Please take a look at the Legendary Items again

That is quite alright. There is nothing wrong with polite disagreement between friends.

Coming from someone who has now called for the RNG to be dialed back numerous times, I would argue that it is not the RNG itself and as a whole which is the problem, but rather the size of the item pools it draws from. For example, when we consider the potential to obtain certain Legendary weapons such as Misha’s Bite,
Scorpion Ward, or even the Legendary weapon drop rate from the Shades of the GiantKings found in the Warmakers Sanctuary, generally no greater than 1 in 7 odds, this strikes me as reasonable. It is only when it graduates to (*approximations) some 1 in 40 or so odds such as in the World Boss chests and the Library of Esoteric Artifacts, or god forbid, 1 in…heaven knows how many looted from the end of Vaults that it becomes intollerable.

Legendary weapons should be better; they have unique ‘perks’ and buffs, greater durability, and require farming to obtain them. Jutaposed to say star metal weapons, whereby once we have a certain thrall type, we need only dump a bunch of bars and shaped wood into the bench and hit ‘play’ to mass produce them. It is a question of the risk/effort/reward ratio. Killing a World Boss is an easy task for us veterans, yes we all know this. But it is still more time, resource and effort investment than the aforemention mass production routine. Greater effort should yield greater rewards. I believe Tephra, who basically mirrors my own views on this subject, has already summised it for me:

But in the spirit of a solutions focus, let me offer to put in mine to accompany your own.

I must also disagree with that concept as the end result is either a new crafting station, or just more recipes in an existing one. And if any craftable weapons should be the top dogs from my personal point of view, it should be those crafted at T3 Shrines. But here was my idea for the record.

Perhaps we could consider grouping World Boss chests by biome, then divinding the total pool of Legendary weapons up and distributing them evenly among each biome grouping. Not only would this reduce our odds to 1 in 5 or 6*, or thereabouts (more than acceptable to me personally), but it would also encourage us to make return trips to each of the biomes. I do hope that this make sense, as I was very tired at the time of writing this, and was finding it difficult to elaborate and be descriptive, and I feel I have not been especially concise here. If not please just ask me to provide additional details ok.

This is one final point which I would also make, as I firmly believe it is relevant here. From a lore standpoint, many of these weapons have mystical origins, or even inexplicable ones. While others bear curses, were crafted by gods or have been forged or carried by some of the greatest heros of the past. The in game lore of Conan Exiles tells us that these weapons are exceptional, and I agree they should be truly exceptional, and surpass craftable weapons.