Share Your Purge Thrall Spawn Experience

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Haven’t been purged since May. Brother I keep telling ourselves the locals must be scared lol. Hoping whatever is causing itllthe lack of purges gets fixed

Small Update:

The pictures on my first post have been taken after the purge. Initially, the back wall reached the ground. When I was offline purged, they destroyed most of it, and so I tried to make it impossible to hit from the back. Apparently, in doing so, something weird happened to the purge system.

I’ve updated one of my bridges, and removed (For now) the small building covering my elevator, so that I could have some protection from purges whenever they appeared:

Updated First Bridge

Today, a few moments ago, I got the message of getting purged by Exiles. I said, sweet something different besides Darfari. Well, they spawned on top of the walls for some reason… If one checks, my previous images, I have a front gate and two bridges that make the base reachable. Makes no sense, they would spawn inside the base (Not that they had any chance as I have volcano thralls in silent legion gear).

The issue is, I specifically made those bridges and front gate so that I could decorate the inside of the base. I lost a bunch of decorations in a matter of seconds because they have very low health. Anyway… back to the topic, only one wave appeared. Message said they were regrouping, the icon on map has gone away and the purge meter is still full. Last time this happened to me, I didn’t get another purge for a month…

On the plus (Debatable) side, a named thrall spawned on the first wave. Onun of the Scales a Priest.

Yes, Official server.

Check OP, I put a screenshot of the location.

My castle and surrounding walls are in the highlands at the lake under the broken aqueduct. I get hit every Friday by a Dire wolf purge, massive assualts that just seem endless (but way to much fun). Theres always 1 Barbarrian with them I never catch his name but I think hes the Pack Master or something like that. In our last purge we fought for a brief moment before i was overrun by white wolves.

Again I am trying to help, posted a lot about this before and ill do it again.

To get those named tralls you want the Dogs of desert purge, they have named in every wave, try to kill off as fast as you can and wheel in the named to start next wave, I have managed 7 named in one purge.
If you are a collector you will go for either dafari or relic-hunters next, they have maybe 2 named during a purge on average.
then you should go for the Lemurian/exiles/Blackhand witch share the same purge spot and you can randomly get one of them. exiles and Blackhand gives nameds, if you are lucky you can get a really good purge here with many nameds or you can get the Lemurian and have none.
The areas are small and the further away from the center you go the more % of other crap will spawn, but dead center you are 100% sure to get the clan spawn.

To steer your purge to those areas, spread foundations around, they must not be connected with snap, if you demolish to make space its not the same, the more you have the more chance is it to get it there, it seems to count as a base having only 1 foundation, you can put on more building pieces to get the decay time up, one placeable helps, experiment to find out yourself. i will post pictures on the areas. northeimers and cimerian lost tribe dont have any nameds.

This is the spot for nordheimers

This is the spot for Lost tribe

This is also a spot for lost tribe

This is the spot for RelicHunter tribe They have named tralls off all kind… yellow marking is chance of getting locust, green is 100% clan.

This is the dafari tribe, keep to the river it is wery smal area. it has nameds of all kind. Marked with brown. i did not have the exact pos on the map, it is actualy a litle further down, starts where the river starts going straigth after the turn.
Green area is the Dogs of desert. I recomend build in the center of river in the water, betwen the waterfalls.
This is the golden egg, Dogs of desert with every wave a named trall(a smal% to get a carpenterpurge with only carpanters of t1-3)
This area has shared spot for lemurians, exiles and Blackhand, you will get nameds from purge here if you get the rigth ones.

This is my spawner in 1011, I also have one in 1039, other people I have shown this to also has tralls now.
If you are having trouble getting purge on official, spawner alone maybe don’t work, try to remove inactive members from the clan and add a new member. then build a spawner, that worked for me.
If you are on a server with much traffic and many people playing there it could take a week or so, if you are unlucky I am guessing it can take not 3weeks, then something is wrong, and your build that is bugged and holding purge back should be removed.
there are many ways to get a build bugged so stick to simple, don’t build anything higher than 2 foundations high in your spawner, don’t build anything on the sides of rocks only on flat ground.

In the 2-3 last days, I have had problems with foundations and they get 100durability and showing full decay, when others see only the 1hour, trying to solve this with a 2 foundation-wide spawner with fence foundations around on the sides.

