Some DLC content becomes useless after lvl 10 (and even permenantly locked at lvl 60!)

Hey all. I’ve noticed something that really bugs me and frustrates me about the (awesome-looking) DLC stuff.

I love the new content, can I just make that clear, oh it’s so nice. The attention to detail and the BEAUTIFUL designs gone into the textures and meshes… really nice yet some areas really simple low-poly put together with high density, making really effective designs.

My issue is that as soon as I unlock Steel age technology, all these beautiful Bows become useless and out-graded by the Steel counterparts, but I cannot make any of the DLC style bows out of Steel!!! Only Iron!!!

Why has this not been spotted? I get the idea that there is some kind of “epic” version later on up the levelling for the player, to keep the DLC weapons “viable”, but that’s not fair for the entire rest of levelling from level 10 upwards all the way to end-game, for that MASSIVE period of time, I’m missing out on content that I’ve paid for, guys, c’mon I wanna make a STEEL Khitan Bow. Why can’t I?

Why do I have to wait all the rest of the game until I am top level to unlock Epic stuff? I’ve played the game with dull-looking weapons, compared to the lovely DLC weapons. (makes me wanna cry) :’(

just kidding; I have a suggestion here. Why don’t you next time, make the DLC content a skin that is applied to any type of weapon material/level. That way, I can turn my Iron/Steel/Hardened Steel/Starmetal bow into the Khitan Steel bow, or Khitan Starmetal Bow… get it?

The funny thing is, my skin suggestion? You’ve ALREADY done this for DLC Horses and other Animals…

I WANT AN ANY-LEVEL KHITAN BOW! This way, I can enjoy my DLC content no matter my character’s level! :smiley: YAY!

Thanks for listening.


One more reason to play on a private modded server where with the help of Fashionist you can use those DLCs as skins.


I’m glad to hear there are mods for this, but as a paid for product, one shouldn’t have to access and d/l unofficial 3rd party content to fix broken DLC yanno?


You can get to maximum level in just a day or two if you grind it out, then get the epic bows. Even if you don’t want to rush, it can be done in just a week. I don’t think it’s a big deal to not have a specific look for the bow for that amount of time. The epic DLC bows are really cheap to make, so you can have one very soon after reaching 60.


Thing is though, I don’t agree with that mindset.

Why pay for a lovely looking and tasting restaurant meal only to chug it down in one gulp?


It is not in any way a massive period of time. As Wolfkyn said, you can get there in under a week even without rushing. You would actually have to intentionally not gain experience, or intentionally adjust experience gain through settings to make it take longer than that.

As for your lovely meal analogy, it really isn’t the same because if you consider level 60 to be the end of the game, you are viewing this game completely wrong. Level 60 is the beginning of the actual game, levels 1-59 are more of an introduction.

Nevertheless, the iron phase of gear is very short and it is true that the first DLC pieces become obsolete almost as soon as they become viable. Rather than add a steel variant, the iron variant should have just been steel instead. I doubt Funcom would have any interest in going back and changing it though, and they will probably keep doing iron for future DLCs as well, for consistency.


Hm, no this is basically saying the same thing as the other comment, you’re missing the whole point.

It has taken me longer than a week to get to lvl 50. I like to explore and build bases and, well, sandbox. I also like to hunt and do pretty much everything there is to do.

But I have had to spend time using equipment from the base game, which has rendered DLC, which cost me money, useless. Does that not kind of look like an issue?

I don’t think the solution to this is to “quit whining and go grind at it like a mindless robot until I reach lvl 60 in a week”… to paraphrase what’s being suggested here. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

If you want to sell DLC for real money, but the base game renders the DLC redundant, how does that make the DLC worth anything?


Ok, you’re wrong. I did not in any way suggest you need to grind. I said that leveling will take less than a week unless you intentionally don’t level.

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Alright, that’s fine. No worries. I do like the mention of the game starting at lvl 60, like “life begins at 40” kind of thing, that does actually put my mind at ease.

But I’m not budging on my standpoint (lol)


Yup, all us vets (LOL - like, I’m a vet hehehe) forget what it’s like the first time playing. My first time with CE was in EL and IIRC, it took me 3 weeks to hit level 60. Heh, it took me 3 days just to figure out what those little feet were walking across my screen every once in awhile. :stuck_out_tongue: Now, with a new character, I’m level 60 typically in a single day.


true, true, I mean with the admin tools here you can crack this lil game wide open and spill it all over the floor.

