Setup and using BurnStats 1.04
Props to Nifie (Creator of BurnStats), and also Ocelotti and Merkaal, who helped.
Note: Some of my screenshots have special yellow border and extra symbols in window title, like “[#] BurnStats [#]”, as well as some russian characters, just because I’m doing them from a virtual sandbox software - you will not have them normally.
1.Just UnZip (Windows 7 and higher opens Zip files as a folder, or use Winzip / WinRAR) the to your Desktop, creating folder “burnstats_104”
Double-click to start the BurnStats from that folder and we can start simple setting up:
Click the “Select” button in BurnStats window, and select the folder where Age of Conan game is installed on your hard drivve.
- Click Ok when you have found the folder and clicked to highlight it.

- We now click the “Parsing” tab in the BurnStats window.
- Setting up “Own name” in BurnStats. Type any name you want to use (not need to be exact like alt name) it in empty field next to “Add name” button and click “Add name” It will be in the list next to “Own name” from now on.
7.Click “Update list” to find a current combat log file (top is most recent log in the list).
- Select log file you want from the list and click “Start”, to start parsing.
9 You will likely have to teach BurnStats Names of Players and Bosses, unknown stuff can be classified as Trash including adds, non-attackable boss forms or can be Ignored like tos idol, cacodemon and such. The lists for recognized bosses, players, trash mobs or Ignored can be edited in BurnStats own text editor later (in tab “Edit lists”).
- First Player name question, just click “Player” to confirm, and so on 23 more times for a raid (Names will not be asked for same players again, but 1st time you need to teach the software who’s not an NPC).
- If Boss name pops up, like “Cetriss”, we click “Boss” button, and so on, until progress bar in the middle of window fills all the way to the right. At which point I usually click “Continue” to make sure all preparations are finished to show parsing results.
- We now click the “Reporting” tab in the BurnStats window. Where you will see 1 or more “Encounters” and “All Encounters” in the list.
- Click on “Encounter 1” and highlight it. Then click on “Generate report” button below it. This generates a script-report for use in game called: burnstats.txt in your “Age of Conan\scripts” folder. Its ready to use in-game, just type in game chat box /burnstats.txt
14.You can also look at results directly in BurnStats window by clicking the “Damage” or “Healing” to the right of the "Encounter 1 ".
Congratulations on your first parsing! 
To close BurnStats software, just click “X” in its window upper right corner or press Alt F4. It saves changes while you do them, so no special closing/saving progress button needed.
What if Boss or Player got erroneously sorted as something else? We edit lists in BurnStats itself. Open Burnstats, and click tab “Edit lists”.
In this case “Vanir Digger” does not belong in the list of Players. As a general rule - Player Names with spaces are so rare, you can assume any name in player list with spaces and multiple words is an NPC with 99.9% success rate. So just find it in the list, click to highlight “Vanir Digger” and then clik on “Remove” button on the right side of window, and its gone. It will however pop a prompt to sort that NPC name while doing parsing next time (if encountered again), or if you click “Start” in the “Parsing” tab to redo the current parsing. Same editing can be done for all the lists BurnStats keeps.
Special cases where Boss need to be ignored and Adds damage matter or vice-versa. As an example we will add “Neesa” mini-boss from T6 fight to Ignored targets list. Open BurnStats. On the Right side of “Settings” Tab we find “Ignored targets” and under that text there is an empty Text entering field. We type (name has to be exact, with correct spaces or Uppper/lower case letters): Neesa
After clicking “Add”, Neesa will appear in the list of Ignored target names, and damage done to her or healing she got will all be ignored in output stats table. Removing incorrect name or just to have full report on all the bosses/adds in encounter is just as easy. Click name of NPC to remove and highlight it in the list, click the “Remove” button and its gone (but to add it back you will have to type it in again, as per before instructions).