Secret World Genre Films

I remembered movie, not name, then I do not remember movie, then I remembered plot, not scenes, then I do not remember plot, then I remember those exact search words, then I do not have to…

‘Cudowne dziecko’ 1986 film in Polish.
Appears to be about a boy with telekinetic powers. As they are isolated in a medical centre and subjected to endless research i’d imagine it would sit well with Orochi ‘Nursery’ methodology.

I enjoy the lore associated with immortality in the Secret World.
With the Bees, the player character, having justifiable continual resurrections.
And with foes who choose to exploit incapacitation, imprisonment and maiming as more effective than outright killing.

“The awful thing about immortality is that it tends to go on and on, forever. You’ll see”

Intriguing are the representations of other immortals and how they differ, such as; the Stationmaster, Octavian, Saïd, The Sentinals and Halina, as well as the non-human varieties.

‘How much longer?’ they ask. And the silence answers forever.

I liked Rollins portrayal of apathetic, anti-social immortal, spending his existence sleeping and watching TV.
Some traditional biblical interpretations consider Henry Rollins’ character to be the originator of evil, so potential is there to join the Secret World’s pantheon of ancient darkness.

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Surprisingly, there aren’t a lot of films or TV shows which feel too much like Secret World. Some might have a passing aspect of them that might be a little similar. A conspiracy theory here, a secret society there. Nothing really major, though. Nothing that meshes up and makes you say “Yea, this could actually be happening in SWL in a place we just haven’t been to, yet.”. At least I haven’t ever felt that way about anything. Books on the other hand, I’ve read several books that could definitely be ripped right from the SWL mythos.

It’s not a film, but Clive Barker’s The Great and Secret Show has a very secret world feel to it.
There’s secret societies, magic, a dream sea, and a mysterious substance. I won’t say too much to avoid spoilers.

I only made the connection when I was dusting the book and looking at the cover.

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I’ve just started in on this one:

So far it seems to be the b@st@rd love child of Twin Peaks and The Big Lebowski.
I would have NO trouble seeing Henry Hawthorn in one of the Lodge meetings and Daimon Kiyota would certainly have something to say about some of the stranger things happening in Dud’s life.
Also, the first episode opens with a man scattering a flock of Ravens. I couldn’t help expecting the Revenant to show up…

Recently released three-part miniseries from India derived from Arab folklore and Jinn mythology.
Commences with an assault on an abandoned hotel (compare Hotel Wahid) but the main location is set in a derelict facility described as “leaky, damp, and horrible smelling place with no sunlight”.

Out of the smokeless fire…

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A faithful adaptation of Lovecraft’s Call of Cthulhu as a silent film. For those who like it old school.

Has anyone seen The Void?

Seriously, stopbeverything and watch it.

Award winning ‘The Shape of Water’ (2017) has been described as Guillermo del Toro’s best work since Pan’s Labyrinth. Quirky, lighthearted and romantic, it does not seem to immediately play to the elements of the Secret World, yet similar components are apparent in the story.

Set at the height of the Cold War with government conspiracies, a secret high-security government laboratory and a captive ‘monster’ inspired by ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’. This creature is played by actor Doug Jones, who also played close resembling character ‘Abe Sapien’ in Hellboy.

Romantic fantasy with a Lovecraftian Deep One flavour.

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Noah (2014 film)

Old Testament / Book of Enoch inspired story. Antediluvian, human corruption of the earth, apocalyptic end of Age, and The Watchers; fallen angels and giant stone golems.

Ghost Wars was a better story than I’d expected from the pictures, and pretty reminiscent of Kingsmouth :smile:

Thinking of films/ media that I think influenced Secret World:

Most anything created by Neil Gaiman. Who also looks like a character straight out of Secret World London. Film or series: Constantine (2005). Lucifer in the film looks like Samael in Kaidan. See also Lucifer - TV Series (2016) and American Gods - TV Series (2017).

Techno-vampires and brutish werewolves in Carpathian Fangs reminds me of the Underworld films series – some so bad they’re good.

PIstol animations like the gunkata in Equilibrium (2002).

Couple things a bit off the beaten path.

Ink. It even has John and Emma.


Full movie:

Horsehead, a visually spectacular exploration of dreams:

Regional unavailability for the Horsehead link.
Is this the one?

The Kirlian Frequency on Netflix is great :smiley: Imagine if Kingsmouth had a functioning local radio station…


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Jeff Bezos Seattle wgah’nagl fhtagn.

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‘The Last Witch Hunter’ has an enjoyable cast, cinematography and special effects.
A modern dark, supernatural conspiracy, that could easily be set in the Secret World. Vin Diesel’s character even reminded me of this image:

A sequel is also currently in development.

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American Gods potentially as well, at least for the protagonist, Shadow anyways.