All this is me testing 1000+ purges on my own server and implemented on my official server with great success.
I am mostly on 1039 now as the character Belit, stop by to say hi and ask me anything, I love to help, I can even make a character on other servers to join clans and putt down some foundations to break you out of purgedrout. and if this helps and give you purge please come and tell me, I love to know.


We have only ever been purged by creatures. Lots of different ones but no names.

The one human purge we had was cimmerian, which of course happened off line.

We have a friendly clan on our official server with bases all over the map.
Every time they get purged (a weekly event), they get purge at the same location always by humans. The first time was dafari with 5 waves each with a named thrall including a blacksmith. Since then they have had several black hand purges with no named and a varying amount of waves. They had another dafari purge last night. Again 5 waves each with a name.
The spot is on noob river. If you draw a line vertically south from dry falls and a line horizontally east from spotters squat, the intersection point is where it all happens.

Two bases, one on L shaped island in the “Noob” river with bridges to north & south gets purged by crocodiles all the time - I suppose because there is a croc spawn point on the east end of the island. The other base is at the Overlook above the Black Galleon which has had three purges that I am aware of, the first was spiders that seemingly got lost on their way because they never showed up, the other two were striped hyenas and werehyenas that did minimal damage to the corner of a gatehouse. I’ve never been online for a purge though a clanmate was for the spider and one croc purge.

Thanks, i have been all over this place must missed that spott, they are smal, it would takeages to test everywhere440900_20181004061228_1

No probs. I think the black hand ones are bugged as the ones I’ve been there for have been defeated after 1, 3 or 4 waves. They also sometimes spawn in the river or on the other side.
They may have also had a lemurian purge from memory but I can’t remember for certain.

on the island with the rockgolem boss across from this place there is a shared purgespawn for lemurians,blackhands and exiles, i only tested one purge to se if it was correct, i will have to runn it a few times and move the foundation around to find the borders for this purge. gives me something to do, finding a new spot is nice, like the feelining got from finding norheimers spawn, godamn that was a hard one and timeconsumeing, almost like getting grrr at the random exilesspawer. alitle dissepointed only archers and figthers would spawn, this was the last tribe i needed to find to have them all, then its just spawning themenough to find out what is awailable off purgetralls

Have you got any of the named armorers or blacksmiths so far? On official servers at least.

Yes, i have armorer, smelters, and Taskmaster on 1011 pve official, figthers and archers 4 or 5 i think,
On 1039 i got a smith, 2tanners, 3archer/figther from my first purge, and expecting anew one any time now as the meeter is almost full again, it took 3 days of full meeter there, but on 1011 i am getting purge before it fills upp the last 2 purges, not been present at any of them :frowning:
Alchemist for white has been my dream since launch, and it is not far away now…

Jhebal sag on download atm, it is here

I got two different alchemists from Darfari purges and a priest from Exiles. That’s the only important ones really, as I’ve also got fighters, archers and carpenters (Not sure if I got anything else).

Yea, I finished updating and now in the game (Taking a while to load). Let’s hope I lost nothing…

Give your tralls food before they die

They have 7 days until they need more food. At least that’s working. I’ll be sure to make the feeding peaceable for sure tough. Seems the thralls starting at low health has finally been fixed, and now they have [Guarding] under their profession.

I lost nothing so far, from what I can see. At least not the most important chests (Named thrall chests and legendary weapon chest).

The lag however… Jesus! It’s freezing for everything I do.


To go back on topic, here’s a screenshot of the named set priest I got from the Exiles purge:

Onun of the Scales - Set Priest


Very disappointing if I have to be honest.

Nothing extra from priest is it? i have not tested the exile purge wery much, as it was one of the last ones i discovered and they gave less nameds each purge, tho i had one of 20 i think giving a named each wave, i cant remember, there are so many

No, nothing new.

I expected him to look special tough, not a naked bald headed guy…

Did not want the male butt naked so here is the tanner, naked is purge tralls so they are easy to recognice

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thou shalt not mock the mighty skullet! It combines the undeniable power of the mullet with the shaved head of a devout disciple of the mightiest gods of Hyboria!

Seriously though, I agree, I wish “placed” thralls - the higher level ones, at least - looked much more interesting, since we can’t dress them ourselves. I don’t mean in full armor, but they should utilize some of the more civilian-looking and (in this case) religious clothes at least!