PC Hotfix (18.06.2020) - Critical fixes


Notre serveur hébergé chez Gportal n’est plus doublé, plus de ???
Les deux admins ont récupéré leurs personnages.
Nous attendons celui qui avait des problèmes d’erreur avec windows 7 pour voir si c’est bien résolu pour lui.
Nous vous recontacterons au besoin et vous remercions, en espérant qu’un problème d’une telle ampleur ne se reproduise plus à l’avenir.

game still freeze when playing on server singleplayer works at the moment
patch does nothing for me

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Can confirm character loss issue not fixed (in fact it seems to be worse now).

Updated client
Updated our private server
Rolled server back to db from just before the patch two days ago (just to make sure that there weren’t any now unreachable characters lingering in the database)
Logged in
Staring at character creation screen instead of getting my character
Other players are confirming the same (myself and others didn’t have this issue before)
Haven’t tried on a db from after the patch yet (that’s our next step), but either way something it still very broken

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Game freezes after 2 minutes in game

Okay…nice fix…thanks for the work done.
But i still cannot login to my char on my server…i still go back to creation character when im going in.
So the problem isn’t solved for me…did i really need to wipe my server because of this?

I see my char level on server selection screen.
I log in and can entrance to the server
I go to the creation character
After few minutes (2 alteast) the game is crashing…(screen freezed using command control to stop program to work)

So…i have just downloaded a ~20MO patch from steam…but didnt fix anything.

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Still broke. all right everyone ready…

Roll. it. back.

Roll. it. back.

Roll. it. back.


For those who don’t have their character back, can you DM or email me (nicolev@funcom.com) your game.bd and character name? We’ll take a closer look, thank you.


what ever u guiys did to “fix it” its now broken for me. i cant log in to my own server because my game keeps freezing up… I CANT PLAY MY GAM OR RUN MY SERVER> I CANT EVEN STAY LOGGED IN FOR 1 MINUTE BEFORE IT FREEZES UP ON ME. PLEASE FIX IT. YOU BROKE THE GAME FOR ME.


Mine was working ok. I was also one of the few players on my server whose character stayed on the server and I was playing right up until this morning. NOW, it seems that I can connect, my stuff is still there, but after about a minute or two – HARD LOCK. Must reboot to recover.

This was NOT happening before the 6/18 emergency hotfix.

Edit: Performed the following fix - WORKING
UPDATE: @everyone having freezing issues - PLEASE try the fix that was posted by Demonseed and (ack can’t remember other person’s name (sorry) It worked for me and appears to be helping others as well. Here it is:

(Example assumes Steam library is in C:\Steam)
First, uninstall BattleEye by going to and clicking here:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\BattleEye\Uninstall_BattlEye.bat

Next, reinstall it from here:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandbox_BE.exe

If the game launches, exit it.

Next, go into this folder and DELETE all the files:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\Logs

Finally, in that same folder, right click and create a new FOLDER named:

(making a folder with this name prevents the game from writing a log file here with the same name)

That’s it. Load up the game, you “should” be stable and not freeze/lockup every 3 minutes like I was!
This fix was found in a Win7 thread (even though I like most people are running Win10) that’s very active right now. Kudos to Illidan for it!

Hope this helps everyone get back into their game!

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Does “Query port” still not work yet? :face_with_monocle:

whatever it was you just released did not fix a thing for us although we had no character losses the server window non populating right constant crashing and logging in issues still remain for a lot of my community , I look forward with much anticipation to the next erm hotfix .

Still getting Freezed ingame after minutes especially when opening inventory, reinstalled the mods for version issues didnt work


I dont know if mine is a seperate issue or something that I can fix myself?

Since the patch none of my players can connect to my server either via direct connect or the server listings. I however can, which is incredibly strange.

Still no good I’m afraid. Windows 10 users crash after a few seconds of gameplay. Some players still have to create a new character and servers still dont show in lists correctly.

Sorry but I see no improvement at all.


Just to confirm, the one player who “lost” connection to their old character just logged in after the hotfix and they have their old character back. Thank you for finding a way to solve this issue without us having to manually edit the database for each affected person.

EDIT: for the ones having freezes on modded servers, check this thread: BUG REPORT - Mod Autoloader allowing players with Mod Mismatch to load into game

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All right, that fix is help to run the game on windows 7.
Now: how I can connect to coop game? Before patch it’s worked perfectly and now “cannot connect” not through steam invite and not through friend list invite.

Game crash when joining to server,
servers show ??? but numbers are apeaear in few seconds. Lot of servers, almost no EU servers (hard for EU player like me), some servers are showed up 2x, some have ping 999 (still).
So its not finally fixed, right?

I run a private server and had to wipe my server, and now my player base is down to five people.

My players are all on windows 10, and as far as I know, every one of them freezes on log in after a few seconds. We ended up playing a different game last night.


Is this a joke? On my private server it is still reverting back to character creation when I enter into my server. Can you do your customers a favor and roll the game back to before your put this patch out. Was working just fine before hand and now you have messed it up. This is very frustrating. I am on windows 10. Next time test things out before you put a patch out because I pay for my own server with my hard earned money. I also paid for this game twice as I first had it on xbox one before building my own PC. I bought it again on PC because its a good game but not when you make your customers mad and not fix it.

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