Hi I’m currently transferring gear to and fro between Isle of Siptah and Exiled lands. Would a trading post be frowned upon in game. As in, selling Siptah gear for in game items eg… feroxic daggers for 10k hardened bricks or Purge Thralls.
I’m guessing not, but didn’t want to risk all my stuff just in case.
EDITTTT: damn, I swear I wrote that I’m on PVE. Guess I’m a donkey.
I certainly frown at the price of 10k Hardened Bricks for Feroxic Daggers. For a weapon that is craftable, that is way too expensive. I’d price them around 650.
Well you would have to factor in that you have to transfer to siptah, get the recipe and transfer Eldarium. 10K HBs is an hour of farming. Seems a proper price to me
If I were you, I would find an early access, day one person or twitch armor to swap with for you idea. Then no one would question the 10k harden brick for unique items like royal and twitch armor and atlantean swords…you are in a different league of inventory then.
Tor was interesting to play with… He ate through three skull wolves at level 1 or 2 and only lost about 1/2 health. I was amazed, that’s much better than a Greater Bear at the same level. His eyes glow blue too… easy to find him at night in the redwood forest.
DANG. I’ve been wanting that and the sword for years. Hey real quick I heard you can’t make the royal armor elite, is that accurate? I know the sword has a star metal equivalent which is why I’m questioning what I heard.
I really don’t remember.
Stay tuned I go check brb.
Up date:
I believe I have all the necessary perks “epic armor” and all that.
and it doesn’t show on the improved bench.
So I will have to say you are correct @erjoh and royal armor is regular with NO epic version.
The Sword does have an epic version. But I can’t make it because I only have the PC EA game.