on top of spikes - killing themself)
. Thralls dying of no reaons or falling through the map and then dying?

Why are there so damn much bugs within a patch? And most of them are not even mentioned at testlive?!?!

What are people on testlive doing? Just admin spawn in new things and thats it?

What are the testers at Funcom doing? Playing around with the new DLC? Which btw also has an UI bug: Aligning issue with the Argossean Rooftop Corner & Argossean Rooftop pieces - NO ONE ever made a roof at Funcom?? Not even the glorified DLC team??

Get a functional QA team!! Dont try to let testlive find out bugs, because it doesnt look like many people are testing your game or are testing I dont know what. The admin console and if the mods are still working, but for sure not normal gameplay.

I would test, if there would be a test-version for consoles (PS4). My PC is to weak for Conan (my GPU is too old).


I would suspect because testlive is a controlled environment, without wide ranging settings, mods or giant spam builds and the like. It’s a good place to find all the large bugs, but there will always be some that slip through and are only discovered through wide implementation. I haven’t experienced many of the bugs people have seen (don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying its not real or doesn’t need addressed) and I attribute that to wiping my server right before release, using vanilla settings, and not having any mods or large builds on the server to complicate matters. I think it does however bring into question the true value of using testlive for so long. While a noble goal of trying to sort out bugs for a protracted period of time, and maybe a lot were found (I’m on console so unfortunately do not participate in testlive), it seems like it may not have paved the way for a smooth patch launch as intended. I think we all need to breathe and just say, “you know what? there’s a lot of new features added, we just need to be patient and report the bugs systematically and appropriately so the next patch goes smoother”.


I wouldnt have a problem, if such a patch-fiasco, was the first time. But its every damn big patch the same thing.

And you know why, many people, like myself dont take a break when such a fiasco happens? Because we dont want to lose all our progress at the official servers.
I play ~1hour since patch. Before I played ~6hours a day…

Its so great, when you start the game only to discover that your only lvl20 archer thrall has ported onto spikes killing herself… because suddenly guarding thralls are porting around and are TO STUPID to port back to their original position.

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Well if we want patches that change core game mechanics, as many people clamor for, this is sometimes how it goes. I for one have never been a proponent of AI changes because the AI is never really any good; it’s just a question of a game throwing more resources at you. But, people have been begging for it so along it came. There are fits and starts with any change of this kind. Again, the only thing to do is report it thru the official bug reporting channels and it will be prioritized and addressed. Gotta find a zen place I guess until then.


Ai is both better, and… odd.

(1skull) Elk, I snipe from down hill, will try run down… I keep sniping its ankles.

About half-way down hill it turns around. =/ Its slowly healing, but didnt instantly heal heal…
I rushed up hill and melee last half. Not bad… but kinda like. Ugh…

Then theres the mini rock gaints. (near blackhand) 1 skull… If it can’t land a hit. It will teleport and full heal. Unlike Elk… Its pain in rear to take it out at start of game.

Most of Blue Eye’s so far have been killable. Hyena one had its damage toned down. Not bad.
Blue Eye Croc still hits like a truck (good thing) None of them reset when they couldnt land a hit.

Few of world bosses would reset, It would lose intrest in thralls and pets and then teleport. And be fully healed… sometimes even re-argo.

Most of Story Bosses, ether bug out. (dregs) and ignore me.
Black Keep boss, would reset if you back up to hallway. Or spend to much time running around room (trying take out his undead buddies in safety) I hadnt really hit him… so no big.

No issues with Queen, since room is small.

Most of “big locations”
Black hand Ship- A Pain, Do-able if you lead them acorss bridge, and hopfully the camp doesnt reset…(SP)
Asgard… impossible… you basiclly argo the whole town… and the game is prone to freezing when 5-10+ enemies argo at same time… You have run out of town, gas them and everything cheap to kill them… but your so far out of town, by time you get back into town, its mostly reset and re-argo’d (SP) (lv45)
At lv60, with some end game gear… its doable… but frustrating.

Sepimurararararpurarararaa (or how ever its spelt)
There certain parts… you argo people on other side of buildings and allys… Its kinda a mess.
Its 100% doable do to all hiding spots.
It so weird…

The AI seems really geared towards Player in groups or OP thralls/pets in tow. =/

Please go a bit easier on TestLive peeps. They are not trained or paid for what they do. Truth of the matter is, if it were a paid position it would get tested in a lot greater depth. The main issue is we just don’t have the density of players, to speak the bugs, with enough volume.

As for me, I barely so much as got into TestLive because – and this is a definite issue – my rural internet is so slow that I was unable to keep up with the patching. They put out four revisions, which actually seems pretty responsive, if you ask me.

The key is density. When it goes live, the team gets a good density of feedback. And then they hotfix.


I know they are doing it for free. Hence, I would also do it, if there would be a console-testlive. But I missed seeing, what command/behavior my thrall is, within 10mins of gameplay when patch came out.
I needed another day for finding out other 2 massive bugs…

And my guess: the coloring/rendering bug was for sure never at testlive.

And thats BAD practice. End of story. No need to defend them.

And no, for most of the bugs I mentioned, you dont need density. You need a check-list and go through it.

Purge killing own players → my guess, no one has ever spawned a purge in.
The DLC roof pieces dont fit → ???

The best example is the damn crafting menu… Why doesnt that get better? Well, have you EVER seen Funcom in their dev-videos using the normal crafting menu? NO. They admin spawn everything in.

Heck, they dont even have normal values. Their torch have double the duration like official settings. And then they disabled the modkit on torches?!?

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Perhaps some people should learn that this game is a survival game not a cake walk and adapt to the situation.
Before this patch the AI was so stupid that it made no sense at all, enemies watching you killing their friends and stealing their stuff, without moving a finger, now they actually fight in numbers, be smarter than them.

What i should say is that thrall AI is as bad as ever or even worse, even if you command them to attack they get stuck in unsheathe animation or are slow to receive orders at best.

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Same here. I was in safari, ran across mini boss tiger (black tiger), decided my level 10 Lian could handle it, while me and my horse stayed away. Problem was the mini boss aggro ed me, and i was trying to evade it and navigate around my horse (who seemed to be riding me :slight_smile: ), and Lian chasing the mini boss in circles. Then for good measures, a regular tiger aggro ed Lian.
So we had a nice circle that was quite comical to be honest :slight_smile: