Honestly I am entirely underwhelmed, my expectations were low and they failed to meet that, environment looks exactly the same as to what we are used to, there has been a major reuse of Environment assets & the whole dungeon spawning thrall thing I think was designed around not wanting to make a ton of custom camps so using a custom sky spawner object for thralls(basically copying the meteorite script and adding thralls to it), grinding thralls is going to be utterly joyless so fast.
I think the thrall spawning will be good. It will force people to venture to specific places and that means more player interactions even if the server is only partially populated.
I still laugh that peoples answer to solving actual problems on public server is still “play private”
I’m sure this DLC will fix it all
I’m glad you’re laughing. Because playing on a private server fixed 100% of all my problems that I had on a public server.
I’m sure the DLC will 100% not fix any of the problems you have on official public servers, because the entire problem on official public servers is how people behave.
i agree, on the few material showed seem to be really symply texture rework and massive re use of old assets, i wait to see more to really have an advice.
Totally independent:
To be any more excited than i am right now about this thing, you prob need to go full Fear and Loathing.
Since you’re running a private server, I see no reason why you wouldn’t be able to just transfer existing characters to a new save. Even if the database structs are different to accommodate new features, it shouldn’t take much work to bash together a script to copy over core bits like name/level/steamid/clan/whatever.
I think we’re ok with creating new characters. Part of the fun.
Happens in EVERY game, you must be new to this stuff to not expect that…
I have a private server so as long as you don’t need to change the map on my server to play that one is great.
I’m very exited about this update, but i didn’t like the part where you have to summon thralls from the tower in order to capture them, i guess it forces players to engage each other, but i don’t like it, i hope there is another way to find thralls, or better yet, to discover the knowledge to master the character craftmanship…
My prediction is that there could be normal Thrall’s that you could find in the map(other shipwreck survivors) but that the one’s we summon from the tower could be considered higher quality. Though this is all prediction from what has been seen so far as it does seem to be the tower “kidnaps” people from what is seen in the trailer as there was one NPC that was wearing Cimmerian armor while another human NPC that was wearing Aesir armor.
These “surges of magic” look like a new Purge system. It even rhymes – Surge vs. Purge
If they are, I’m okay with it. If it’s something even more fun, so much the better. But I definitely don’t consider “kidnapping” people’s thralls fun, especially not if it takes as many hours to level a thrall as it does in the base game. And that would be even worse if they actually enable the follower limit.
As I mentioned above, you’ll need to create a new character, they’re totally independent, and there is no going back and forth:
I guess as usual, those poor souls who trusted Funcom, and bought the “season passes” are F’d again? Looks like they’re trying to kill off old CE. Not sure as this rates $20 price tag even for “early access”. a redecorated rhino and beasts in the storm, which should have been in the original. As usual, I’m under impressed too.
Was there a 2020 season pass? I don’t remember seeing that.
How on earth are they killing off old CE? lmao seriously?
Ark has several maps and people play on all of the maps all of the time.
We literally had every post on social media chained with people saying “new map please” and now its a new map and we have people chained up angry at Funcom.
Just wow lol.
Ohhh, and in a post at YT, my thoughts were:
“I hope we can build portals that connect both maps. Say you end up naked on the Island of Siptah, build a portal that sends you back. You build the other portal in your base, and voila! You can step through both ways as you see fit. If one portal is destroyed, say in the Exiled Lands, you get tele-ported to the spawn-points at the desert. If the portal at the island is destroyed, you get tele-ported to the beach.”
But it’s a new character, it’s Conan Exiles 2 at this point.