But the point is being lost here, I don’t want to play this game so fast! XP for doing nothing is turned OFF, amongst other settings…

Point is, soon as it’s time to step up to a new metal for your weapons, the DLC is obsolete and you have to pay for this DLC, so I just think it would make more sense to validate the price by allowing the DLC content to still be accessible throughout all the levelling, rather than having to wait and have this weird gap where the DLC is obsolete and therefore not earning it’s dollar that I spent.

Like, literally right now (I’ve just tabbed out of game to reply), I’m holding a Hardened Steel Bow that I don’t want or like, because I got a glimpse of the Khitan bebey!!! But I am having to wait annoyed until I get to unlock the darn epic stuff and it shouldn’t be the case, whether it’s 1 week, 1 day or 5 minutes, there’s a gap of the paid DLC being rendered invalid, obsolete, null, void, useless, worthless. I actually have made a suggestion to make it a crafting skin, EXACTLY like how they already have the black and white Horses…

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I never even looked at that for the 1st six months. The guys I played with talked about it being there, but it was a mystery to me until they stopped playing and I decided to set up the dedicated server on my box.

I agree about the DLC… but that too was a mystery to me for the longest time. I was purely vanilla for the first 8 months and still would be but I mistakenly read the Wiki to imply that the Aqulonian DLC was required to make something (I think it was oil on the Alchemy bench???). But then after I got it… nope… standard bench, T3 thrall required - or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also agree that the DLC should (if not just be a skin), cover all the metal grades. Iron, Steel, Hardened Steel, Eldarium, Obsidian, Star Metal, and maybe even Black Ice.


yeah, well, at least y’all have been making some encouraging points, regarding how the game has lots of longevity and not to worry when reaching a higher level. It’s encouraging

And I guess until I can telepathically instruct the devs to make the changes, using mind control- eh never mind, yeah I can always look forward to the Epic stuff fir now LOL!

Thanks all for your insights. You’re a tough crowd!

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I’m confused. It’s useless after level 10? You know when you first enter the game and you use just plain old plant fiber to make that crappy looking cloths (don’t really want to call it armor) and you make your first set of stone weapons. Yeah seriously, you can make that coarse tunic set, a pair of stone daggers and that’s all you need to get to level 60. The DLC items are WAY better than those, yet you can get to level 60 with just that. So to say they are useless after level 10, you are doing something horribly wrong. And in case you are wondering yes, I have done it. Why? Just to do it.

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It is pointless to have steel tier since in no time, you will be able to craft star metal. I agree that it will be cool to be able to use those weapons as skins in the base game in PvE, it is a highly requested feature. However, Funcom have stated in the past that they don’t want people to be able to hide the gear they are wearing for PvP reasons. Furthermore, the DLCs are the way they are as Funcom don’t want them to be “pay2win”. Some of the EPIC gear sets are still used.

It is extremely unlikely, Funcom to add to or change the DLC content after it was released. You are also aware what you are purchasing as it is stated in the DLC description. It is up to you to decide if you want to spend your money on it or not.


We’d best leave the restaurant analogy I’ve had to delete a whole menu of food and I caused such a headache wall of text.

so- If the base game has weapons in it that render the DLC weapons useless…having spent more money on the DLC only to find this out.
This is my point and the suggestion I have is to make the weapons DLC the same as the horse DLC, which does do a skin recipe for any horse… get it?

It’s real money here. I could happily discuss the restaurant analogy all day, but real money has gone out of my bank so I kind of take it more seriously as a principle yanno?

OMG… some of the replies here are turning my stomach, what have gamers turned into???

Prime fresh meat for the AAA corpos to abuse oh dear god, is there any sense left in this community???

No body’s getting the point LOL :man_facepalming:



Oh dear Lord… I’m totally not surprised one bit that yet again PvP has ruined the game because of “balancing” (they don’t want players to hide what weapons they have??..)

It’s totally a thing in Elder Scrolls Online; Players have several outfits they can wear that are made of totally different skins, lol! And it has no affect on PvP whatsoever. (and they have weapon and shield dyeing implemented…)

wow, there’s a whole different mindset here, sorry I’m from other games, new to Conan. Funcom would learn many things from Zenimax, who are way ahead in this genre

If you’re playing in Single-Player, or on a private server, you can use mods like Fashionist. It lets you choose the skin you like regardless of the weapon and armor you use. That would solve the problem for you.

If you’re playing on official, well, no luck.

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Ok, gotcha, now I can see why it’s actually necessary. I think for the DLC to have a few building blocks and a handful of skins it seemed pretty expensive to me, especially finding out it becomes useless half way thru levelling.

But I guess I have much to learn eh, being new to this game and all. Thanks for the input all.