No worries ^^ Just wanted to post it again in case anyone else missed it too. It doesn’t prove anything in and of itself, but it’s useful to see where all the damage numbers come from.
So enlighten us, then. I’m not really involved in this discussion since I’m hardly ever in a position to get lanced, and the server I’m on is pretty chill for the most part. I just like discussion
It’s the lag. If you look, the guy rubberbands into existence and kacks poors Axel before he knew what hit him/her/them/etc. How do you get surprised by a horse galluping at you unless there is rendering issues in the game? We were so focused on lances and damage we didn’t even see the obvious issue that horses aren’t stealth fighters.
Horses be like:
That is level of coolness.
I for one would like to see some of these experts actually give us a number on the maximum damage one can do with a charged lance on a horse.
I just want the damage potential to have a balance that justifies it…like you loose the lance or if you miss you hit the ground and fly off your horse. I’m more than willing to give the damage out…just add in some pain for it.
This is it right here. I think you all need to do more tests with this and stop focusing on velocity and lance mechanics.
Before the mounted charge multiplier, of course, because I don’t have data on that.
Yes, let’s stop focusing on the red lance hit, coming in from the side. I can’t help but be reminded of Blake Edwards’ Skin Deep.
From some tests, I’m guesstimating, but I think lance Max Damage vs a player might actually exceed our VIT Max. Is that accurate?
Will they though? Not even if their little discovery is now exposed. This is not an intended feature at all, it goes beyond that and is 100% broken.
I hope Funcom reads this and they double check it again. And I am pretty sure they will change something regarding damage stacking with lance.
Does anyone know the actual charge multipliers for mounted lances? I’ve been hunting online, and can’t find anything. I want to complete my calculations (because I get bored at work) and really want to know what the game files say. I’ve seen one discussion on reddit (ew) where they said that it was lowered from 2x to 1.2x in one of the patches, but I can’t find that information anywhere.
Yeah this game has had redonkulous power creep. I’m curious if other players actually like that there are buffs and armour now that make the characters superheroes? Coz I don’t.
Moved the rest of this post to a new thread so as not to derail too much:
poll So this is a post for more experienced players I guess. It came up in a thread about lances and I didn’t want to derail. Basically, I am not a fan of the powerful vault armours and other stackable items, and the increase in stat bonuses from armourer tiers. It turns us into superheroes when the feel of the game before was more gritty. I think it allows characters in the vanilla official game to feel too powerful, and especially causes huge balance/meta problems in PVP. I mean people like …
It is very scary.
You know the animation for the Siptah Bison when they start kicking in circles?
Also, once you’ve been stamped with a horseshoe, it is not an experience one is likely to forget.
On a less specific note, I think a lot of lance problem is tied to render problem.
Should one be able to one shot another player?
Maybe. But that is grotesquely contentious.
If they are standing still and you can get a lance on them in the charge, it’s as reasonable as slitting a throat as one lays insensate.
However, as mentioned above, one should hear the thundering of hooves from quite a distance away. The cavalier is not stealthy.
So no one should be surprise ganked by a mounted charge.
I personally have mild issue with the appearance of Jousting lances in a setting that has more in common with the Bronze Age than the Late Middle Ages/Early Renaissance. Even beyound that, Tourney lances and field lances were significantly different. The longer tourney lances designed to unhorse and shatter, the significantly more deadly and durable field lances designed to skewer. Blah blah blah historical semantics.
If we are considering a dismounted counter to the lance charge, rather than a spear technique (I am not calling those short things pikes), make it the dismounted Lance move. That way it is easy to keep at the same (or boost for slightly superior) reach. Hold down button to set to receive just as you hold down button to couch while mounted. Use the same mechanic that unhorses and does damage based on relative velocity.
the biggest problem when trying to get changes done in conan, is a bunch of roleplayers with 500 hours typing in forums like they know a damn thing about PVP.
how does a simple thread about a clearly overpowered weapon, get derailed so much.
sometimes the best thing to say, is nothing.
Uh oh. Looks like the thread police are here.
ty for proving my point
Thank you for proving his point. Although I guess it’s nice that this thread lasted a bit longer before it devolved into the usual trench warfare of name-calling. And that’s largely thanks to @AxeIsAnnoying, because he’s one of the PVP players who’s actually capable of talking to others like they’re fellow humans.
Heaven forbid some of us ask some questions about things that seem like bugs or discuss all the factors that make the damage so high. No, that’s “derailing” and it will be punished by passive-aggressive snide remarks from a handful of people who think they’re the God’s Gift To Gaming, as demonstrated by yourself and @Barnes.
Now all we need is @biggcane55 to pop up with his “wolfpack” catchphrase and we’ve got the Conan Exiles PVP Forum Bingo.
I don’t know why I even bothered to start participating here again.
Once again, thanks for the patience, @AxeIsAnnoying.
On a less specific note, I think a lot of lance problem is tied to render problem.
Should one be able to one shot another player?
Maybe. But that is grotesquely contentious.
If they are standing still and you can get a lance on them in the charge, it’s as reasonable as slitting a throat as one lays insensate.
However, as mentioned above, one should hear the thundering of hooves from quite a distance away. The cavalier is not stealthy.
So no one should be surprise ganked by a mounted charge.
As a horseman it would seem there should be some consideration paid to two horses colliding at pace like this. This is one of a handful of reasons horses should be refreshed and/or replaced.
As for the death, it seems to get all kluged up there at the end. I think a lot of people might not be understanding the loss of stamina, by death process, and it might confuse them. For people who die by the sword or pull their bracelets and face the exhausted stamina message, the death sequence makes more sense the way you put it (a render problem).
Personally I liked the idea of 1-hit strokes or Critical Hits. A high-enough-dmg two-handed sword should have a Critical Hit worked in there somewhere. I just assert (again, not to be repetitive) that we need real-world player testing to see if and by how much the lance is out of whack.