Purge spawning inside bases WAS reported during test live

I’ve always wanted climbing NPCs :grin:
But considering they can’t even jump through a single hand-sized pebble it’s very unlikely.

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A bit more details from today’s purge. Same base as in my previous post and initial spawn points as usual:

  • The target of the purge was the following foundation which is part of the main building inside the castle walls:

[2020.05.23-17.31.45:884][564]ConanSandbox: Purge Started at V(X=-51476.77, Y=-74292.34, Z=4146.94) for Clan 1048, Using Wave A group of Vanir hunters

  • The purge spawned at the usual points outside of the castle walls and walked towards them, the waves did not spawn inside.

  • In each wave, a few of the NPCs teleported at a specific position. The warp location was always the same and it was apparently determined at the beginning of each wave even though the NPCs did not spawn at that position initially:

[2020.05.23-17.46.37:030][543]ConanSandbox: Purge Started at V(X=-50236.00, Y=-73250.00, Z=3928.73) for Clan 1048, Using Wave A group of Vanir hunters

[2020.05.23-17.50.00:982][236]ConanSandbox: Purge Started at V(X=-50236.00, Y=-73250.00, Z=3928.73) for Clan 1048, Using Wave A group of Vanir hunters

[2020.05.23-17.54.01:224][999]ConanSandbox: Purge Started at V(X=-50236.00, Y=-73250.00, Z=3928.73) for Clan 1048, Using Wave A group of Vanir hunters

[2020.05.23-17.58.08:383][157]ConanSandbox: Purge Started at V(X=-50236.00, Y=-73250.00, Z=3928.73) for Clan 1048, Using Wave A group of Vanir hunters

  • The actual spawn points at each wave are not available in the logs, just the chosen warp point.

Hope this helps.

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It is kinde sad that this has to come from me and not from Funcom themselves but hey customer care …
They pushed a new patch to the test server fixing a lot of stuff. I hope your problem is part of that fix i can only advise to join the testing and try to get it fixed that way as i doubt you will get an official response here.

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Well that will make defending against northern purges even worse :worried:

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Were those ranged npc btw? That was what Wak seemed to have the most problems with.

My God!
That has got to be terrifying.
So, on that note I’m going to disable purges on my server and for my SP mode until this menacing issue is dealt with.
That’s just going a bit, way too far for purges.

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Some were archers but there were wolves, fighters and even a T4 armorer :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My guess is that the bug reporting failed due to a language barrier. When helping Funcom fix mistakes we should be mindful that all readers may not be native speakers. I felt the difference between ‘spawning’ and ‘teleporting’ was obvious, but I now realize my mistake.


Here is a picture of my WOP build

as you can see, It’s in the middle of a desert (plenty of pathway for it)

Here is a picture of the WOP build during the purge

At the bottom left you can see the floor piece I had to remove in order to get up and clear them.

Finally here is a picture of the exact same build in a different spot suffering the same fate

Oh and finally some text I’d previously put in the wrong place due to noobery!

Loool I’m quite sure that having approaching mobs disappear in front of your eyes and reappear on the roof of a building or worse still inside your base, is not intentional. Why would it be? It’s not immersive/realistic in any way, and makes base building completely pointless in PVE-C.

Atm we are being asked to spend hours building a house of cards only to have the devs come in and swipe it down. It’s like some kind of sick joke!! Such a shame, Conan Exiles could be one of the best games I’ve ever played, that’s where the passion comes from.

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Just to confirm , purges are teleporting onto and into buildings even if they are accessable.
Official Server 1051. Just happened to me.

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Now this is happening at someone else’s base…

I just had my first purge since the update and it was a mess. It was a hyena/werewolf purge and they were spawning inside the foundation blocks and underneath my base.

Thankfully some of them clipped through the blocks enough that I could shoot them with arrows.


So this just happened to us on our private server, first with imps on noob river. If we tried to catch our breath inside the base they would just teleport upstairs and chase us in the base… then they demolished our clifside base by the unamed city by teleporting inside and wrecking everything :frowning:

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I had several purges in the previous days (I set the prerequisites low), but no teleporting/spawning inside bases. Usually my bases are on the edge on a cliff so 90 degree purge-free.

HOWEVER ~1/3 of the enemies are spawned directly under the terrain.

So here is an other confirmation that the purge does not work as it should be.

Question… are purges supposed to occur at one base only? I have bases all over the map but I only get purges at my one base in the north. It’s exhausting…

It’s supposed to choose a random base, but my purges have a high chance of attacking the same place over and over. Too bad it’s not guaranteed, I still have to keep guards at my other bases.

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In my experience it attacks your biggest base most, but also can attack smaller bases.

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Game mode: Online official #1735
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: US
Clan: Savageswithstick

Tower base in the Northlands biome is built on a piece of rock jutting up just east of Telith Island. It gets purges regularly, but has had purges:

a) spawn in the geometry up on the desert biome ridgeline;
b) spawn in the geometry under/inside the fishery by the lake;
c) spawn in the geometry under/inside the rock the tower is built on MULTIPLE times now.

This makes for frustrating purges as you wind up spending most of your time sitting around doing nothing or trying vainly to kill things inside rocks (usually with poison orbs). In the end, much of the time you just wind up waiting out the timer, bored.

Living in the snowy north I’ve had cimmerian Beserker purges where they just cut up your base from the outside. All the other northern purges teleported inside my base.