Passive health regen is extremely passive

So you are now indentifying yourself as a Solo player this late into the debate. Curious, as in this thread started by you just 4 days ago (and older ones too), you list yourself as PvE-Conflict, which is essentially a toned down version of PvP.
Ill let others form their own judgements regarding this, and make my point.

Others have already made my point, which is essentially scattered across several posts.
There is a huge gap in terms of both the overall points investment between, and level based availability between the third and fourth perks. It is obvious that you are a proponent of the ‘Receptive’ perk. But as the increasing number of user replies is indicating; we cant afford the extra point investment, as we dont have specialised roles. And just because ‘Fierce Vitality’ doesnt make a big difference to you personally in your game, in doesnt mean that it does not have a significant impact on our game. In Singleplayer mode, these nerfs can be deadly. If you feel that you personally dont need it, then it simoly should not bother you wether it is restored to its original state.

This may be the case, but what makes Fierce Vitality such an asset is that it resumes healing immediately after the damage has been taken, and the handful of extra points it provides while we navigate the wheel or inventory have saved my life many times over. Moreover, even if it is not a standout in terms of power on its own, when used in conjunction with an Aloe Potion and a piece of food, it is a powerful team effort in restoring health. And a team is only as strong as its weakest member. Furthermore, it significantly decrease in how many healing items I need use over a longer period of time, and hence reduces the grind.

Again, just because this works for you, it doesnt mean that it works for everyone else. Not all of us have a Lifeblood Spear, and we should not be forced into adopting the Spear style just to enjoy a respectable level of health regeneration. Your argument at its core is centred around ‘…if you adopt my playstyle, you dont need Fierce Vitality…’ I would say that the steadily growing consensus of disaffected players would disagree with you, and with what has happened to this perk.