So this is OK, right?

Why let people get to you? You got great feedback in most areas and self regulate when you aren’t sure. The basic reality of forums is that everyone’s opinion and posts can and probably will tick someone else off. Another is that nothing good comes from squashing other points of view. If someone’s ideals cannot withstand inquiry from someone from the outside, then the issue isn’t the person questioning but the ideal itself. I believe that is a classic logical fallacy but I forget which one it is.


That’s what gets to me: squashing other points of view. It’s not about being factually wrong. I’m no stranger to being told I’m wrong, that’s a normal part of discussion. In fact, that’s why I ask questions in the first place, because I want to know. It’s about being told you’re not allowed to even ask questions because… well… reasons, I guess. Super important reasons. :roll_eyes:

It’s not just shіtty elitism, it comes hand in hand with hypocrisy and crocodile tears from those who tell you to shut up in the same breath they use to complain about how they’re not allowed to have their own discussions.

And for some reason, that bothers me. If I had a shrink, I would probably have to ask them to help me work on that :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: But let’s not go on about this, please. This kind of thing does actually derail a thread and it just gives these people more reasons to play victim. I’ll just shut up and fuсk off like a good little role player :crazy_face:


Yeah well I think PVP needs some more RP and less junk character buids, junk base builds, and junk mentality where win-at-all costs trumps server enjoyment (IE my fun is more important than everyone elses)


There’s always the “New Thread” button for asking questions.

@Kikigirl identified the elephant in the room. We don’t know how much damage potential we’re dealing with here, and whether Server conditions are at play.

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There’s also a perfectly functional “Reply” button that can be used for questions related to the actual topic. It’s not like I was asking which Sepermeru merchant sells feathers.

Yep. Which is one of the reasons why I was asking the question, to determine if it affects damage or not. You’ll notice that I stopped asking once @AxeIsAnnoying explained that, in his tests, the lance did 554 HP of damage to a stationary target. As soon as I saw that, I agreed that 554 HP is way too freaking much regardless of relative velocity.

So again, is there any reason we should keep derailing this thread by arguing over which questions we’re allowed to ask and which people are allowed to ask questions? Or can we agree that sometimes people want to talk about things and there’s no malice behind it and it’s okay and we’ll get there eventually?

I mean, I’m fine either way. Every time I’m told to STFU, I’ll either reply in kind or take a break from the forums, depending on how busy I am and how much I can be bothered to care. But it’s so much more interesting to talk about the game itself.

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I don’t believe I’ve participated in the derailing of this thread. In fact, I keep trying to steer it back to the substantive “nut” of the story.

Secondarily, I think finding DamageMax data might take some time, and might need to be independently verified.

Then why are you not already going into Coop and test it out with a friend just to confirm? All the people do here on the forums, is argue argue argue and compare to realism.

We need facts and based on facts Funcom can act accordingly.


There’s a specific thread for the mounted charge multiplier now.


Except I’m not trying to tell Funcom how the PVP side of the game should work. When it comes to PVP, I might toss out an idea onto the table to see if anyone likes it, but I won’t be assertive about it unless it’s something that affects PVE.

No, I’m mad on my behalf. I’ve run into way too many people like you on these forums who just can’t resist the urge to tell other people to shut up. And, to echo your thoughts, I’m sick and tired of that. There’s no place for that on a forum where we’re supposed to have conversations on what we want from the game.

Especially when it turns out that Funcom actually does take feedback from these forums and acts on it, which often ends up in hundreds of complaints when they finally do implement something based on that feedback.

So no, I don’t think I’ll shut up just because you thought that your 10k hours of PVP somehow gave you the right to be condescending and rude to others.



Your experience means jack. If you can’t convince people of your ideas through civil argumentation, then leave it alone - amicably.

The best ideas will rise to the top, it’s okay if you aren’t the one to propel them there.

I’m sick and tired of people waving around their experience like a cudgel to silence dissenters when they cant adequately defend the position their experience has lead them to hold.


The only person that’s derailing this thread is you, with your ridiculous “skreeeeeeeee!!” about how non-approved folks are participating in this discussion and that just shouldn’t ever be allowed to happen.

You made your comments, several people agreed that you hit the nail on the head and then the thread moved on. Did you expect it to stop after that?

What exactly is it that happened that got your knickers twisted into such a tight bunch? Your tantrum seemed wildly out of place given the generally friendly tone of the discussion up until that point.


