Replayability - Moving Servers etc

So I had this discussion in light of my servers current situation. People are leaving because of griefers and understandably so.

This is not a horrible issue if you are new. Starting over is a peace of cake.

Now if you are somone who has been playing for a while. And you for example build and craft and make a world for yourself, its not as viable. The things that were exiting to unlock are really only exciting to unlock the very first time.

Sure, it is a survival game. Which is what brought me here to play. Other than the fact that it is Conan. And as a long time AOC player the IP has always appealed to me.

When hit by griefers I see good people leave the game. Both PVP and all other modes. PVP obviously has the advantage of mass clan battles going against the greiffers.

Griefing aside.

The amount of effort to get to where you want to be is definately a grind, and I am wondering if in is something I would want to do again.

I have cool thralls. I like my base. I enjoy the combat and I freaking even loved the Halloween event (although ran a little too long)

What I am asking the community is it really worth restarting. Or is it a one time play through. I won’t ever stop enjoying building. I love that aspect.

But what are your thoughts about doing a replay?

I can’t say I’d personally enjoy a replay all that much, except perhaps if done with real-life friends (oh which I don’t have any that are interested in this genre).


IMHO it’s not worth it. There are other survival games on PC and console to consider that actually run a lot better with a lot less bugs. Look at Ark , FO76 , Last of Us , that zombie one with parkour , fallout 4 with survival mods, Skyrim with survival mods, etc…

Plenty of options out there that aren’t plagued by grifers or terrible bugs…

FO76 in beta runs better than this…

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Adding to @YogArchpriest.

It’s BS this game still runs like this in November, since it was said to have released back in May. Having the same problems today (I’m looking at you peter pan flying on a ceiling tile as if the ground is just not there) as it had back in Early Access almost 2 years ago.

I agree with Hexsing too, after the first time it just doesn’t feel as good. People and servers are drying up like the dessert.

It’s annoying to rebuild on another server because your server left or shut down, but I’ve done it literally 20+ times.

But I mostly play Red Dead 2 now and the play experience, even with no base building, is much better.

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I enjoy it, the main thing is don’t get burnt out. I love the building in this game even with the bugs (are they annoying? YES!) its a good survival building game… Main thing is to find a group of people that you enjoy playing with, and every time you re build you get better. BUT this game does have A LOT of bugs many have been around since alpha and still here (everything wet under a roof!)… so yea…

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You’re welcome to come to my private server - Conan & Chill 2X XP & 2X Harvesting - active admins and chilled out friendly players.

Even though I’m the admin, I grinded back up and it went much faster with friends and 2X XP.

Building is fun times. Love that aspect. But replayability is always a concern in games.

Personally love this game. The idea of starting fresh bums me out considdering what I feel like I accomplished.

Worth taking a look though.

There’s no replay ability if you just plan on redoing what you once had. But new builds, locations, etc are always fun. Plus it’s not like getting to 60 is that tough, certainly not as a seasoned player.

That said, I probably wouldn’t enjoy starting over, certain aspects like getting T4 thralls are just too monotonous to do twice and I have my base in the perfect spot imo. So no desire to move

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To me replayability comes from with whom one plays.

If solo and ignoring other players, go and enjoy sp - that wont require one to start over anyway.
(And most pve players ignore each other and even keep everyone from entering ones base.)

But if one got a clan with people they like to play with - there is lots of potential!

There has been a group of players with whom I’ve danced nights away a little over a year ago. (And venturing into that city killing dragons, including the undead dragon at sinkhole.)

Then I’ve met my current clanmembers. At least of them keeps me in the game, because I really like to play with that one.

I just rented a server because of this issue, your welcome to play on my server we have a DisCord also for the server welcome to join any time.

plus i keep up on the Upkeep and keep it ruining good


LOL BrokenFang, way to entice players!

j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Funcom won’t play the game for you, I suggest you talk with the other players and form an alliance and grief the enemy back.

You really love saying that lol. I have yet to see anyone ask funcom to play for them … unless you think fixing clear expolioting is playing for them… Lol… Your clearly the type we are talking about that goes out and seal clubs level 30s to feel good.

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I have fought and won and then they resort to griefing, but I won’t stoop to that level of stupidity. It just encourages the behavior.

For myself, I don’t think there’s a great degree of replayability with this game; that is to say some, but not a lot. When I first started playing, this was my first experience with an open world survival game of this type and I thought it was incredible.
Since then, I’ve started from scratch several times with different characters and have defeated all the dungeons and bosses multiple times. I’ve built countless structures including the star ship Enterprise NCC 1701. I’ve discovered and rediscovered everything the world has to offer. I’ve even not built bases except to make a few tools and weapons and only packed a tent and a bed and explored the entirety of the map just to do a thief/gypsy sort of thing. I’ve seen it all and don’t think there’s many places in the world my characters haven’t set foot.
Conversely, I have another open world game (which I won’t mention the name of out of respect for Funcom) that I’ve been playing off and on for a few years and still occasionally find things I never knew were there.
So to me, the thought of restarting CE fills me with a loathing of tedium. I now just play every so often when I wax nostalgic for the game, but I seriously doubt I would ever consider another restart.

Overall I made the derision to not restart. Instead I only play during the morning for a few hours. I am level 51 or 52. I wont stand long against a level 60.

So instead I just build and do my own thing. I just dont bother with the conflict portion.

The only reason I left PVP which I enjoyed was laggy spikes and glitches. Otherwise I would have stuck it out.

But…overall. I am still having fun. Just can’t bring myself to restart.

I mean. If the rest of my new friends all leave and its just them and I…Ill probably just have to call it quits.

Looks like the clan I was in and all the people who were cool vanished.

I’ll go to the private server.

But I am dissapointed. Great and beautiful unplayable game.

Too bad it has a laundry list of bugs which some actively work against you even if you play the game hard and fair!

Like why can folks jump on and walk on top of reinforced spike or black ice fences like they are a shelf you put on your walls? The top should repel as well right? If it has spikes on it you should damage and get knocked off!

Fix these same bugs since early access for christ sakes! (pregnancy breathing, Peter panning ceiling tiles, climbing hit or miss, stamina bar, lag, lag sound effects, food/drink too much sometimes way too fast like a 2 yr old wanting a juice box, come on damn it! I’m trying to play here when I have time.) Moving servers won’t help.

I think this is up to you, and depends lot your gamestyle, and what you enjoy do in a game.

For me building is a big part, so of course, i started over so many times i can count since EA.
Being end-game is fun and fine, but becomes also old and boring quickly.

Sure for people just playing the game for the game, without the love for the world, the different places, maybe some role-play adpects, will not enjoy it the same way if they have to start over.

Some are lone-wolves, and love it that way, others need a tribe around to feel fine.
Make a test. Without forgetting your current character, make a new one on singleplyer, an other server, test, see, and enjoy the experience. If it’s fun, it’s great, if not, you can still stop.

There isn’t a right or a wrong way, it’s all about your fun, and your enjoyement !

I decided to tuff it out. A lot of people came back to the server. The griefers are still there. Picking off noobs.

I guess they really like stone weapons and plant fibre armour.

So our new plan is getting the players to better locations. We have them scattered across the map now So they can play the game. I escort people to better building places than noob river.

Seems to be working out fine.