POLL => Should the Modes be Balanced Seperately?

Fellow Exiles I will say my peace on this matter in the following post. However for now I wish to ask you all as a community, a very important question which concerns all of us.

Q: Do you believe that Funcom should balance the play modes in Conan Exiles seperately?

  • YES Funcom should balance PvP and PvE/Singleplayer seperately
  • NO Funcom should continue to balance PvP and PvE/Singleplayer together
  • Dont Care

0 voters

Fellow Exiles, cast your votes. And if you like post your thoughts and ideas. All are welcome!


Ok now that the Poll is established, here is my own personal viewpoint on this issue.

The impending thrall nerf, just like almost all nerfs has re-opened old wounds and divisions within the community. Most PvP players want the nerf, and PvE and Singleplayer do not (*although there are of course exceptions to this on both sides). For myself at least, it has confirmed what many of us already suspected. That there will never be happiness within the community whilever these two polar opposite modes share the same balance system. If the nerf goes ahead most PvPers will be happy, most PvEers wil be resentful. If it doesnt, most PvEers will be happy, most PvPers will be resentful. It is the same principle with almost all nerfs to date; PvP wants them, PvE does not. The more things change the more they stay the same. Everytime there is a wave of rebalancing it destroys any semblance of goodwill and cohesion within the community and pits the modes and members against each other. No matter which mode wins, a whole heap of people will lose, and many will leave once they reach their threshold. The cycle is doomed to endlessly repeat itself. Something has to change.

The time has come. I firmly believe that it is time we began to balance the two modes seperately. Defined as ‘two’ because Singleplayer is usually congruent with PvE, and can customise their own playstyle independently. So I say and humbly request that Funcom add in some additional Sliders and Settings and begin to balance the modes seperately. We are all tired. PvE are tired of having dozens, even hundred of hours of work and grinding devalued and undone by nerfs to balance PvP. And PvP is tired of having an unbalanced mode, and having to fight PvE to get the changes it needs through in to create balance. There is but one way I can see that everyone can win and we can ALL enjoy our own modes. What I AM saying is that the two modes are too fundamentally different and we are encroaching on one anothers needs, fun and playstyles. We need to add some additional Sliders and Settings start balancing the modes seperately!

Yes this will likely make for additional work. And I feel obliged to apologise for bringing this idea to a public vote. However, the best results tend to be the ones yielded by strong, concerted and well thought out planning and actions. Moreover, this may or may not be as bad as we suspect. PvP would still require regular balances and nerfs, so there would be little change in that frequency. PvE on the other hand seldom ever needs or for that matter actually even wants ‘rebalancing’. Honestly, I think they could get away with 1-2 balances at most in the course of a whole year. So the bottom line for me is this:

Funcom, please add in some additional Sliders and Settings and balance the modes seperately.


I voted no. For the very reason that has always been stated. It will split up the devs resources trying to balance weapons, new and old, to match the settings. Whether it comes to fruition or not, i believe it was stated that thralls are a big part of the game, and everything we are seeing now is the foundation for what they want, up to and including city life. By having different settings, balancing NPC’s and the game play in general splits the devs into 2 teams, pve, and then pvp. I could be wrong, but that is what i feel based off of comments thru out all the streams i have seen since launch. I believe this because I think splitting would have been done a while ago if it was just that easy.

  • Very few games do this.

  • PvE is already in a state to warrant a nerf.

  • We don’t know how tied together all the systems are, so sperating them out could or probably will require a great deal of work that could otherwise be diverted to do something else (same reason for server settings possibly not being an option either).

  • Would require splitting up dev resources to balance multiple game modes. Past, present, and all future updates

  • Would require maintaining multiple versions of the game (serious headache). Potentially up to 12 different ones, instead of 3.

In conclusion, if you could convince me how to do this from a game development perspective in a way that doesn’t cripple developer resources, I would be willing to listen. Otherwise, hard no.


This is perhaps a somewhat controversial comparison, but I am going to construct an analogy here. Balancing PvE and PvP together is like a failing marriage. We are both good people and neither of us is wrong or the bad guy in the relationship. But we are just too fundamentally different and innately incompatible. It is at the point where we are better off shaking hands, giving each other a friendly kiss on the cheek, wishing each other well for the future and parting ways ammicably as friends. As opposed to trying to delay the inevitable and watching the situation continue to spiral until it implodes. We will both be better off if we pursue our own destinys seperately as opposed to being bound together in an unworkable set if circumstances.


The problem may be that only one will get custody of the kids (a.k.a. attention of the devs for future patches)


I am so happy digital games have been improving and developing since I started playing them early 80s! Since then, evolution and developement in video / computer games are simply part of the experience for me and I simply welcome the changes and try to adapt to new versions, add-ons, updates and patches.

While I see that in CE the different fractions have different needs, I also don´t think it would be a very good idea to split up the player base resulting in a lot of confusion on the player side and a greater workload on the developer side. So since I can´t decide which is the better solution and don´t mind anyway… Thanks for the don´t care button!


