Please add an obelisk at chaosmouth

Closest obelisks around the boarder between the desert and the north are:

  • black keep
  • north west of the swamp
  • salt lakes
  • unnamed city

Chaos mouth is right in the middle of all these locations and i feel like a TP possibility is missing here.

Other suggestion : make obelisks and map rooms 2 ways teleporting points (there and back)


Disclaimer: I built my main base quite far from an obelisk. Mainly because I didn’t figure it’d be my final base, but I just really like the environment there, plus inertia is a thing, so there I am. Map Rooms are therefore not of great use to me in their current implementation. ETA: Other people’s public map rooms, however, are useful, and I regularly make use of those after a far-from-home resource trip.

BUT I am firmly against the idea of two-way maprooms and its cousin, the two-way obelisk. It’d be fantastically convenient for me, but it’d totally kill ANY need for travelling. People would just hop from base to base, and I’d probably never see another person unless I specifically tracked them down.

That said, I’m not necessarily against one or two additional obelisks being added in strategic locations.


Same here i prefer struggling a bit with logistic and having a beautifull quiet environnement instead of doing like most players who all build close to the obelisks… and i can’t blame them for that.

Good that you have expressed your opinion. it’s a fair point and it’s true we will probably meet less players in the wildnerness, but for those who know how to keep things fun and balanced it would help a great deal to have 2 ways maprooms/ obelisks.
i personnally would mainly use this feature for big big storage purposes and would still keep traveling on the map from bases to outposts and from outposts to bases just to hunt a bit and ckeck the npcs camps around.
but about the main topic, Don’t you think a new obelisk at chaos mouth would deserve its implementation?
All other obelisks are pretty far from the middle of the boarder i think.

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ok one more easymode request for this game!! No we dont need it. The map is not big egnuff to ad more telepots.


Sure. Like I said, I’m not against the idea of (a very few, like one or two) additional obelisks, and looking at the map, at or near the Chaosmouth would not be an unreasonable location if so.


Na its max 2 min run from Closes obelisk alredy so no need …

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This is not called “easy mode”, this called “having more options and convenience”.
no one forces you to use this feature if it’s “easy mode” for you.

Great mate, it’s exactly what i wanted to post, but just didn’t know how :smiley:

it is an easy escape tbh. but having it as an option for private and solo would make sense. But any pvp would hurt that dynamic.

The game needs less obelisks, not more.

The map is small enough as it is, with no need to walk more than 2 minutes anywhere already.


Just Don’t use them then.
Me and others would definitely find some benefit in it.

Then why have obelisks at all, with that logic, just ask for them to implement fast travel!

You just click on the point of the map you want to go!

And others, just won’t use it.

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because you first need to unlock them, which forces players to explore a minimum (which is great BTW)

You Don’t want more obelisks, you want less of them? fine, then Don’t use them it’s your playstyle afterall but we Don’t all have the same needs and expectations. Will it hurt your playstyle to have 1 or 2 extra obelisks on the map? NO
i like convenience. Traveling on the map to deliver goods is nice for some time but at some point i just Don’t find the fun anymore in that, especially when the game can crash, your follower can die to bugs etc … just annoyance, see?

Oh you don’t like the fast travel idea? Just don’t use it.

Will it hurt your playstyle to have fast travel?

It would be the ultimate in convenience.

I can certainly see both points here. I was absolutely opposed to the obelisks when they came out. It just seems a stop gap for the inability to implement mounts on lower end platforms, and I rarely use them. TBH, I’m still opposed to them being in game, but meh.

Many of the servers I’ve played on uses Pippi for fast travel points, and it becomes very useful when you’re just running around resource gathering, but can be abused in a hardcore pvp setting.

Since we already have obelisks, I can understand having one near Chaosmouth, since it’s fairly spread out away from some of the others. Since we have them, this idea isn’t bad.

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I like it, but not the 2 way teleporting

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Ok the double way thing might maybe be too much (especially for PVP) but at least a new obelisk near chaos mouth deserves its implementation i think, its just a very usefull spot on the map that can lead to many different directions in the 2 main biomes.


So what is so difficult in the 2-3 minute run from the Klael’s obelisk to the Chaosmouth or the 2-3 minute run from the Black Keep obelisk to Chaosmouth?

Seriously curious.

And if we’re adding obelisks, why not have one near Black Galleon too. I mean the 2 minute run from the Sinkhole or Upper Staging Area to get there must be rough too.

And then one by Sandswept Ruins because that’s an even longer than 2-3 minute run.


Some players don’t want to walk


No its a call for an easymode , nothing ells!! This is not a soloplay game as elderscroll or MMO as WOW so this easymode dont belong in a surviver game.