Hello there,
I just logged in into the Official PvE Server #1005, the only server where I do play Conan Exiles.
My base has been completely wiped as well as my neighbour’s bases which had been around. Except Thralls and Mounts…
Within the in-game’s Log File, all my stuff has lost “stability”…?! Just my Fish Traps are still there which were about to expire/decay by “tomorrow”…
What has happened?
I want all my stuff back, as might my neighbours. I request to do a server rollback, please, as this mysterious wipe has happened this morning today!!
I have had an open for everyone and little 20x20 Stormglass Base, enough space for a Map Room on the ground floor guarded by T4 berserkers and T4 thralls, and space for all benches at my 1st floor.
…not to mention all my various collected and stored T4 Thralls, high tier ores and bars and literally tens of thousands of “Alchemical Base”…