Regarding Thrall Decay timers on Official servers - UPDATED

And all the Re-Birth Potions used to get them all the best Feats. I even had Bearers loaded with gear in case my base decayed (because you all had it set up where the bases decay first … then the thralls decay a few days later). Now we are screwed if the bases AND thralls both decay at the same time.

Rollback please.


Well, all of our thralls had top tier gear and legendaries. Not to mention the ones that are no longer around.

So, you can either prepare for no rollback or reduced training time. Or you can quit.

I don’t see a rollback happening, especially since they are waiting until Monday.

We will continue. We will start training again. We did it when leveling became a thing. We’ll do it again.

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I shook my magic 8-ball, asking if a rollback would happen
“My sources say no”

So we’ll get placated with maybe an increased spawn rate and some bump in gather rates - because that fixes everything.


The response is too slow. They should move more quickly. There is no merit in taking time on this matter.


I think you missed the point of my post was high sarcasm


I’ve spent, in real time, many, many hours accruing my now lost T4 L20 thralls. The mats and expertise/dungeon crawling required to make their armor, the time spent raising up other thralls to acquire the Legendary weapons/armor now lost, and then there is the time spent raising up my L20 thralls themselves. Pretty sure the 24 hours or so of real time lost does not compare. Also, I want my damn house cats back.


It would probably shock you to learn just how common it is for backup procedures to be sorely lacking in IT departments, no matter the size of the company.

An easy way to score points with your boss (and consequently probably wind up with a lot of extra responsibility) is to mention that the most important part of backups is making sure that you can actually use them to restore the servers if something goes wrong.

If there is no rollback, there is no reason to capture, train and equip new thralls, if it can be lost at any time due to third-party fault. So don’t even come up with something like an event, higher level rate, more rare thrall spawn. :upside_down_face:


A string of errors:

1- Entrusting an extremely critical server mass configuration process (decay setup) to someone who clearly wasn’t even remotely prepared for it (those who administer private servers know exactly what happened).
2- Running an automated configuration process for all official servers over a weekend, knowing that any issues that might arise would inevitably be postponed until Monday, even by us, mere players.
3- Not having anyone monitoring, even in a minimal sample, the actual outcome of the mass update process executed.

Just one of these factors being considered could have prevented the entire issue.


Amen brother. Well said.

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From my clan, I am the last survivor. Everyone else has already given up :frowning: The last ones left when the problem with the Nemedian foundations came with the last update. Until today, they haven’t managed to fix the issue with the Nemedian bookshelf!!! Back then, we lost everything, really everything - materials, workbenches, facilities, reserve workers. I, as the last one, continued playing, bought almost all the DLCs, including the Season Pass, purchased many items from the shop, put all the reserve workers (all Named) into a tier, and now they’re all gone again. And not only that, everyone is gone. Even the Yeti, the Ice Giant, the animals… just everyone. I think if there’s no rollback, I will also remove my bracelet. But if that happens, I won’t get Dune, just like Hellsinger. I was really looking forward to Chapter 2 (with some fear), but sorry Funcom, not like this!!!


I did not lose thralls because by stroke of luck I did decay reset last night - but my allies on the server did. Loads of lvl 20 thralls gone.

I vote for a rollback.


I heard them say in official stream: “there will be no wipe on official servers, ever. Thats is the way to lose a player base.” that is how i remmember it and i praised it. This mistake with tralls gone is a wipe!, Let see how much their word really mean. Its all or nothing.


Thanks for responding, probably on vacation.

I hope that those who lost Thrall are saved as much as possible.

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I cannot believe the Devs actually responded with “Well we might have to wait till Monday for a solution!!”"

You do realize that servers have an auto-save … and that there is finite space for these auto-saves … and that if you wait more days the likelihood is that the newer save games will overwrite the older save games … and that eventually … YOU WONT BE ABLE TO ROLLBACK because the auto-saved game you need has been overwritten!!!

How do the DEVS not know this??? Or is it that they have no intention of fixing things. They just messing with players. Sad. No rollbacks :frowning:


Just adding my voice to the choir. I’ve lost thralls and pets on the following servers 1732, 1738 and 1500. Thanks for quick response to this issue and hope we can get a roll back. To many thralls and pets on these servers over 200 on all 3 servers, small clan I am sure other larger clans have lost way more.


Hey everyone, there’s no rollback (they don’t have backups, period.) Enjoy your XP bonuses and a passive aggressive apology letter deflecting blame.

Just remember how they handle this issue when they do another smug livestream telling you “you think you want this, but you don’t.” It didn’t work for Blizzard, and sure as hell wont for them.

Screenshot 2023-09-02 154253



That is not true. I’ve gone through an official server rollback before, and it was rolled back by four days. They absolutely could do a rollback on Monday, but I do not think they will. Every minute that passes without doing a rollback is increasing the collateral damage, and by Monday, they’ll be looking at reversing thousands of player’s weekend activities. At that point, I am not sure they would be able consider rollbacks a valid option any more.

Funcom needs some sort of emergency protocol for when things like this happen (surprisingly frequently) so that they can react more quickly and make expedient decisions.


Agree. Not to mention peoples mounts, and moreover, their Pets. People have battled the RNG mechanic obtaining Greater Pets, the the black yeti from Hanuman’s offering box, the frost giant pet by finding an killing a spawn of Ladagera daughter of Ymir to obtain the horn. Not to mention all of the time spent levelling dozens of them to 20.

Rollback please.