I’ve been playing PvP for a while now on Playstation. I believe the biggest issue this game has is separating out PVE and PVP like they are two separate games. They aren’t. It’s just the setting of risk you are wanting in the game. Do you want no risk to your build and your stuff, risk to your stuff but not your build, or risk to it all? That is all the settings are…risks willing to take. The game SHOULD be played identically regardless because the point of the game is the same…IG=survive, OOG=Enjoy time playing with other people that like the game. If this sounds completely alien, then something got lost and you need to do some serious reflection on what to point of playing this game reallly is about. We all want the same thing…the game to be better. That requires changing the game…not just the parts you want changed but the entire game for the enjoyment of all playing. We talk like PVP focus is different than PvE and that isn’t the case. I do believe the goals are identical. Play the game and enjoy it with the people you are playing with. Since the goals are the same…we can provide insights to eachother on how to achieve this goal.

Let’s not, okay?

EDIT: This was directed at the deliberately off-topic posts above.

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!. I have a job. 2. Because I’m not like the rest of the lot who have time to sit around and joke and get flagged. 3. Lame. Seriously, what is going on here? I had to go to town for provisions, I come back and it’s pandaemonium.

It’s not my sole responsibility to test. Nor should it be accepted, as this would just be anecdote. So I’m kinda hoping others will chip in.


There is a great truth…
The story of legendary weapons that nerfed badly, lifeblood spear, act of violence, bastard sword, yogs touch, etc… Because of pvp complains, pve will always pay the prize and this is a fact, undeniable. In your question long ago how to balance Siptah with exile lands the answer was the horses finally. Maybe this is the reason lances are so op. If this IS the reason, then it demands second thoughts. But…
There is always a but, I know sorry, I played pvp and one shot is discouraging for the victim, maybe awesome for the preditor, but a clean terror for the victim. And how many persons will build full vitality? How many new players can stand the blow of a horse? How many can avoid it?
There are a lot to go to the end of the line for a finally balanced pvp in my opinion, so thank God pvp is not my problem anymore.
What is my problem, is the constant massacre of pve for balancing pvp. Somehow this have to end sometime :pensive:.


This thread was on a great track until someone decided to bring up nerfs (I’m not even going to bother to scroll up to see who did it, I saw the post, I didn’t remember who did it, it doesn’t matter). Then it went totally off topic, people began to personally attack each other, it went PVP vs PVE, RPers got insulted out of the blue, and it just went to crap all round.

This is lending more and more to the idea that nerf threads and comments ought to be disallowed on the forums. SOE used to have this forum policy before they became Daybreak and it forced forum goer’s to stay on topic, more or less stay constructive, and if they wanted a balance change, they had to go about it in a discussion that went somewhere.

Not allowing things like:

This needs to be nerfed.
This needs to be removed.
This needs to be cut in half.
etc etc.

Forces people to be a bit more constructive and not so combative. And yes I know this is off-topic (though just going by forum title, maybe not), but you all took this off topic already. I was having a decent discussion in the thread, having a little humor, and actually having some decent concepts being thrown around. I didn’t cause this thread to degrade. I’m just pointing out exactly what did cause it to do so.

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I wrote this directly to you as an example. I meant everyone here who participates in this discussion.

If you don’t have time, it’s fine ofc. But I would to see more testing and proving done.

im sorry that you felt like i was talking to you. when in fact i was talking to the guy who started talking about animation cancel, and how melee combat is much more skilled.
but hey, if you felt attacked i guess thats for a reason. what that reason is ill leave up to you to figure out :wink:
i love how you react to me being, according to you, condescending. by yourself being condescending. the irony in that is beautifull.

the thing is, im not trying to convince you roleplayers. i couldnt care less about you actually.
but you are making it harder to convince funcom, by making all your invalid requests and ideas, because you dont know what you are talking about.
or to put in terms you may better understand, dont ask the blacksmith how to do a carpenters job.

why is it so bad talking about nerfs? the more balanced the game is, the more enjoyable its gonna be to the most players.
a better idea would be to split the communities up in pvp and pve. that way we dont need to have the flower specialists comment on the balancing on a pvp mechanic.

I am trying to rephrase what has been said on the forums as answer:

Because nerfs were handled very badly by Funcom in the past (Lifeblood spear, SoC etc.) and affect some players PvE/PvP game negatively (thrall nerfs, animation nerfs, healing nerfs etc.).