Questions: Regarding Purge Drops/Spawns

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sure thing, seeker iris and excavator darius were available at the old purge system, in a couple of relic hunter purges, (the purge that you had to fill the bar) the new system did not include those and many others. however when i was saying they were NOT obtainable i was refering to seeker ophelia, and other relic hunter mini bosses, seeker iris is a purge fighter, obtainable only in the old purge system. .

new purges does add lower end purge ones, and the best you can find are a couple of cimmerian purge thralls, : orvar battleborn and sonja the strider. i posted a list of what to expect in the new purges (somethign i would like funcom to greatly expand upon) with a large pool it will make people wanting to do it more , (that is the effect it would have on me)

i have done soo many purges … and that list is pretty accurate. might be missing some in some levels, but i am sure there is nothing more to be found, unless they added recently…

there is even a video of what kind of thralls you can get, i believe some has even took a look into the files, (dont quote me) with the ammount of experience i got in this game at official servers, i have seen oddities found bugs and exploits you would not believe (some of the most toxic ones already been reported to funcom) .

the systems does not add new names into the possible pool when you create a character, this has been already set up in the game and affect everyone, RNG yes, i agree, but the posibilities are pretty much the same (at least on official servers) i have no clue on single player.


Trust me you didn’t :laughing:. I am not trying to provoke you here, i am telling you the truth :metal:.
For example, where’s Gluriel the wicked?
These purges bring names i didn’t bother in the past.

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oh i must have gotten a few out of the list, (apologies)
gluriel the wicked is one of those wanderer thralls that does exist in EL , there might be others, but the big prices are already there , if you guys want to contribute to the list, i will gladly add them, just let me know what level it was found, and ill add it. :slight_smile:

apologies for posting an incomplete list, i know there might be some missing, but the most important ones, those that most poieple will want to get should be there.

i promise to try complete the list, would you please let me know what level of purge did you saw him ?

that thrall is actually a competent decent archer ! and since it cant be found at siptah having him there is a nice reward XD

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Brother you have done nothing wrong, if i made you feel this way, i am the one who must apologize, not you.
Look tgis challenge, i took a Sonya on lvl 7 :woman_facepalming:t6:…

Rng in this game works a really mysterious way sometimes.
Here’s our girl…

I took her on 3047 and nowhere else, never again :woman_facepalming:t6:.

This game is driving me crazy man, it’s insane sometimes, hopefully like you said she is not so important, but she is decent. I can’t recall the lvl of the purge i am sorry, it’s been very long.

tha thrall with a bow will be much better

the range damage multiplier is 1.8 while the melee is 1.4. (she hits harder with a bow) and yours has stron agility

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Thanks for the tip :metal:. She is just one and i won’t risk her in front even on archery position. These guys (about 30)wait behind a gate that leads to the main base just in case the purge desires to go crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I mostly use 2 or three expendable archers and some cauldron users, the killing is my job.

with that hp, i would be too concerned, specIALLY if you keep her high ! :slight_smile:

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ghuriel happens in several spots, in the Noob river and in a black hand camp in the jungle, her spawn point is shared with other wanderers. so she is basically a world spawn

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Ok so last weekend after about 12 consecutive runs through the Level 6 Purge, no I am not exaggerating (curse you Stygian Vanguard Armor schematic), I was successful in obtaining the Archer Post schematic. So I am half way there. No Battering Ram yet but it will come.

Just for the sake of some confirmation, @Xevyr or @Tephra I know you folks both have access to spawn and loot tables, could you confirm if either Seeker Iris or Seeker Ophelia, are possible to aquire in the currwnt iteration of the purge or not?

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i can answer that without even looking, i have done so many purges…

they are NOT available, and honestly their damage multipliers are not even good, (there is a lot of balancing that needs to be done to fighters and archers)

i do have a couple of excavators in siptah, but not deploying them due to be really weak thralls.

I don’t actually have the devkit right now. I generally get all of my datamined information through Xevyr, Testerle, or Multigun.

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At level 8 and above on official PvE PS5 the schematics have been an almost every time drop.

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That is ok @Testerle. And I appreciate you stopping in to let us know. For now I will hope that @Xevyr will stop in.

It does not matter how many anyrhing a player has done Hansel. When it comes to RNG and large reward pools, some things will always inevitably slip the net and our attention. For example, I have been playing on Playstation since launch and I have the pre-order bonuses to back my claims. Now in this whole 6 year period I have never once obtained a Reach of the Red Mother or a Coup De Grace, infuriatingly enough. Similarly, I did not obtain my first Syra Brennhet until 6 months ago, and prior to the Library of Esoteric Artifacts being adjust to not give duplicate recipes, I was never able to obtain Essence of Rot despite my partner landing it multiple time in her game. It is like @stelagel said:


alright, i was just trying to be helpful,

and i would know if something hard to get pop, even on the forums there is no mention of something extraordinary.

do remember the Grr legbiter how hard it was to get it? … some people even claimed that it never show up, there was reports of people findining him …

and i have been here for a loooong time, i got the royal armor not the atlantean (bouight a pre order digital version of the game)

i wish they would add a larger pool!


I am not against rng. I just believe that the way it is it’s not correct. It seems like a trick to pin you in the game.
I do believe that you have seen everything, don’t take me the wrong way, but the way you earn this it’s not rewarding in the correct way if you ask me. And i know that all the similar games use the rng tactics to do exactly the same. I know from personal experience that if you insist in a non canonical way, eventually you’ll get what you’re looking for. That’s exactly where “spit blood” goes. I am pretty certain that in times you crossed 8 hours of straight gaming non stop, my record is 16 in corona virus season, yet i am not proud of it if you understand my saying. After 8 hours straight, you become zombie!
And I’ve done it multiple times while challenging my self on grinding.
But like i said, i ain’t proud of it, it’s not normal!

think of it, as you might have saved your life, by not being at the incorrect time and place haha, some people go out drink like crazy, get in situations that are dangerous,. and if you are married, better to be playing a game in your pc, than cheating hahahaha. just saying!

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I don’t know if you’re married but i am… 21 years now! Conan exiles came to my life as a free psn game and kept me company when i had really difficult financial times and as far i can see on your posts you totally understand what i am talking about.
I didn’t download the game of course, my son did. He must be 13 years old back then. My internet connection was so freaking poor that it took almost 2 days to download. It was a huge game, massive!
I saw 18+ and i said to him, if i won’t play it you’re not allowed to touch it. Of course we didn’t knew how to use settings and admin panels back then. Although the game had full nudity we didn’t knew how to turn it on. So when i started playing it i was wondering, why the heck this game is 18+? So i allowed my son to play the advanced Minecraft! Of course he couldn’t easily survive and he quit really fast. It was the time that Witcher had finally got me bored and i needed something new to play. So i will give this game a shot Saturday night…
Sunday morning arrived and i finally managed to fix my first box and i was so damn proud for it, sandstorm couldn’t kill me anymore, whohoo! After this… Here we are 5 years after still playing this game. I take breaks from time to time play something else, but my mind is sticked in comparison and for some stupid reason this game always wins.
Although in a world of gamer these hours are normal, the truth is that they are not.
Do i feel bad about it?
Hell no!
When my day is finished, it’s daddy’s time and Conan exiles is always on the top of the list.


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