Player base game survivability

Hi im sorry if this has been asked talked about on lengh i couldnt find any info from the last y year or so, i just got into this game and love it so much better then ark, but ive noticed l the servers are dead is there no player base anymore dont really want to get into it just for them to switch it off

Welcome to the forums, @Danauz :smiley:

Your question really depends on what servers you’re talking about, i.e. whether they’re official or private, what platform, what game mode, what region, etc.

For example, I’m playing on one of North American official PVE-C servers for PC, and it’s definitely not dead, but these things really depends on details :slight_smile:

Also, the population tends to swell when there’s an update and then taper off afterwards, so you’ll see an inrush of people soon enough when the final chapter of Age of Sorcery hits.

Funcom wont be switching it off any time soon. When looking for an official server you can sort by population. You can also tailor your search to server type; PVP, PVEC ect, map, and so on.
Game averages 10K players a week.

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Hey thanks for the replie im on oceania official pve that maybe why then haha i was thinking of changing to a modable pve c server so
maybe i have to bite the bullet and find a moddable na server thanks for the info its put my mind at ease lol i tend to get obbsessed an put 1000 of hours into games so wanted to make sure before i do lol

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Actually, as far as I know; haven’t seen any new polls, PVE is the most played. But like I said, you can tailor your search at the server select screen.

I’ve got over 4K in on Conan :blush:

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If your region is Oceania and you want to try a private server, I highly recommend whatever @Ramtex is running these days. I think it’s Experiments in Lunacy (Savage Wilds PVE).

Dude’s a really nice server admin and an excellent builder. I played on one of his servers a while ago, but I had to quit and look for another one because I’m in the North American region and my ping was awful.

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Haha ow sweet thats awesome lol good to know i can stick to pve then because im loving the buding etc ill just try an change my search uo then would love to find an active server haha

Ow thanks heaps Ill take alook for his server that sounds perfect lol glad to hear i have some decent options this game is fantastic

If you are looking for a server that is consistent and does not get wiped on a regular basis then I wouldn´t recomment playing modded. Play on officials instead.

If you wanna play with mods or on private servers at all then you need to be aware of that private servers might wipe from time to time or even close if playercount or interest isn´t high enough. Mods might get changed occ. and you can run into incompatibility issues after bigger updates. Thats the price you pay.

Alternative is singleplayer since you have full control.

Ow ok that makes sense i might just stick to this official server then it sometimes has around 10 ppl an there pretty cool

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