Purge Suggestions

Whatever - not arguing about it anymore.

This thread shows how broken is the new purge…

  • It’s no danger, unless one logs out of the game
  • people use it to farm resources, people expect to benefit from the purge, while merely surviving it should be the prize itself…

Funcom make purge great again! Leave the new Stygian purge, but attach the old action counter tool that spawns it, give it trebuchets just like in the video, and make it bloodthirsty…

Sorry, but I just got to read the main text in this thread, idk what was said in the comments. :slight_smile:

My point: Not everyone has all day to level up all of his thralls to maximum level. It goes ok until lvl 10, from that point it is just one dull, boring pain in the butt. Running around in circles of Unnamed City or killing boses to see, that only in those cases of killing single creature the XP bar moves at least a bit to the right side. :smiley:

Not sure for how long you are playing CE, but I got pretty much bored from this after all those years. If one choses to do also another things in the game, this is too much grind hardwork which leaves you no time for anything else. Or you just end up with lvl 0 thralls in high numbers, who die easily, but are replaced easily as well. :slight_smile:

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I do think that proves it is a challenge though, it’ll kill your thralls unless you’re online fighting it, you prepare correctly and you know how to manage it. My first purge was an absolute slaughter of thralls, and that was entirely on me.

And regarding being grateful you survived: I get that, but it’s not really compelling game design, is it? You’d need a displayable trophy or something to display you beat level 10, or I don’t think that would motivate people.

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Yes, that would be great. For example, some cool ‘Empire Crusher’ armor.
They have not yet decided which level will be the last, and have left it open to themselves to add new difficulty levels. I assume that catapults will be added next, which will demolish our bases faster.
I think that we should not grieve that not everyone has the ability to withstand the maximum purge without damage. It should not be. We now know how many coins or bars we need to put in to cause the level of purge we need. All in our hands.

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I just told you people how long it takes regardless of how many days you take. Not my fault yall level up on crocodiles all day long. Less risk , less reward for xp.

So you got bored -come back to the game and you want to make fundamental changes so you can leave again? Because you got bored of the game again… because its too grindy… i got news for you ALL games have a grind to it.

Get one level per day for a thrall and your 20 in 20 days.

One dungeon run will get you a level. But you need to commit 30 minutes to an hour for that.

Can you do that exiles?

Because yall are telling me here you cant.

To not want to does not equal not being able to. :blush:

Also cut this. Accept that different people are going to have different opinions and suggestions. It is not place for anyone to try to make others accept and convert to your opinion - this is not how discussion forum works.

So for you is leveling XP rate ok, some other people would like to quicken it a bit - not a big matter. :+1:

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Sure - then Devs- make it easier to level thralls so folks can stop complaining about it.

Then maybe we can move on to getting more content instead.


Don’t care.
It can also be done too, so that solves nothing.

The system should work with regular bases, not doorless boxes. That’s just lazzy implementation.
I had some hopes for this new purge system, like actually being able to test our base building skills and defense strategies. Building doorless bases is anything but that.

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Chapter 3 i hope, with an avatar of set for the ones who dare.
Tbh, i don’t care for the rewards of purge, all i ever cared was the feeling of war in pve and i have it. It’s a blast. It’s not poor either sloppy, it’s just a mechanic on the evolution stage. We must say our wishes and they will take notes have no doubt. I personally wouldn’t try a lvl 10 purge on an official server alone, the performance is so poor that it will frustrate me more than give me joy. But in single player yes, i did it multiple and i enjoy it. Performance is very important!


Well considering you dont even need walls or a roof to slow your food or water consumption kinda moot eh?

Just need a foundation and your good.

Since they have literally removed most survival elements out of it now.

For the purge- You can build your walls and roofs- it was tested this way and works. I tested also without walls and roofs and that worked too.

The point is some of my thralls were getting killed because they were being pinned to walls or corners which is why i dont have walls for purge bases now.

And low and behold- i killed all level 10 purge enemies and their base by attacking them without losing anyone.

Try it , you can do it in single player to test it.

Well, true that I haven’t tested to build some fortress to help me with purge attackers.

All I did was to build two T3 doors to slow enemies, but even that was not needed, cause they rarely got so far , cause rest of my defenders killed them.

LEVEL 8 purge was doable just with enough thralls standing around, but it was hard to not have them killed anyway.

The only strategy I chose was to do was to order each one of them to follow me and then to leave them scouting in one large crowd next to each other.

Without that only the closest ones would engage in the battle, meanwhile the others placed more far from the fight would never engage (resulting in dying of already exhausted and hurt thralls, which were attacking on sight all the time.

Your over thinking it.


Then thanks for heads up sweetie. :smiling_face:

Isn’t it time then to ask for the removal of the mechanic that you cannot place your thralls close? We were promised a war and war we are about to get, not yet however, now we get just a taste to what comes.
I believe that this distance between thralls must be erased now. I would love to have my troops and me in front giving the order… Attaaaaack!!! Wouldn’t be neat :heart_eyes:


I definitely agree that the rewards do NOT scale well with the difficulty. I’ll add that the lack of crafter thralls is especially disappointing. In addition, no way should I be seeing anything less than T4 thralls at that point (Tier X) Please don’t insult me with T3 archers and fighters.

As far as levelling thralls, I have to agree with Akomo. It’s not difficult but does take some effort. It’s end game, so what else do you have to do at that point? I make it a game within a game to alleviate the tedium. I’m not a full fledged RP’er by any stretch, but I bring the purge to the other civs on the map - raiding Asagard and the Mounds and stealing their treasure! Or I’m on a crusade to rid the unnamed city of evil, etc…

Losing thralls and frustrated? Play around with your vault base and work from Tier 1 on up. It is definitely possible to run through a Tier X without losses. Experiment, from Tier 1 up until you find it - it’s a big part of the fun.

Lastly, the more Thralls you have defending, the more enemies will spawn. It’s part of the calculation. You don’t need 50 troops. Heck for performance alone, you probably want to keep it down between 10 - 20. Running on a private PvE server, currently doing pretty good keeping about 20 troops to defend the vault. Still some lagginess / weirdness, but nothing like when I tried using more than that.

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They should put in a level 15 purge difficulty that summons an Avatar against your base…


I want my regular base to be attacked, not some box built for the effect.

I want buildings to matter, not making a building easy to be purged because otherwise the purge won’t start.

This new system is nonsensical, IMO, that being the reason. If the purge needs a simple building with a very clear path to the treasure, the whole thing is defeated before it starts.

One of the things I liked to do was building smart so that the purge was easily defeated. I never lost to a purge, any purge, anywhere on the map. I thought now I would have hard purges to make me build a base almost as hard to raid on pve as they need to be on pvp.

Instead, I got this joke …

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I don’t understand how the purge demolishers just don’t carve a path to the coffer instead of having a dependency on door accessibility.

Or better yet, why the purge doesn’t spawn in trebs to blow a hole in the walls to get to the chest.

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