The rhino space program was one of my favorite glitches
I’m still stuck on the idea of what a “berserk” horse would look like.
Add this stat.
Nerfing is not the answer. They need a true negative when you miss. Rsk reward. Right now if you do miss, you just keep riding by and restam and try agian. Basically spamming until you get the hit. If you were tonsay lose 25% stamina on horse for missing you would have to worry about counter attack. Bringing risk into the rquation. Which in most instances is missing in most “op” weapons.
I have said for a while that horse attacks need to take stamina from the horse. Whether it be with melee weapons like axes or swords, or the lance. And this is something that needs to be done for both PVE and PVP. Right now I can go up to most bosses and walk around spamming attacks with little risk to me and no cost.
The idea would be you can get a few attacks in but then have to leave or risk being knocked down. I don’t want to bring realism into the argument, but this is something that just makes sense and is relatively intuitive.
Gulp…i am saying this. We agree . The game needs more risk reward. Makes for better gaming imo.
ground pvp takes far more skill to be good at than anything revolving a horse in conan haha.
anyone can charge a horse and dismount the “greatest horse main” but gl trying to kill the best ground pvpers 1v1 in a ground fight
Bravo, well said. And to all of the cancel animation saltines that claim they are skilled, but relied on an in game macro basically to win,
Okay, I enjoyed that more than I should have.
I can also understand the claim that it takes less skill to kill someone with a lance than in melee combat. As @biggcane55 pointed out, if there’s almost no penalty for failing, then you’re free to spam-try again and again and again. Of course, if you’re me, those attempts will end up badly, but that’s beside the point
That said, the claim that using the lance takes “no skill at all” is… well, let’s just call it “rather silly” and leave it at that
But wait! There is more!
There are armors that give +3 on legs, and feet, the War-court. Plus the Bracers of the Serpent which is +9 (I see, somebody mentioned this before me). A tattoo for extra 3, and instead of a potion/fish, eat The Mastodon’s tower book for +4 STR.
I did not know ambrosia adds +1 for STR I should start worshipping Mitra.
Proper canceling needs no macro - like, AT ALL. Just another mouse click or movement.
As it is right now if you roll-dodge during a fight about 80% of the time you stand back up, and then take an automatic single heavy attack (which you did NOT tell it to do!) and then after that it stands there frozen in time as if the sword suddenly became 200lbs. During all that you are locked out of controlling the character 'except to do another roll-dodge which ultimately ends in the same bizarre sequence - WTF??? Even the bow does this - my gawd! Roll-dodge with the bow during a fight and 8 times out of ten the characters stands back up and fires another arrow (at nothing) - WTAF?
Animation canceling would just be the ability to roll-dodge and then 100% of the time, be able to turn right or left and begin running. Without the extra swing, without the 200lbs sword effect, and without the weird pauses.
Animation canceling would just be the ability at the end of a heavy attack to immediately move immediately after the swing finished - instead of the character being in suspended animation, taking extra swings at nothing, facing the wrong direction, and being hit 3 times by the enemies while you’re unable to move at all.
Animation canceling as I’m using the term, has nothing to do with macros and would not benefit from them. As it currently is, melee combat in CE is actually worse than melee combat in GTAV - and that’s the worst there is! So great, we have a new worst…
This is the main reason I like combat from horseback. None of that stuff happens with a lance, pike, or 1H weapon when attacking while mounted.
As it should be. And as it is with every other weapon in the game. You do indeed lose stamina when you “miss”. Holding the attack button until you think you are on target is quite expensive. You have about 4 tries until you are depleted - just like every other weapon in the game. And being out of stamina on horseback is dangerous because it dismounts you automatically (unarmed) - and the animation to get back on, rearm, and begin moving again is long enough most of the time that you are now probably dead - especially true if you’re near a tree or a rock where the character pauses for long periods before it actually mount again - or worse the horse ends up too close to a tree or rock and you get the “cannot mount from this location” error which flashes before your eyes just moments before your body explodes from enemy attack. The OP’s case is particularly bad because it’s nighttime amongst the trees in Siptah - and that means total blackness - good luck even finding the horse.
No, it really is just fine the way it is!
The particular kind buff stacking some folks are talking about might be a problem but typical lance usage and other forms of mounted combat are just fine!
Do you even know what you are talking about? You are also derailing the thread.
Yeah it’s the maximizing of your damage. So either prevent any damage boosts being applied to lances or reduce the damage overall.
Maybe… I dunno what the solution would be if indeed it actually is a problem. I think each weapon type should have a slider multiplier in the admin server panel myself. 0.1 ← → 400% for both Damage and Durability.
- Lance
- Dagger
- 2H
- 1h
- Dual Axes
- Bow
- Thrown Weapons
That way if they don’t like whatever FC is doing on officials they can go private, join private, go dedicated-local, or try in Co-Op or Single Player.
If you scroll up a bit, you can find @AxeIsAnnoying’s picture with the full war-court set and the stat bonus it gives, plus the rest of the setup. I think my updated post is next, but I’ll quote it here for sake of ease:
OK so when does the game become fun vs an exercise in muscle memory button mashing and accountant-level min-maxing?
Accountant-level XD
Honestly I’ve been watching this post, chin in hands and you’re all missing the mark despite the problem being mentioned by OP a few times… getting distracted with everything but (It’s not the lance or the horse that is the problem)
I completely missed that, sorry.
I am firmly against lance nerf for balance reasons as its clear a lance should skewer infantry. BUT if its such a big deal for pvp/pve-c, just remove them then. Nerfing it out of realism is the same issue as too much realism imo and as codemage aptly put, this is not a warfare game. Its perfectly fine for a combat mechanic to be missing (we dont have seige towers afterall).