Question about the Game

Can you play this game offline or do you have to have xbox live to use it?

you cant play offline, you must be connected to internet. having tryed to pay without an internet conenction didnt work

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I Can answer only from ps4 experience . Yes i can play this game offline , without having ps plus . I do not think it is necessary to have online features to play the game solo . Still i wish an xbox player would know more about it . @Wak4863 can you help here ?

You play on xbox ?

Yup. Or I will

I personally don’t know if you have to have an online connection on Xbox.

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That’s unfortunate. I found evidence to suggest it is possible but I would trust the word of gamers more.

Thank you for the reply

i play pc and ps4 no internet no conan. discovered this lame fact when i moved and had to wait for isp to send a tech to plug me on the grid

With the pc it makes sense. Hey check this out WanderingJarlPuncher

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pc ps4 xbox, if you dont have anm internet connection cant play conan exile.

Well there are others who say you can. I also happen to have the disc.

Dude i have no internet a week now and i play on my ps4 normally. I use mobile data to visit the forum. On ps4, because i have conan installed only there, i can play, but offline ofcurse. Still i speak about the European version because the American is different in a lot of things, they don’t have full nudity for example, omg. Is your region US?


sadly , yes.

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Omg dude i cannot understand why, it is really unfair. I play on American official server and every time i send a photo of my Bella naked everyone says to me that he is jealous :joy::joy::joy:. Are you sure you cannot raise a complaint about it through this forum? After all you are many Americans in this forum. Not to mention that you have and Asuras chosen persons, so what are you waiting for, raise your voice, you allready have a supporter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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@Hulk10 are you European or American?

American. That’s why I got the pc version. And I agree it ain’t fair. Fortunately though I have a game controller that works well with my pc. Wonder if you can order the EU version in the us. Doubt it though.

PC version uses Steam, and requires it.

Ps4 version, Does Not, for offline single-player. (I own Digital NA and Disc for Euro version, and Outcast(japan)

You’ll get error message at title screen when starting up, by can ignore it when clicking single player setting. (I play with my ps4 offline all time)

Xbox, Last time this question came up, Can be played with no connection. (Single Player)


Im on xbox and im playing how ever in order to play with others vi coop or a server the anwser is yes u need internet but on single player offline does not and im doing it now so yes you can

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did, got flagged.

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