The problem may be that only one will get custody of the kids (a.k.a. attention of the devs for future patches)

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Just for the sake of clarity, does this phrase mean the 3 different game modes (PvP, PvE, Solo) on each of the platforms? If not, could you please expand?

PvE, PvP, PvE-C. Didnt even think about Solo, so, corrected, up to 12 different game versions.


Personally, seeing as the PvE is such a major part of the game, including in the PvP servers, I think they should be balanced together. My major concern is a player wearing full godbreaker and bulked plating with 50 vitality can be 2 shot by a high tier thrall, when we realistically cannot fight it on even ground. The only major changes I personally think are needed is a major damage reduction to a player and receive increased damage from a player.

The rest should be balanced together. Though I still don’t think a Lvl 0 Dalinsia in normal lvl10 heavy armour should be able to solo the Warmaker boss like she currently can. Geared at lvl 20? sure.

splitting pvp and pve wouldnt be hard at all…looad a copy of software on the pve servers and load a copy on the pvp servers…one update goes for pve server software the other goes to pvp software…its all the same game the numbers just need to be changed for each…1 week update for pvp or pve and the next week pvp or pve…not hard at all…and yes its doable, just rummage around in the dev kit…the answers are all there. In 2 months both sides could be happy.

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The solution could be as simple as this, adding or adjusting a few more sliders in the server settings for the different modes. I voted no in the poll because I think it would add unneccessary complexity. But if a slider setting could fix it (already in use for gathering rates on PvP), that’s not terribly complex.


I voted yes.

I think the devs can still develop just one version of the game and achieve the right balance for each mode through toggle switches and sliders.

It has already been pointed out to me that this is probly more complex to program than i think and that is likely true.

The real question is - is it more complex than attempting to keep the players happy (and wanting to continue to invest time and money on the game) by continually nerfing and buffing, giving and taking.

Every time there is a nerf or buff, close to 50% of the players are pissed off.

For the record i am a pve player. I enjoy the game getting more difficult.
I’m really unconcerned by the new testlive patch. My reaction to the notes was “is that it?”
I’m more concerned about the way patches in the past (and likely future)to improve either mode of game play seem to always adversely affect the other.
As for this patch, i think this is a good patch for pvp. No one should be getting one shot by an enemy thrall.
For pve though the thrall damage nerf really does nothing other than to make the grind longer, not more difficult. The hp nerf really will have very little impact at all.

So if the effort doesn’t out weigh the benefit, then why not balnce the one developed game with sliders to tune down thrall damage in pvp and tune up npc damage in pve?

There is a good chance this will make almost everyone happy while the continual buff/nerf cycle never will.


I give up on this game, I cant even get a response about 39 accuracy lol. Good luck folks…

I thought there were separate sliders for player damage, thrall damage, and NPC damage and was just proven wrong in another thread. There is only player and NPC damage sliders. Adding one for thralls would hopefully be an easy solution to everyone’s headaches.


Neither do most of us Multi. This presents an excellent opportunity for Funcom to discuss the possibility with the community, and elaborate as to whether or not it is plausible, and what exactly it would entail. I would welcome their participation and love to have them.

See now this ^ is the sort of mindset which drives much of the resentment and conflict between the modes. No I personally do not believe that PvE is in a ‘state to warrant a nerf’. I suppose the other multitude of nerfs I listed here were all ‘warranted’ by PvE mode too…?

Im am certain I could unearth dozens, if not hundred of additional examples given adequate time. No, aside from some of these past nerfs which PvE has had forced upon for the sake of PvP balance I find my game overwhelmingly enjoyable. Furthermore, based on the numbers, ‘likes’ and feedback in the current Testlive thread, it is obvious that the overwhelming majority of members would agree with me. If you dont support splitting the modes then that is fine. I have nothing but respect for your viewpoint. However, people should not presume to tell other people that they know what is best for them, or for that matter how they should or should not play their game. We certainly wouldnt do it to our friends, neighbours or acquaintances so why should we here?


Who would actually say no to this? Is there really people who like total imbalance, and one mode effecting the other. Sadly there’s votes to balance together…i just don’t get it.

No i don’t believe it is either.

I want the difficulty increased in pve. This should be done by improving the challanges not making the player and all they have access to weaker.
Nerfing weapons and perks is manufactured difficulty not increased difficulty.
With all this talk around about “making the player the hero”, i don’t understand why the devs then hobble the hero.
The legendary weapons in this game used to be great. Some over powered, sure but certainly unique. Now with the rare exception they are homogenized.
You can trade one out for another, adjust your build and do the same as before.


Voted yes because ideally it should happen. I don’t think it’s particularly realistic, but the poll asked what we think should happen, not what we think will happen :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter much to me at the moment as I have hardly any time to play games, and CE’s requirements to be online all the time certainly doesn’t mesh well with my schedule but still.

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